
Magic High Academia

Magic a strange yet powerful source of energy. This energy can be found all around us in the darkest and most treacherous depths of life to the most bright and beautiful. Most mages can only handle one elemental magic, and those with more than one are seen as a danger to themselves and society. From the darkest depths of Magic came corruption a sickness that eats its hosts from the inside out within a year. However some have masted this ability and have prolonged their life span.

Kurama_Games · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Episode 8

"Ms. Padaelli. Come on in, and introduce yourself" said the Headmaster.

Once he finished his sentence a female looking visibly nervous walked into the room, and stood before her now new classmates. The young woman gulped and then waved awkwardly at the group standing before her with possibly judging eyes.

"I-it's really nice to meet you...m-my name is Lillie Padaelli" said the girl known as Lillie.

"Sup," said Riku.

"Tch.." Karma responded.

"Welcome to class 2-C!" Lotus said with enthusiasm, or rather tried too.

"Hello, my name is Mrs. Yuki. I'll be your teacher for the year" said Mrs. Yuki.

"Welcome I guess…" Raiden said half heartedly while he clenched his fist.

"I don't mean to be replacing anyone...I'm sorry" said Lillie.

"It's fine Ms. Padaelli, just bad timing," said Mrs. Yuki.

"Before I forget, You're dorms are all reassigned. Lotus and Lillie, Riku and Karma, and last but not least Raiden, and Carmen." said the Headmaster.

"You expect me to get along with her-him!" Raiden and Carmen shouted in unison.

"Well you can't stop us if we run away!" said Raiden and Riku as Raiden ran out the door carrying Riku in his arms comically. Once the two reached the dorm Raiden helped Riku begin to pack up his things the two sighed after they were finished and sitting on the beds.

"Well it was nice living with you while it lasted" said Riku.

"Definitely...hopefully Karma isn't a bad roommate" said Raiden.

"Do you think if we lock ourselves in the dorm they won't be able to make us swap roommates?" Lotus whispered to Carmen.

"I hope so" Carmen giggled.

"Anyways. Dismissed." said the Headmaster.

Raiden sighed Bunking with Carmen can't be too bad right? Raiden thought to himself as he watched Riku walk out the door with his belongings. He then took the bed sheets, comforters, and pillow cases off the bed. I better wash all these...Don't know what Riku could have been doing in them… Raiden thought. He then went to the campus laundromat to wash all the bedsheets for when Carmen arrived at the dorm.

At least I'm not bunking with Riku… Carmen thought to herself as she let out a soft sigh. Once she got to the dorm she used to share with Lotus she began packing up all her stuff to move to her new dorm. "I still can't believe the headmaster expects me to get along with Raiden of all people" said Carmen,

After some time the new living arrangements were set, and everyone had gotten settled in, just as the students were getting ready for bed they received a text message. The Message was from Mrs. Yuki according to her, the midterm exam was tomorrow, and the first half was combat while the second was academics. Carmen looked at Raiden as he had just walked out of the bathroom in his pajamas. "Did you get the message about exams?" Carmen asked.

"Yeah, but i'm not really worried about it." said Raiden.

"How are you not worried about it?" asked Carmen.

"I'm not worried because I had the highest score on the entrance exam…" said Raiden.

"You? Have the highest score? Hahaha...don't be so funny" said Carmen.

"Riku got in through recommendation, and even so he ranked 3rd...Akaze ranked 2nd" said Raiden.

Carmen was shocked she always thought Raiden was just a know it all, but when you have the highest scores to get into this school. If he knows everybody's ranking then he must know mine right? Carmen thought for a second.

"Then what was my ranking Mr. Know it all?" Carmen asked.

"Without Recommendations you placed fourth, your score was off by one to have tied with Riku" said Raiden.

"What about Lotus?" Carmen asked, wondering what her best friend received as placement.

"Lotus? She was ranked 6th only being passed by Karma to take 5th " said Raiden.

"Okay...well goodnight Rai...we have a midterm tomorrow apparently" said Carmen.

"Night Carmen I'll probably still be up just a bit longer," said Raiden.

The following day Raiden was asleep in his bed until he heard his alarm blaring pulling him from his slumber. Carmen was getting dressed in the school uniform while humming then she sighed remembering that today was the midterm exam. I don't want to take that dumb exam…Carmen thought to herself as she finished putting the last button into the hole it belonged to. She saw Raiden sitting up and quickly panicked, throwing a pillow at him causing Raiden to fall off his bed "Ow…" Raiden said in a half awake voice as he rubbed his head.

"P-Pervert!" Carmen shouted as the younger male just looked at her confused.

"Carmen you're fully clothed, how is that perverted?" Raiden asked, confused.

"R-right...sorry" Carmen said as she put her shoes on.

You know she hates you right? A voice intruded Raiden's head. He ignored it and got up going to the bathroom to change into his uniform, but made sure to keep his combat clothes in his duffle bag. He came out in his school uniform, and growled as the color was a little too tight around his neck making him uncomfortable.

"Hey Carmen would you want to put your combat suit in my duffle bag? So you don't have to carry it around in your bag" said Raiden as he placed his combat clothes in a duffle bag.

"Oh are you just so much of a pervert you want my clothes with yours?" asked Carmen.

"I was just trying to make more space for your bag...but okay" said Raiden.

"Wait…" Carmen looked away with an awkward blush on her face as she rubbed her arm "S-sure...but don't go being a pervert and smelling it!" Carmen shouted.

Raiden checked the time and noticed he had an hour or two before class, so he decided to make some breakfast. Raiden made french toast, bacon, sausage, eggs and some toast he served himself a plate then served Carmen taking her plate to her.

With Riku and Karma

Riku was cooking for Karma while the latter was still asleep, or at least he made it seem that way as he laid there planning out how he would wipe everyone out. Though he was pulled from his thoughts by the smell of pancakes, eggs, and hashbrowns. Is that breakfast? Karma thought to himself as Karma sat up seeing a plate in front of him. Riku sat down and ate his food, once he was finished he changed into his school uniform. Karma groaned internally as he also got dressed in his uniform. Once he was dressed he waited for Riku, so he could brush his teeth in before class.

With Lotus and Lillie

Lotus and Lillie were walking to class when Lotus decided to stop at a nearby cafe near the dormitories. "Do you want anything?" Lotus asked Lillie.

"I-I can p-pay for myself" said Lillie.

"Nope, consider this a welcome to class 2-C" said Lotus.

"O-okay...um a Muffin, and a small latte?" asked Lillie.

"You got it Gaia" said Lotus.

"G-Gaia?" asked Lillie.

"Well you said last night that you're a duelist mage right?" asked Lotus.

"Y-yeah I use Earth and Water" said Lillie.

"Gaia in Greek mythology is the Queen of the Earth so its a fitting nickname" said Lotus,

The two got to the register and Lotus placed the order, and paid for the Coffees and Lillie's Muffin. The two had arrived at the classroom, and saw Mrs. Yuki sat at her desk taking a sip from her mug. as she looked at the two girls with a bright smile. "Welcome Ladies, once everyone else gets here Class will begin and we can start the first part of our exams" said Mrs. Yuki.

Once Mrs. Yuki finished her sentence, the rest of her class walked through the doors taking their respective seats. Raiden sat at the back like he usually does, Karma sat diagonal from Karma in the middle, Riku sat in front of Karma, Lotus sat next to Karma, Carmen sat next to Riku, and Lillie sat next to Raiden.

"Goodmorning Class, today we will be taking our combat portion of the exams! The match ups are best of three, the first pair is Karma vs Rin, the second is Lotus vs Carmen, and lastly Raiden vs Myself" said Mrs. Yuki,

"Wait, you're participating too?" Karma asked.

"Well it's not exactly fair to Ms. Padaelli

"Wait...Karma's actually participating?" asked Carmen only to receive a nod as confirmation from Karma.

"You will evaluate the following: proficiency, strategy, intelligence, and lastly effort," said Mrs. Yuki.