
Magic resurfaces:I've awakened a full set of powers?

It's like waking up in a different world. In a world that once revered science and reason, magic now reigns supreme. In the ancient high school halls, what is taught is no longer mathematics, science and chemistry, but the mysteries of all kinds of magic, and every student aspires to become a top magician. Outside the city, it is no longer a peaceful countryside, but a realm where magical beasts roam, always spying on the city's tranquility and attempting to break the fragile peace. In this brand new world of magic, most people could only devote their lives to focusing on the cultivation of one line of magic. However, Mo Fan found himself to be different - he possessed the talent of all systems of magic, becoming a rare all-round mage. His mentor, although still looking at him with a critical eye, had to recognize his exceptional talent. His classmates, although they looked at him differently, also secretly admired his talent. His father, still struggling silently at the bottom of society, was proud of his son's special ability. And Mo Fan's family, there is a sister who can not walk, she is not blood relatives, but their relationship is better than a brother and sister. Her innocence and beauty allow Mo Fan to always maintain a kind heart on the path of practicing magic. In this world full of magic and fantasy, how will Mo Fan utilize his full range of magical talents to protect the people he loves, as well as this brand new world? All the stories, start from here.

Ye_Hunter · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Great changes in the world

Outside Shui Lan Middle School, the rain was drizzling down relentlessly.


Outside the school gates, parents crowded, holding umbrellas and their faces dampened by the rain yet filled with expectations.


Today was a significant day for their children, as it determined whether they could enter Tianlan Magic High School and potentially pursue a good university in the future.


You read that right.


Magic reigned supreme in this society!


All children were required to undergo nine years of compulsory magic education, after which they would undergo an exam similar to the high school entrance exam. Only those who passed would gain admission to a magic high school and become true magicians.




Osmanthus flowers fell onto the straight path within the campus, and as the bell rang, students poured out in droves, either alone or in groups, discussing the exam content.


"Hey, Mu Bai, did you manage to answer the question about the seven elements of elemental magic: Ice, Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light, and Thunder?" asked a white-faced boy wearing a bow tie.


"Perfectly!" said the boy named Mu Bai, who resembled a male deity in terms of hairstyle, height, and appearance.


"No wonder he's our top student. Even such a difficult mixed-element question couldn't faze him... Hey, isn't that Mo Fan, who only scored 6 points on the mock exam?" said Zhao Kunsan, with a face full of freckles.


Mu Bai glanced disdainfully at the lone boy holding an umbrella and said, "This guy is going to end up like his father, as a lowly truck procurement agent."


"That means he'll be your servant, huh? Haha!"


The three of them spoke without any fear of being overheard by the boy named Mo Fan.


After mocking him, they walked away confidently, obviously confident of their chances of getting into the magic high school.




Holding a black umbrella resembling Huang Feihong's, Mo Fan walked out of the school gates alone.


Looking back at the campus he was about to bid farewell to, Mo Fan condensed his thoughts into two words: Damn!


Couldn't it be more damning?


Mo Fan didn't belong to this world. He was a genius student who didn't bother with regular exams, often submitting blank papers.


It was normal for his classmates and teachers to consider him a slacker, just like a college student wouldn't waste time sitting in exams for a mere red flower.


Originally, Mo Fan planned to take the high school entrance exam seriously and easily secure the top spot or second place at the city's best high school, trampling over idiots like Mu Bai...


But an accident occurred.


He, a top student, had fallen asleep in the back of the school and suddenly woken up in this world!




All his classmates, teachers, father, and sister remained the same, but the world had changed.


His world that revered science had transformed into one where magic reigned supreme.


Math, physics, chemistry, and other subjects had become Black Magic, White Magic, and Otherworldly Magic!


Academic departments had become Fire, Ice, and Thunder departments!


The world could change, but he didn't mind the magic. In fact, knowing that magic truly existed thrilled him. The only problem was that the change had occurred right before his exams.


Now he knew nothing about magic knowledge!


So, from a genius student pretending to be a slacker, he had truly become a slacker, enduring ridicule and mockery.


The only silver lining was that the nine years of compulsory magic education focused on miscellaneous theoretical knowledge related to daily life. True magic would only be introduced in high school.


Becoming a true magician required an important step called "Magic Awakening," which would occur during the high school opening ceremony under the supervision of school leaders and teachers. Even if one hadn't learned the previous theories, they still had a chance to awaken their own magic affinity.


Mo Fan genuinely loved magic, and this was undoubtedly a perfect fantasy rebirth for him.


He also aspired to become a powerful mage who could dance with fire and summon thunder from atop a tall building, contributing to saving the world.


Unfortunately, this exam...


Well, after diligent efforts before the exam, he had finally reached the point of understanding the questions. Whether his answers were correct... heh, it was enough to be happy.




"Mo Fan, Mo Fan..." Among the crowd, a middle-aged man with a sickly yellow complexion waved his hand high at Mo Fan.


Mo Fan stared at the familiar face with a bit of surprise and exclaimed, "Dad, what are you doing here?"


"I came to pick you up. You've graduated after the exams, and I've found you a job in the neighboring district as a salesman. Your Uncle Guangfeng will guide you. After a few years of experience, you can start your own business. With good luck, you can earn around four to five thousand a month. It's better to start working early." Mo Jiaxing smiled warmly.


The world had changed, but his father was still the same father. Mo Fan could feel the unchanging warmth and familiarity.


Mo Fan had intended to surprise his father with his achievements, but now he had to reluctantly accept the reality that he was indeed a poor student.


However, he was not content.


In this society, cars, mobile phones, computers, and refrigerators still existed, and technological products had not changed due to the replacement of magic. If he couldn't become a magician, he would become a worker producing these things. Damn it, what was the difference between this and his original world? He wanted to learn magic!


According to the theory that other things in this world would not change, his talent should also remain unchanged. If he worked harder in high school and caught up with his past studies, he could still become a true academic superstar... no, a magic superstar!


"Dad, I want to continue studying," Mo Fan said after a long silence, finally voicing his thoughts to Mo Jiaxing.


"But you don't seem to like learning magic," Mo Jiaxing raised his eyebrows, looking puzzled.


"Er..." Mo Fan felt a bit awkward. He didn't know if his father would believe him if he told the truth. It was frustrating.


Mo Jiaxing looked at his soon-to-be sixteen-year-old son and smiled warmly again. "It's okay. Dad won't blame you for not working hard on your magic. Everyone has their own ambitions."


"No, I really want to learn," Mo Fan insisted.


"Can you pass the entrance exam?" Mo Jiaxing asked.


"No," Mo Fan answered firmly.


"Well, then that's it. Don't worry. Although the ancients often say, 'All professions are noble, but magic is the highest,' there are still top achievers in every field..." Mo Jiaxing continued.


Mo Fan couldn't help but smack his lips after hearing this.


Nowadays, Mo Fan had to automatically convert a lot of information, but the process often made him feel speechless. For example, one day, the history teacher told the students that the founder of light magic was "Edison." At that moment, Mo Fan felt like a million horses were galloping inside him!


As Mo Jiaxing patted Mo Fan's shoulder and comforted him, he suddenly noticed that his son remained silent and looked uneasy.


Knowing his son better than anyone else, Mo Jiaxing slowly stopped smiling and lowered his voice. "Are you serious?"


"Yes, I want that chance to awaken. I know it's late now, but I really want to study hard and become a magician," Mo Fan said sincerely.


All he needed was an opportunity!


Mo Jiaxing remained silent for a moment.


Mo Fan didn't say anything else.


"You really want to learn?" Mo Jiaxing asked again to confirm.


"Yes," Mo Fan nodded without hesitation.


Initially, Mo Fan also thought it was a dream, a joke played by the world, but the facts proved that it wasn't a dream. The world had indeed changed!


"Alright, I'll see what I can do," Mo Jiaxing said without asking any more questions.


"Dad, I've found a summer job at Tianlan Magic High School as a library attendant. I'll start working there the day after tomorrow." Mo Fan said.


Since he had decided to study magic, Mo Fan had to put in all his effort.


Whether he could get that chance to attend the magic high school and become a magician depended on his father. However, he was lacking in knowledge and needed to fill in the gaps through his own hard work. Therefore, even though he knew he had no hope of getting into the magic high school, Mo Fan had already found this job.


This job didn't pay much, just providing food and accommodation, but it was crucial for Mo Fan. In the library, he could find a lot of materials that he needed to catch up on.


Fortunately, he truly is a genius. In a short period of time, he has already completed the courses for the first and second grades... Strangely, he still finds himself sounding like a fool when he says that!


Seeing his son's unwavering determination, his father, Mo Jiaxing, was also moved. After all, his son was so determined to pursue magic, why shouldn't he be happy? In this society, only magicians truly hold status. No matter how much one achieves in business, with a house and a car, it still doesn't compare to the value and respect that a graduate from a magic school commands.


"Let's head home first, I'll take care of this!" Mo Jiaxing nodded and didn't say any more.