
Magic resurfaces:I've awakened a full set of powers?

It's like waking up in a different world. In a world that once revered science and reason, magic now reigns supreme. In the ancient high school halls, what is taught is no longer mathematics, science and chemistry, but the mysteries of all kinds of magic, and every student aspires to become a top magician. Outside the city, it is no longer a peaceful countryside, but a realm where magical beasts roam, always spying on the city's tranquility and attempting to break the fragile peace. In this brand new world of magic, most people could only devote their lives to focusing on the cultivation of one line of magic. However, Mo Fan found himself to be different - he possessed the talent of all systems of magic, becoming a rare all-round mage. His mentor, although still looking at him with a critical eye, had to recognize his exceptional talent. His classmates, although they looked at him differently, also secretly admired his talent. His father, still struggling silently at the bottom of society, was proud of his son's special ability. And Mo Fan's family, there is a sister who can not walk, she is not blood relatives, but their relationship is better than a brother and sister. Her innocence and beauty allow Mo Fan to always maintain a kind heart on the path of practicing magic. In this world full of magic and fantasy, how will Mo Fan utilize his full range of magical talents to protect the people he loves, as well as this brand new world? All the stories, start from here.

Ye_Hunter · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Real Class



This was a residential area built around a half-city mountain. Following the road lined with iron fences, one would eventually reach the end of the road, where Mo Fan's home was located.


It was a short, one-and-a-half-story building, with peeling paint revealing the red bricks beneath. Surrounding it were numerous odds and ends.


Most of the neighbors' houses boasted three-and-a-half stories, and after undergoing renovations and decorations, they looked more like homes. In contrast, Mo Fan's humble abode, tucked in the farthest corner, appeared especially shabby and outdated.


"Mo Fan, you're back! I have good news for you." As soon as he reached his doorstep, a mud-covered youth jumped out, his face filled with joy.


This mud-covered boy was named Zhang Hou, a child from the same old neighborhood and someone who had grown up alongside Mo Fan.


"What's the good news?" asked Mo Fan.


"The princess is back! I saw her today at the entrance of the manor. Oh, you wouldn't believe how beautiful she is now. She's like an angel." Zhang Hou said excitedly.


Mo Fan glanced at the manor facing the street. It was a beautifully landscaped area that made the entire city envy. Every inch of land was carefully manicured, reaching the level of a genuine garden.


However, this picturesque urban garden was now surrounded by tall iron fences.


He remembered that when he was young, there were no fences, and he often brought the children from this street to play in the manor.


At the top of the manor stood several exquisite European-style villas, which resembled fairy tale castles in the eyes of these mischievous children. And indeed, there lived a princess inside the castle who was so beautiful that it took one's breath away. She was around the same age as them, and Mo Fan often led a group of children to sneak her out and play together...


But somehow, the manor was fenced off, and the adults on the street no longer allowed the children to trespass. The princess who once played with everyone truly became the princess of the castle, becoming increasingly inaccessible as she grew older. They saw her less and less.


"You know, I heard that the princess is now a top student in magic at a prestigious school in the capital. She has an unparalleled ability for ice magic, and she can already cast ice spells at just 15 years old," Zhang Hou whispered mysteriously.


Mo Fan was stunned. If Zhang Hou had told him that the princess had won some national Olympiad award, he would have felt nothing, but being an ice mage was truly remarkable!


Most people only underwent awakening and obtained their first magic element at 16, which was usually in their first year of high school.


Even after obtaining a magic element, it didn't mean one was a mage. One still needed to undergo lengthy training, obtain a magic book, and practice diligently to cast a spell. This princess was truly something else; she was already a genuine mage at 15!


Could she be a prodigy? A prodigy in the magical world!


"Mo Fan, I feel sorry for you. If you had tried harder back then, maybe you could have won over the innocent princess. She's both talented and beautiful. Wow, we envy you so much," Zhang Hou said with raised eyebrows.


"Those were just childish things, forget about them," said Mo Fan, ignoring him.


Upon hearing their conversation, Mo Jiaxing, Mo Fan's father, coughed and ushered his son into the house.


As soon as they entered, his father said, "I'm going out for a while. Xin Xia is staying with her aunt, so she probably won't be back."


"Alright, I understand," said Mo Fan.




Mo Jiaxing left hurriedly, and Mo Fan walked around the house, noticing that nothing had actually changed — the house was still barren.


The world had evolved, yet their poverty remained unchanged. How come their family hadn't swapped places with the one in the manor? It seemed like the heavens had gone through great lengths to transform science into magic, yet couldn't even bother with such a trifle.


The only thing worth celebrating was that his appearance hadn't changed — he was still as handsome and charming as ever.


Sitting at home was boring, and there was nothing to do, so Mo Fan decided to go for a stroll to see if anything else had changed.


As he walked down the seldom-used mossy path, just about to turn onto the main street, Mo Fan caught sight of his father's old pickup truck.


His father was a driver, originally employed by the gentleman at the manor, but somehow got transferred to the logistics department. He mainly helped the manor's residents with purchases, and ever since then, the family's financial situation had plummeted.


"Jiaxing, your request is a bit unreasonable. You know I've been kind to you in the past. After what your son did, I still gave you a procurement job. If it were anyone else, I would have fired them on the spot." A middle-aged man's slow voice rang out.


"Brother Mu He, this is my last time asking for your help. Enrolling him in Tianlan Magic High School costs too much. You know our financial situation. We can't afford it." Mo Jiaxing's voice was low and submissive.


"Why are you doing this for your worthless son? If he can't get into magic school through merit, then let him fend for himself. He's almost 16 now. And even if I help you this time and get him into the magic school, given his character, he'll probably still be a slacker and never become a real mage. Becoming a mage isn't easy. It requires not only natural talent and hard work, but also things like magic books, magic artifacts, and tools — none of which your family can afford. Without these aids, he won't even become a beginner mage..." The man named Mu He spoke in a sincere tone, but Mo Fan heard only arrogance.


"He really wants to learn this time. Brother Mu He, if you're willing to help me this time, we'll move out of the Mu Manor immediately, as you requested. That way, Master Mu can rest assured. And I promise that my son won't go near Mu Ningxue again." Mo Jiaxing's voice came through.


"Well, that's something to consider."


Upon hearing that they were willing to move out, the man named Mu He seemed interested in continuing the conversation.




A young boy leaned against the wall, listening to the conversation and feeling increasingly complicated emotions.


He thought that with the change in the world, many terrifying relationships would also change, but apparently... nothing had changed at all.


The wealthy from the prestigious Mu Village still held a lofty position, while his struggling father, Mo Jiaxing, was still struggling at the bottom, constantly begging for favors. Mu He, the chairman behind Tianlan Magic High School, could have easily allowed him to enter the school with just a word.


But upon hearing that his father was willing to move out of the Mu Village, Mu He seemed relieved and readily agreed.


In the end, the conversation ended with his father, Mo Jiaxing, continuously thanking Mu He, while Mu He drove away in his luxurious car, leaving behind the lonely and worn-out pickup truck, much like his father.


How could this be a dream?


It was as cruel as reality itself. Standing against the wall with heavy breathing, Mo Fan realized clearly that his family's situation had not changed at all, and their humble status remained the same.


The traditional titles of "master" and "sister," which should have ended in modern times, were still in existence. In fact, certain families with historical backgrounds and lineages still occupied the positions of superiority. Although those who served them were no longer called servants and did not need to bow, the fate of these people from the bottom was still firmly grasped in the hands of the wealthy and influential, who could manipulate them as they pleased.


Mo Fan was born into such a lowly background, dominated by a wealthy family named Mu.


Something intense seemed to be stirring within his heart, and his fists clenched tightly, pounding against the mottled wall.


"You Mu family, don't underestimate me for being young and destitute!"


"When I rise to prominence, I will make you repay me tenfold, a hundredfold!"