
magic rivals

GTCG_6320 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

1 The master wizard and rivals

There were rivals the protagonist named Yamushi and the rival named Shiki but the, protagonist has all the control of elements, all weaponry and every magic .The Shiki has good control of magic and element . But Yamushi had less extension of magic ,he once went to a mountain to train but while he was training he saw a wizard training some new magic .It was summoning magic Yamushi saw that and he was extremely shocked,how did he did that ,then Yamushi asked the wizard would you train me,the wizard saw he has immense power so he started training Yamushi .

Before Yamushi started training his magic levels were

Base power 190


element control 10/100

weaponry magic 15/20

summoning 0/100

creation magic 1/100

mixed elemental magic 2/100

mixed elemental styles ,ice,wood.

Shiki is a decendet of black wizard he all ways trained with the help of black wizards and his father was king of black wizards and he is very talented and his magic levels were

Base power 230


element control 20/100

Black magic 5/100

regeneration magic 15/100

creation magic 5/100

mixed elemental magic 7/100

mixed elements Bone,ice

Yamushi and Shiki went out side of the country for training after 3 years Yamushi came Back and he asked for Shiki but know that the Shiki didn't returned he was on adventure to find Shiki . but when he was ready to go,but the Black wizards destroying village .