
The Unaccountable Cop

The young girl blinked: "Don't hesitate, uncle. I won't make it hard for you, and in half an hour, I'll have a special belt brought to you. Don't count on your summoner..."

"Which son of a bitch is calling the police?" Suddenly, a lazy and slightly annoyed voice interrupted her, and out of the woods came a young man dressed in white casual clothes, step by step, "Don't move, girl, police." Drop your weapon and release your hostage."

The girl's small mouth opened into a circular arc, she looked at the young people who were hanging in the eye, and smiled with disdain: "Boss, where to stay cool?" It's no longer just to be brave. Impersonating a policeman is a capital offense, you know..."

"I don't know if impersonating a police officer is a capital offense, but if you don't put down your knife, you could end up dead." The young man shouted coldly, and he did not know when he had a swarthy 54 pistol in his hand.

The girl's voice suddenly stopped, staring at the young man in disbelief: "You... Are you really a cop? The gun isn't fake, is it?"

The young man sneered: "You can bet!"

Plainclothes police! It worked again! Blus's eyelids jumped and his body shook with excitement. With the tremor, a sharp pain came from his lower back. He gave a yelp and took a long leap forward.

"Clang", the small switchblade was thrown to the ground by the little female thief, and after bouncing off a stone, it disappeared into the grass. The little female thief suddenly raised her hands and cried out, crying and Shouting: "Uncle police, regardless of my business!" I didn't mean to stab him... I'm just a thief who does nothing but steal... Go around me!"

Blus touched the back of his hand, and when he reached the front, there was a bright red on his fingers.

Oooooh! Blus gasped and gasped, "You little thief really stabbed ah!"

The little girl thief wailed, pear flower with rain: "Big brother, regardless of my business ah!" You did it yourself, Uncle cop, you have to give me the decision! Don't let this bad man get to me!"

The wicked don't bring such things when they complain first! Blus widened his eyes and turned to the policeman. "Policeman, this little thief not only stabbed me with a knife, but..."

"Cut the crap and stand still." The young man angrily interrupted and glared at Blus, "A five or three rough man is held hostage by a little girl, is not ashamed, and has the face to call the police?"

"Yes, yes, this guy is a clear insult to the glorious and sacred profession of the police. He treats you like ugly summoning beasts that come and go at a moment's call. Grandpa police officer, he must not be let go." The little female thief added vinegar to the siren, severely put the plainclothes police long up.

Ka-boom! The bright hands were handcuffed to the girl's hands without mercy, and the plainclothes police picked her up rudely, and the girl cried out, as if it was hurt, she could not help but beg: "gently, gently, police brother, the hand is going to be broken."

The policeman ignored her and turned to Blus and said, "Are you dead? Come and tell me what happened?"

Blus looked at him helplessly and was about to recount what had happened when a woman's voice came in from outside the trees: "joy, what happened in there?"

The policeman immediately changed to a softer tone and shouted out of the trees, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm going out."

The little girl thief looked at each other and smiled with a shy face: "Brother joy, if you have something to do, do it first!" On holidays, you can't delay your holiday because of this little thief, can you?"

joy hesitated and shouted at Blus, "Come here, boy. I don't have time for this now. You can take care of this little thief.

"Me? Blus was surprised.

"Of course it's you. Is there another person here?" joy groaned. After a moment's thought, he took out the key and opened one end of the handcuffs. "Give me your hand."

Blus reflexively held out a hand. Snap! The handcuffs were right on his wrists.

joy nodded her head with satisfaction. "I feel much more relieved this time." He patted Blus on the shoulder, "I'm sorry, brother, someone will open it for you later."

"joy..." The voice outside urged again.

"Coming soon! joy responded with a low voice, "Brother, please, the police do not agree with a love, you can understand it!" With that, he turned and began to walk out.

'Wait! Blus stopped him, held up his handcuffs, and said bitterly, "Brother policeman, you must give me a certificate!" If the police do not remember your explanation, this little thief bite back, what can I do?"

One side, the little female thief whispered: "Ann, how can the police be so stupid?"

Unexpectedly, joy turned back and gave Blus a look of appreciation: "Yes, now some police are sloppy, this little thief cunning, is to do some prevention." He took out a pen, wrote a line on a sticky note, and thrust it into Blus's hand. "Give this to the police when they come."

Blus looked down, and the note simply read, "The woman is the suspect, the man is the victim, please handle it properly." "By the time he looked up, the plainclothes police officers had gone.

Slipping the note into his pocket, Blus sighed and glared at the little female thief who was handcuffed to him: "What are you looking at? It's all your fault!"

The handcuffs are tight, and Blus turns his wrists, looking for a comfortable position, but it hurts the little thief at the other end.

The little girl thief shriveled her mouth and almost didn't cry.

The opponent in the bracelet, Blus for the first time had a suspicious mood, the first desire of the wallet is to get, but not cover the heat was found, or a female thief with a knife; This one wish is even more bizarre, to invite a police officer, actually so irresponsible, handcuffed the criminal suspect with himself and ran away alone.

Looking at the bracelet on his hand, Blus came to the conclusion that this thing is not reliable! It seems that it can only fulfill wishes, but the direction of the realization of specific wishes is probably not under its control. Thinking of the uncashed lottery ticket, his heart could not help but tremble for a moment, it must be some hot potato.

After a moment of silence, the little female thief quietly touched Blus and begged in a teary-eyed whisper: "Brother, please, let me go!" I don't want to go to jail for stealing more than two thousand, you know! '

Blus looked at her coldly and said nothing.

"Brother, leave me alone!" Seeing Blus indifferent, the little female thief took the purse out of her arms, choked up and said, "All the money is for you, I don't want a penny."

Taking the wallet, Blus did not hit a place, smiling mockingly: "Now you know how to ask for mercy, what have you done already!"

"I know I made a mistake, big brother, go around me!" I really don't want to go to jail." The female thief cried, she bit her teeth, her body pressed against Blus, Na Na said, "Brother, as long as you can let me go, I will give you whatever you want."

Pushing the female thief away from his arms, Blus flirtatiously looked at the female thief with the rain and asked, "What do you want?"

See seems to have a breakthrough, the little girl thief hard nodded his head, indicating his sincerity, delicate and pitiful expression, the girl appears more charming and moving.

Smelling the charming breath emanating from the female thief, Blus was confused and whispered: "It seems that this is also good..."

"There are better things..." "Murmured the little thief, her free hand gliding gently down Blus's chest and down between her legs.

A feeling of crispness rippled through Blus's heart, but when the thief's hand was about to touch the key, Blus jerked back and hid.

The little girl thief opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Blus smiled: "To tell the truth, seduction practice is good, go to the table barely passed." But I'm not used to giving my vital organs to strangers."

Looking at the clear eyes of Blus, the little female thief stamped her feet hard, understood that she was fooled again, she loosened Blus, and looked askance with strange sarcasm: "Don't have any physiological defects!" Death eunuch! Even if I were to go to prison, I would not beg a eunuch."

Blus smiled faintly and said nothing.

A plan is not, the little girl thief gave birth to two, her eyes turned, loudly said: "I want to go to the toilet."

"Hold it in! Blus got tired of standing and sat down on the grass, with the body of the little thief bent sideways.

The female thief kicked Blus in the crotch: "Do you have some humanitarian spirit ah!" Don't you sit down and tell me we're connected?"

'It hurts! Blus took a hard blow to the leg and jumped up, yelling, "I'm warning you, don't kick me again, I'll hurt you!"

"I have to go to the bathroom!" The little thief stared at him obstinately.

"Hold it, I told you!" Blus cold track.

"I can't hold it any longer." "Said the little thief.

"I can't hold it, just here, I turn around and don't look, no one will want to appreciate you, no boobs and no ass." Blus insists she's faking it and laughs coldly.

'You! The little thief bit her lip. "You rascal! Pervert!"

A pair of young people walked through the woods, the girl was surprised to look at the two people handcuffed together, surprised: "Husband, look at those two people!"

"What are you looking at! Never seen the police catch a thief!" The two cried out in unison. I got to say, both guys are a little quick-witted.

"It's great that the police caught the thief, aunt me..." The girl is not convinced to refute.

"Go, go, go, mind your own business." The boy interrupted her, took her hand and hurried away.

Looking at the bright handcuffs between the two men, Blus unconsciously took off his shirt and covered the handcuffs like in the movie.

The little girl thief looked at his actions coldly: "did not see, you also know shame ha!"

Blus leisurely way: "Shame what, I am willing to, harm to the society of small thieves sent to prison, I can at least be considered to serve the people."

"You... Meh!" Little thief stare, turn around, shut up.

Half an hour later, when the police still hadn't arrived, Blus, feeling a little anxious, touched the girl's hand and said, "Hey! Do you have a cell phone?"

"What for?" The little thief asked in a cold voice.

"I'll call home." Blus told a lie. He didn't say call 110, call the cops.

The little girl thief was angry and coldly rebuffed him: "No."

Unable to get a cell phone, Blus gave up on the idea of making a phone call, peering over the intersection and muttering, "Why aren't the police here?" It's so inefficient!"

"Oomph! It's better never to come! I don't believe you can stay here forever." The little thief gloated with a smile.

"Don't worry, I can get you to the police station without them coming." Blus glanced at her and said.

Another ten minutes.

Blus's legs were numb and he kept walking in place.

The little thief twisted her body and said nothing.

After another ten minutes, when no one came, Blus was disappointed and said to the woman, "Hey! Are you tired? Why don't we sit down and rest."

The little thief is not responding.

Blus turned to look at her and saw that her face was red, a fine layer of sweat oozed from her forehead, and her body was still involuntarily wriggling. Blus was startled. "What's wrong with you?"

The little female thief lowered her head, Na Na low voice: "I have to go to the toilet."

"Go to the bathroom?" Blus is stupid.

The little girl thief seemed to be afraid that Blus would not believe it, and stressed: "This time it is true, I can't hold it any longer."

"I can see it! But this... ' Blus awkwardly lifted the handcuffs.

"Hurry up! Please!" The little girl held her legs tightly together, and her hand grasped Blus's arm.

"But these handcuffs?"

"Never mind! Come with me." The little thief turned and rushed in the direction of the public toilet.

Blus shook his head and couldn't help but follow.

Outside the ladies' room, Blus said nothing would move. The little girl thief jumped to her feet: "What is wrong with you?" You have to watch me pee my pants to be happy!"

"This..." Blus was speechless. He hesitated. "There's no one in there!"

"Is there anyone you're afraid of? It's full of compartments and you can't see them." The little girl thief worried way.

Looking to see no one left or right, Blus gritted his teeth. "Good! Come in, who is afraid of who!"

Inside the toilet, the little thief rushed into a compartment and slammed the door shut: "No peeking!"

The chain of the handcuffs was in the crack of the door. Blus's hand was hanging from the door. He turned his back and stared nervously at the entrance.

"Nonsense, is it soon? Why don't you take your pants off with one hand? The next time I meet that damn policeman, I'm going to steal him." The angry voice of the little thief.

A moment.

Baaaaah! There was a rush of water.

Blus's face flushed, and his breathing tightened.

Tearing paper, standing up, flushing... Blus' hands went up and down with the female thief's movements, his ears keenly picked up the sound coming from the compartment, and he instantly converted it into a three-dimensional image in his mind. His face gradually began to burn, and his heart beat faster.

Blus muttered, "Calm down! Calm down!"

A long time.

Before the door of the cubicle opened, Blus could not help but whisper, "Are you ready? Come out as soon as you're ready."

"I'm all right, but you're done." The little thief's triumphant voice came out from the top of the compartment, and I don't know when she climbed to the top of the compartment and was squatting there smiling at Blus.

Blus, nervous that the secret passage was not good, yanked open the door of the stall, and sure enough, the handcuffs were already on the door handle.

The little girl thief jumped down from above, swung a piece of wire in front of Blus's eyes, glanced at him proudly: "Fool, want to send me to the police station, next life!"

Blus shook his arms as hard as he could to pull the handcuffs off the handle, but the door handle didn't loosen as he tightened his wrists.

"Don't bother, be a good boy and enjoy the fun of being a gangster!" My lady will have no company." With a smug smile, the thief turned and walked out of the toilet.

"Shit! Don't let me touch you again." Blus shouted angrily, but quickly stopped