
Ryu Naozomi

The world has reached the epitome of perfection but the people still work hard to make it more perfect. This perfection had its own consequences.In this age Sex does not exist. The technology is so advanced that there is no need to mate, everything is made artifically even humans.

Year 3013

Ryu Naozomi was just another regular worker in this age. He had no family, noone did. Family was just a waste of time and there was no need for such things which distract them from advancing their technologies.

The alarm clock rang and Ryu woke up from his sleep went to bathroom took a bath after that he went in to the kitchen. He pressed the button on the vending type machine and he got his breakfest.

He works in the arc reactor plant all world energy is provided by the arc reactor. He finished his breakfest close the door his house and went on his way to the plant.

Arc Reactor Plant

The scanner scanned the ID of Ryu there were many more like him ,both males and females coming to the plant to do their jobs.

Just has entered the plant there was a loud explosion and everthing around the plant perished in to nothingness.