
Chapter 15

It's been about a month since the peace conference and Khaos Brigade's attack but so far not a lot has happened. The only thing that is really important is the youth devil gathering I was invited to. It's not that interesting but I have to attend since it was called by the 4 Great Satans themselves.

Solomon "Ophi I'm leaving."

Ophis "See you soon."

Solomon "Don't miss me too much."

Ophis "That will be hard. You are my anime companion."

Solomon "Haha. I'll see you later Ophi."

Ophis "Bye bye."

Grayfia "Solomon-sama you've arrived. Please head down this path and enter the gathering area."

Solomon "Thank you Grayfia."

Sairaorg "Solomon you're here! It's nice to see you again."

Solomon "It's good to see you as well Sairaorg. You as well Ria, So-chan, Seek."

Sona "You'll never stop calling me that will you? And it's nice to see you again."

Seekvaira "It's nice to see you too Solomon."

Rias "It's nice to see you again Sol, especially with a more relaxed situation like this."

Sairaorg "That's true I heard you had quite the battle with Hakuryuukou. I myself hope to fight him eventually."

Solomon "He said the same thing so if you ever find him feel free. Sekiryuutei, it's nice to meet you as well."

Issei "Yeah you too! Hey, I heard you're the Magic King does that mean you have a spell that can see through clothes."

Solomon "I do."

Sona "WHY?! I thought you were the closest to being normal in this world!"

Sairaorg "Haha!"

Solomon "It's not its main purpose but it can do that."

Issei "Shishou! Please teach me!"

Solomon "Sorry but your demonic power reserves are too low to use it."

Issei "Curse my low demonic power!"

Sairaorg "You're quite the interesting person Sekiryuutei. I hope we can have a good battle in the future!"

Issei "Sure!"

Sirzechs "It seems you're all here. That's good."

Serafall "We've called you here to announce the start of a youth tournament between you six. Solomon Aphelion may not have a peerage, but I doubt any of you will doubt his strength."

Ajuka "This will be a normal tournament in the style of rating games. You should be ready for this but if you feel like you cannot join feel free to say it."

Sirzechs "Nobody? That's good. Then let's look at the match ups!"

Oh, I am fighting Zephyrdor I guess. Even with his e it should be easy enough. I can only hope that I can fight the Sekiryuutei.

Zephyrdor "I guess I get the chance to beat the Magic King!"

Solomon "Why don't we see how it goes first?"

Ajuka "The first battle will be Sona Sitri vs Rias Gremory. The battle will be held in one months' time with the other battles coming soon after. Good luck to all of you."

Sirzechs "This concludes this meeting but feel free to stay and talk to your friends."

Rias "I'll be heading back to train. Don't disappoint me, Sona."

Sona "You as well Rias. Goodbye everyone."

Solomon "It seems that only us three remain. I wish you both luck in your fight."

Seekvaira "I must be going as well. I don't want to waste precious time."

Sairaorg "Then I will leave as well! I will do my best to not disappoint you in our battle! Good luck Solomon."

Solomon "I see. Goodbye and good luck to both of you."


It's been over a month since the youth meeting and it's finally my turn to battle. Rias and Sona's battle was a fight between pure force and planning and was a pretty good fight. As for Sairaorg vs Seekvaira it went about the same, but it was truly impressive the amount of trouble Seekvaira caused for Sairaorg considering how overwhelming his physical strength is.

Sirzechs "Solomon you're finally here. Now that both participants are here, we can finally announce the rules of this rating game!"

Grayfia "Since Lord Solomon is the only person on his team this will be a battle between the two kings. Both contestants please enter the arena now."

Zephyrdor "Are you ready to fight Magic King?"

Solomon "Of course I am."

Grayfia "Begin!"

Zephyrdor "Take this! Lightning Bolt!"

Solomon "Are you trying to show off your magic? Cancel. I hope that isn't all you can do."

Zephyrdor "Of course it isn't! Lightning Lion!"

Solomon "That's more like it. If we're making animals, I'll do the same. White Dragon."

Zephyrdor "W-What is that!"

Solomon "What do you think of it? I made it after the Hakuryuukou. I think I did it a service. What about you?"

This magic of mine fully recreated the body of Albion. Although it only has a small amount of intelligence, I can manually control it if I must, but its main feature is that it has the strength of an ultimate class devil.

Zephyrdor "It must be an illusion! You're just faking it!"

Solomon "I could make it as an illusion but I didn't in this case. If you doubt it, why don't you try it out?"

White Dragon "Roar!!!"

He really must want to show off. That roar of his created dozens of thunderbolts dropping around us. Luckily it should be a good enough reason for him to give up.

Zephyrdor "I give! I surrender!

Grayfia "Lord Zephyrdor surrendered. Lord Solom wins."

That was quite disappointing. Luckily the next ones will be fun. I even get to test the Sekiryuutei's strength. I'll look forward to it.