
Magic? Swords? Nah, I have Guns

Noah, just a "normal" university student found himself in a crossfire between his fathers illegal black market business and his competitors that resulted in gun wars. As a supportive son, as well as the young master and the successor of the "business", he joyously involved himself. Equipped with guns and a wicked grin, he proceeded to do what was needed to be done with his title as the "Gun Manic" Ohhh shit, I died! Being backstabbed by his fathers trusted comrades, he found himself with a knife at his chest. He bleed, spatting out curses and blood. At least that was what was supposed to happen. Noah found himself waking up to an unknown world with magic and swords. As if those didn't shock him enough, he was bestowed a system. And in that system, the specifics of his unique ability was displayed. [Exclusive Ability: Armament Creation] With a big and wicked grin, Noah uttered, "Magic? Swords? Nah. I have Guns."

P0tatoAlien · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Armament Creation

[Armament Creation: As the master of the skill, you can create infinite weapons out of thin air.]

That was...short.

As Noah read the specifics of his skill, he was somewhat expecting a long and very descriptive description of his skill but it was shockingly short.

Moreover, the skill seemed very simple yet the potential it held was very big.

Not gonna lie, Noah was expecting something very powerful for his exclusive skill just like those in games. For example, with a snap, he could kill of a race. With a breath he could annihilate an entire city and many more.

Still, Noah knew that this skill of his, simple as it may look, was really powerful given the right owner.

With a big grin on his face, Noah tried the skill out.

As for what weapon he wanted to make?

Should such a question even need to be asked?

Noah raised his hand and saw a gun manifest in his fingertips. The gun looked different compared to those on earth, however, this was a gun made only out of Noah's imagination, or more accurately, out of his desire.

The gun was in the shape of a pistol however it was much longer than those on earth, it was all black in color but red lines were coursing through the surface of the gun as if it was blood.

Noah inspected the gun and it looked absolutely stunning in his eyes. However there was no magazine, he wondered how it would fire.

He looked at Hans beneath his feet, without blinking, he pointed the gun at his head.

Hans on the other hand, seeing the gun manifest on Noah's hand, he could only resign his life.

Moreover, in his mind, he thought, 'So it was like that, I never had a chance to begin with, you were a mage, how foolish of me.'

The manifestation of a gun in Noah's hand only pointed towards him being a mage, only mages could do such things, after all, it was magic.


With a pull on the trigger, Hans died with a gapping hole on his forehead. It was as big as a babies fists and it went through the back.

Noah could only rein his excitement in but the trembling of his eyes could not be concealed.


It was the most apt word Noah could find to describe the gun. What fired out the gun was no bullet, instead it was concentrated mana and when it left the gun, it flashed red and shoot forth at a very fast speed leaving only a red trail.

The result of the gunshot left a gapping hole in Hans' head penetrating through his skull which was a big testimony to it's deadly damage output.

However, the only drawback was that it was draining, half of his MP was already reduced.

[You have leveled up]

[You have gained 2 stat points.]


As expected, killing someone leveled him up, just like in the games. That meant, he only needed to kill to get stronger right?

Noah already knew how to do that. He canceled his skill and the gun disintegrated into specks of red light. Noah didn't even need to consider before he allocated his 2 available AP to MP making it 14 in total and his AP 0.

Noah knelt and inspected Hans' corpse. After some moments, he found a few things. A pouch filled with bronze coins and a few silver coins- must be the currency of this world. Aside from this, the others were deemed unnecessary and was thrown away. 

Noah also took Hans' leather armor. Even though it was damaged, it was better than anything Noah had - which was practically nothing, just thin rugs for clothing. At least this would give him some form of protection even if it was only a little. 

Once Noah wore the leather armor, he didn't feel stiff when moving as he expected, even though he could still feel the leather armor wrapped in his torso, it didn't hinder his movement, if it did, he would have discarded it without a second thought. Naturally, as Noah had already taken Hans' money and armor, why not include his weapon?

Noah brandished his short sword, testing it out on the empty air, after which, he placed it in the scabbard and attached it to his waist. He also wiped his dirty and bloodied face.

His ink-black eyes panned around his surroundings but then stopped at a certain lying body. 

'He should have only lost consciousness...'

Noah closed in on the body and then once he knew the dude was breathing, he kicked it on the side in hopes of waking it up. The first time didn't work so he did it once again, this time however, he did it much harder.

"WHAT THE F-." Before the man could even finish his sentence, he was met with a sword blade on his neck.

He gulped in fear, his eyes bulging out as sweat landed on the surface of the blade.

His eyes darted left to right, the horror on his face that was already there became worse when he saw his comrades on the ground basking in their pool of blood - even his boss was no exception.

His eyes became watery.

Ohh god lord, what had happened in the moment he fell unconscious.

"Wh-what do you want, spare my li-life please, I'll do anything." Snot dripped from his nose. This was the arrogant man who had first approached Noah in order to teach him some "lesson" yet look at it now, the situation more than just flipped.

Fear gripped his heart as he looked at the absolute devil infront of his, those endless abyss-like eyes were really unnerving.

"It's best you only open your mouth when you answer my questions... truthfully!!"

"Ye-!!, ommpp!" He nodded his head profusely resembling a chicken continuously pecking on the ground.

Noah retracted his sword and placed it back in the scabbard.