
Magic resurfaces:I've awakened a full set of powers?

It's like waking up in a different world. In a world that once revered science and reason, magic now reigns supreme. In the ancient high school halls, what is taught is no longer mathematics, science and chemistry, but the mysteries of all kinds of magic, and every student aspires to become a top magician. Outside the city, it is no longer a peaceful countryside, but a realm where magical beasts roam, always spying on the city's tranquility and attempting to break the fragile peace. In this brand new world of magic, most people could only devote their lives to focusing on the cultivation of one line of magic. However, Mo Fan found himself to be different - he possessed the talent of all systems of magic, becoming a rare all-round mage. His mentor, although still looking at him with a critical eye, had to recognize his exceptional talent. His classmates, although they looked at him differently, also secretly admired his talent. His father, still struggling silently at the bottom of society, was proud of his son's special ability. And Mo Fan's family, there is a sister who can not walk, she is not blood relatives, but their relationship is better than a brother and sister. Her innocence and beauty allow Mo Fan to always maintain a kind heart on the path of practicing magic. In this world full of magic and fantasy, how will Mo Fan utilize his full range of magical talents to protect the people he loves, as well as this brand new world? All the stories, start from here.

Ye_Hunter · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Born with Double Strength (Part 1)







"Zhang Hou!"


The skinny boy Zhang Hou, standing not too far from Mo Fan, turned back and gave Mo Fan a glance, saying, "Brother Mo Fan, I'm going."


"Work hard."


"Hmph, I wish you get Water Element too." Zhao Kunsan immediately said something sarcastic.


Zhang Hou, a skinny boy, placed his hand on the stone, and soon a strange wind vortex appeared on the Awakening Stone, blowing the teacher's clothes slightly.


"Excellent, Wind Element, not bad for a talent. Work hard and don't be lazy!" Xue Musheng's face also showed satisfaction.


Class teacher Xue Musheng was very happy because only a dozen numbers had been called, and two students with excellent talents had emerged in his class. If they worked hard, they would be able to enter good universities.


Of course, the biggest treasure he had found was student number 1, Mu Bai, with his Ice Element talent and his background in the Ice Element aristocratic family, he was destined to be a pillar of the future!


It seemed that this Class 8 would have a chance to rank among the top.










Suddenly, an orange flame shot up from the Awakening Stone.


This sight immediately caught the attention of everyone in the class.


"Fire... Fire Element!!!"


"Damn, it's even a girl. What's her name?"


Instantly, the awakened girl became the focus of the class. Fire Element was considered one of the most outstanding elements among the elemental systems, and it was the preferred choice for all apprentice-level magicians if they had a choice.


Unfortunately, Fire Element was relatively rare, with a low probability of manifestation, and a class usually had no more than three students with it, accounting for less than one-tenth of the total.


"Her name is Zhou Min, I think she's the daughter of one of our teachers," someone whispered.


"She's also very pretty. Let's go introduce ourselves to her."


"Be careful, though. Zhou Min seems quiet and obedient, but she's actually a violent person. Otherwise, how could a girl awaken with the Fire Element?"


"That makes sense."


"It's like a daughter following in her mother's footsteps. Teacher Wenhua would probably be very pleased to know this," said Class Teacher Xue Musheng.


"Thank you, Teacher."


"Next... Wind Element."


"Next... Light Element."


"Teacher, I'm going to the rooftop, don't hold me back," said the student with Light Element.


"Next... Water Element."


"Light Element student, wait for me, I'm going to the rooftop with you."






Finally, almost all the students in the class had awakened their elemental systems. Holding the number 48, Mo Fan's heart was pounding. Probably no one was as nervous as Mo Fan inside. On one hand, he had only been exposed to magic for the past three months, and on the other hand, he was genuinely worried about failing the awakening.


"Number 48, Mo Fan!"


"It's your turn!" Zhang Hou turned to encourage him.


"You came here by selling everything you had, so don't hold out any hope. If you're lucky, you might get Water Element or Light Element, but if you don't make it to mid-level magician, you'll be useless. If you're unlucky and fail the awakening, tsk tsk tsk, you'll lose everything," Zhao Kunsan said sarcastically.


"Can you shut your mouth?" Zhang Hou said angrily.


In Zhang Hou's heart, Mo Fan was his big brother. Although his magic performance was poor and he had entered the magic high school through other means, he didn't want to see Mo Fan awaken with a worse elemental system than others.


Nine years of compulsory magic education was actually to lay the foundation for awakening and provide various theories for future cultivation, so that one wouldn't be confused during cultivation. If one didn't learn well, one might fail the awakening or stagnate in cultivation.


Mo Fan stepped forward, walking through the crowd.


"That's him, I heard he got in through the back door."


"Who is he? He's quite handsome." A girl asked innocently.


"He's a terrible student. I was in the class next to him before." Said another girl with a mushroom head and a big mouth.


"Really? Then his awakening might be terrible."


"Whether he can even awaken successfully is questionable."


"Hey, guys from the Holy Light Element and Ling Water Element, don't be discouraged. Wait and see this Mo Fan's awakening, and you'll feel relieved. This guy scored in the single digits on the exam, his foundation is terrible, and he's likely to fail the awakening." Zhao Kunsan and Zhang Hou, exasperated, began to mock loudly.


With their words, those from the Holy Light Element and Ling Water Element really brightened their eyes. If someone failed the awakening in an absurd way, it would be quite reassuring.


"Stop the commotion!" Xue Musheng glared at Zhao Kunsan, who was stirring up trouble.


Mu Bai's lips curved slightly. What he wanted was for Mo Fan to make a fool of himself publicly. This guy was a scum, what qualifications did he have to be close to Mu Ningxue? Mu Bai was handsome, talented in magic, and hardworking. Mu Ningxue should be close to him instead.


"Scum, I heard your family sold their house to pay for your awakening. If you fail, you should just jump into a river and end it all. It would save your family from shame." Mu Bai whispered softly as Mo Fan passed by him.


Mo Fan glanced at Mu Bai and resisted the urge to curse the idiot. He walked up to Teacher Xue Musheng.


"Mo Fan, place your hand on this." Xue Musheng said calmly.


As the homeroom teacher, Xue Musheng actually knew a lot about this student...


Mo Fan scored near the bottom in the magic middle school entrance exam. He only got into Tianlan Magic High School because of instructions from above. According to Xue Musheng's understanding, Mo Fan came from an ordinary family, with no background, no talent, and terrible grades. Having such a student in his class was a headache and would easily drag down the class's overall evaluation.


Alas, there was no choice. He just had to consider himself unlucky. Hopefully, this kid wouldn't really fail the awakening, or he would become a laughingstock among the teachers.


Mo Fan's hands were trembling incessantly, still somewhat nervous.


"Calm down, don't shake." Xue Musheng reminded him.


Mo Fan grabbed his right hand with his left to successfully place his palm on the Awakening Stone.


It was cold, perhaps because the previous person awakened an Ice Element. The entire Awakening Stone had a chill...


Wait, no, it was starting to feel numb and hot.


"Close your eyes and feel your spiritual world!" Teacher Xue Musheng instructed.


This problem student didn't even know the basic procedure.


Mo Fan quickly followed the instructions, closing his eyes.


The so-called spiritual world was a void that appeared in one's mind when closing their eyes. Normal people would constantly imagine in this void, like movie clips of fuzzy imaginary scenes. When one completely emptied their mind and didn't think of anything, the mind was a void, like a night sky without stars.


There was nothing in the spiritual world, but when Mo Fan placed his hand on the Awakening Stone, he could feel a force like electricity...


This force traveled from his palm to his body, and then suddenly, like possessing some magical power, it drew a purple arc across his void spiritual world, gorgeous and stunning, shaking his soul!