

Translator: 549690339

The dog days of summer were sweltering.

Under the scorching sun, I walked out of the Jiang City high-speed train station.

A worn-out backpack, a bag of free-range chicken eggs, and an old mobile phone were all I had with me.

This was my first time in a big city!

The splendor here dazzled me, a rustic village lad, and the women here, so fashionable and exquisite, were nothing like the women from the village.

Especially Sister Xia...

When I first laid eyes on her, I blushed with embarrassment, instantly smitten by her.

She was very beautiful, with a face like a goddess, a graceful figure, sensuous and provocative. She was wearing just a T-shirt, hot pants, her skin so white it glowed, her fair and beautiful legs both long and straight.

I was so stunned I could only stare, my heart racing wildly.

I had never seen such a gorgeous, delicate woman!

"You must be Xiao Chen?"

She opened the door, looked at me, and a slight hint of disdain flickered almost imperceptibly in her beautiful eyes.

I noticed it, and my spirit dampened; I lowered my gaze to my attire—a worn-out shirt, pants washed white, and the bag of eggs in my hand.

A poor village boy like me could hardly be looked upon favorably by such a beautiful swan!

"Come in!"

Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she pulled the door open and let me in.

This was the home of Dad's friend, Uncle Lin. Years ago, Uncle Lin had passed away, leaving behind a widow and a son named Lin Haoyang.

Sister Xia, she was Haoyang's wife, newly married.

With nowhere else to turn to, fresh from the village, I could only seek refuge in their household for a while.

"Put the eggs in the kitchen. Why are they so dirty?"

"They're free-range, from my own home."

She glanced at the eggs, the aversion in her eyes growing stronger, while I covertly admired her beautiful body, restless in my thoughts and unable to stop fantasizing.

I was eighteen this year, just graduated from high school. I hadn't even dated, let alone touched a girl's hand. I longed for the opposite sex, especially a goddess as beautiful and sexy as her; she practically stole my soul!

But then, remembering that she was married, Haoyang's wife, I felt a bit guilty.

"Where's Haoyang?"

I wasn't familiar with Haoyang, having met him years ago.

"On a business trip!"

Her expression suddenly turned colder, her tone carrying a hint of resentment.

This struck me as odd. Weren't they newlyweds? It sounded like there were some marital issues, like a small spat between the couple.

Then, my heart began pounding furiously.

With Haoyang not around, in this house, it's just her and Uncle Lin's wife, two women, and me the only man!

This realization thrilled me to no end!

The room was already tidied. I put my things away. Feeling sweaty and uncomfortable all over, I asked where I could take a shower and then went to rinse off.

Just as I finished, I heard the sound of footsteps outside.

"Xiao Chen, I forgot to give you a towel!"

Her voice rose, and the door opened. She leaned in, holding a clean towel to place on the washbasin, but at that moment, I had just turned off the water and stepped out of the shower.

Her eyes instinctively shot toward me and then froze, widening in sheer astonishment.

Her hand trembled, and the towel she was holding dropped to the floor.

I too was stunned, a bit dazed, and when I looked down, I couldn't help but flush with embarrassment, feeling exceedingly awkward.


With a scream, she finally reacted, glaring at me fiercely as if she thought I did it on purpose…