
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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1026 Chs

Tragic Reminder

A series of golden lights and shadows cut through the space and rushed towards Zhuofan like a fish. Looking closely, I saw that the golden light was nothing more than a golden arrow of light.

Hundreds of people broke through the clouds and stormed!

It is really hard to imagine that a person can shoot so many arrows in one instant, and these blades are not ordinary bows and arrows, but real fifth-grade spirit soldiers.

Each arrow points directly to Zhuo Fan's vital position. Even if those light arrows had not yet appeared, Zhuo Fan already felt a tingling sensation that was about to be pierced by Wan Jian.

"This is the Eight Wolf Guards, the stunt of shooting Sirius, the arrow broke through nine days?" Brow slightly raised, Zhuo Fan's eyes flashed a rare surprise, slowly nodded: "Yes, it is worthy of being hurt alone. Marksman, it is indeed a bit capable! "

Tuoba Lianer looked at Zhuofan very distraughtly, his face dignified, and he said angrily: "You ... do you know Zhebei?"

"Well, after listening to my young master's mention, he also listened to his brother, Tianyu Sihu!" She couldn't help smiling, Zhuo Fan said indifferently: "Girl, don't think that only you like to inquire about intelligence, we actually also Very gossip! So I have heard of this man 's stunt! "

With that, Zhuofan slowly raised his right arm and rushed in the direction of the arrows, the red awn bloomed, and a confident arc of the corner of his mouth said: "Even if his bow and arrow are strong, it will be no match for my **** arm. ! "

Staring tightly at Zhuo Fan, Tuoba Er'er already knew that everything he had done to them was already known to his chest, so it would be more difficult to think of hurting him unexpectedly, but, unfortunately, Zhe is not a exception...

"Huh, stinky boy, you should have listened to Shibei three days ago. All the news you have heard about us is already a thing of the past!" The eyes narrowed slightly, and Tuo Baer suddenly smiled strangely. Grabbing Charahan with one hand, he flew back suddenly and flew away.

Zhuo Fan was stunned, looking at Tuo Baer, ​​who had been far away from him, and felt a little confused.

But at this time, the sudden change!

Those light arrows that rushed to Zhuofan like a wave, but they spread out suddenly and flew in all directions. After a circle, they flew back to Zhuofan quickly again. The target is still Zhuofan. Each key.

Only one difference is that Zhuo Fan at this moment has been surrounded by these light arrows in all directions, and there is no room to dodge or block.

That is to say, if there is any weakness in Zhuo Fan's body that can be killed with one blow, there is no way to cover up. And his pair of beast fists cannot prevent every dead corner of him.

This is real, dead!

"Hahaha ... I didn't think of it, stinky boy, this is the unique skill of Zhebei Xinlian, Wanjian Zongzong. Since it was refined, it hasn't been used in front of outsiders, see how you block it!" Over a long distance, Xiang Zhuofan made a grimace and looked elated.

Seeing this, Yongning's three women were in a hurry.

Zhebe looked at all this far, and the corner of his mouth showed an arc of excitement.

He knows the power of these ten thousand arrows to the ancestors most. However, each arrow blade is the power of the fifth-strike spirit soldier, which he uses to strike with all his strength. Now all the arrows are flying, completely blocking all the paths of this kid. It's impossible for him to avoid it or block it all. In this way, Zhuo Fan will be hit hard even if he does not die.

This is exactly one shot of a hundred hits, no one survived!

Thinking of this, Zhebe couldn't stop being excited. After he made this trick, he hasn't done anything to anyone. Now it's really a good thing to try the power of a peerless master like Zhuofan!

However, Zhuo Fan did n't have that much interest in this. With a long sigh, he drew his right arm down and shook his head helplessly: "I heard them say that the arrow breaking nine days is so powerful. Shake my god's arm. I didn't expect it to be the return of all the arrows of the Shizizi, boring, really boring! "


Zhebei, who was hiding in the distance, almost spurted out no old blood.

He had never imagined that his hard-working skills had been so dismissively evaluated by Zhuo Fan, and he groaned inwardly.

Huh, if you do n't know the goods, it 's time for you to cry.

Tuoba Lian'er was also a little bit angry. He sneered and said with a sneer: "Huh, it's just a tongue out. Even if you are amazing, you can't stop these attacks in all directions. You are poor."

At this time, the light arrows were about to hit him, Zhuo Fan didn't care, touched his nose, and said lightly: "Then let's bet if these arrows can hit me. Support, item on the head. Otherwise, please tell the girl honestly, what are your plans! "

"it is good!"

Tuoba Lianer nodded his head immediately, nodded as expected, Zara was rare but in a hurry, shouting: "Miss ..."

However, Pianer waved his hand carelessly, reassuring him. Now those light arrows are close to Zhuo Fan's body on Monday meters. With such a large area of ​​arrows shooting, even if he can't shoot him, it can't be shot by one.

Therefore, Tuoba Lian'er thought that he was already invincible.

Charahan looked at it, and also nodded slightly, letting go of his heart a little, and laughing.

No matter how strong this kid is, he can't even shoot him with an arrow. Miss, this bet is a win!

But the next moment, the two of them suddenly discovered that his mother was really **** ...

Zhuo Fan's double pupils condensed, and a wave of Yuanshen wave came out. It was behind a large tree thousands of kilometers away. There was a person hiding it. It should be the Zhebe that shot these hundreds of arrows.

Zhebe also felt the volatility coming, knowing that Zhuo Fan had already detected his position, but he didn't care.

Zhuo Fan is about to be pierced by his hundred arrows. He still has a bodhisattva to cross the river.

But the next moment, something incredible happened. In everyone's incredible eyes, Zhuo Fan slowly raised his right hand, like an incomparable emperor, when those light arrows had already reached his chest, he snapped his fingers and ordered: "go!"


Hundreds of light arrows disappeared in front of the eyes, and when it appeared again, it was the location of Zhebei hiding after the big tree thousands of kilometers away.

"What the **** is this?"

Seeing those light arrows shot by themselves, they suddenly appeared in front of them, surrounded by all directions, and Zhebei was so scared that he was so frightened that he scolded.

Immediately afterwards, there was a blast of bang, and all the light arrows greeted him.

The dazzling light kept flashing across the sky, but then came a cry of misery. It is estimated that the archer himself could not figure out what happened, and all his arrows hit him.

For the first time, he used his unique skills, but the object of the experiment was himself?

With a thump, a black lacquered thing fell from the big tree, his body twitched, and blood spewed out continuously. But he didn't care so much, just kept mumbling in his mouth, and his eyes were full of incomprehensible colors.

May be sorrowful while cursing his mother.

Zhuo Fan looked away in that direction, a golden ring in the right pupil gradually disappeared, and he chuckled softly: "Hehehe ... I really deserve to shoot Sirius, really a hundred shots, these hundreds of arrows, actually No one fell short, admire admiration! "

Tuoba Lian'er and Chalahan stared at Zhuo Fan staring blankly, but they were completely stupid. In my heart, ten thousand grass and mud horses were running wild!

Just ... what happened? What did this kid do, it's too bad!

At this moment, the two looked at Zhuofan's eyes, which could not be described with simple taboos, but a complete panic!

Where is this sacred woman, in one sentence, let all the arrows fired change direction and shoot back to the original owner, what the **** is going on?

Zhuo Fan couldn't help but chuckled, with a weird arc on the corner of his mouth, looked at Tuoba Lianer again and said, "Liner girl, this gambling looks like I won. I admit that I will lose!"

With a grunt, the two looked at each other, but they took two steps backwards, and looked at Zhuofan's eyes as if they were looking at a monster who didn't know which space to run out of.

Zhuo Fan is not only invincible, but also has a strange and strange technique, which makes them never imagined.

Now, they finally know how correct Zhuge Changfeng's admonition was. It was not unreasonable for everyone to chop down seven kitchen knives with sparks.

Grandma, a bear, such a monster, who the **** can afford it!

Now, they have discovered that the Emperor Gate dare to fight this monster to the present, they are really brave enough ...

"Pity girl, Zhuo Fan hates two people most of my life. One is overwhelming and the other is not keeping your promise. Today you have made a bogey, I do n't want you to make another bogey, otherwise I But my heart is not soft! "Zhuo Fan's complexion finally cooled down.

The breath didn't feel stagnation, and Tuobaer's heart was bitter. In the original Beast King Mountain, Zhuo Fanke swallowed the fossil milk she discovered and all the treasures of heaven and earth, and released her pigeons.

It is shameless to say that she is so proud to say that she does not keep her promise.

Chalahan was so blushed that he flushed, and he wished to find a hole in the ground.

Thinking of him as the first fighter in dogs, the battlefield is invincible, invincible, and invincible. Now he was reprimanded by a little ghost in Tianxuan Realm, and he was also disciplined, which made him a terrible wolf guard, and a proud heart could no longer beat.

But there is no way, the world's strength is respected, people are stronger than you, saying that you are shameless and shameless, that you are untrustworthy is untrustworthy, what can you do, you can only bear it!

Otherwise, how can you refute, is your fist hardened?

Relative to the kingly Taoist Tianyu, Ken Rong advocates respect for the strong. Faced with a master like Zhuofan, both of them have nothing to say.

At least the average second ancestor, it is time to start looking for a backer, what my father is like Li Gang.

However, the innocent people disdain to do so, lose is to lose, let the winner lose. Even, they clearly have the status of representative of the mission, and there is no clamor.

"You killed me!" Tuoba Liaoer tilted her neck, very stubborn.

Zhuo Fan's eyebrows shook, a clear bone explosion in his hand, and sneered: "Do you think I dare? Even if you are a dog and brigade, dare to be a murderer on the street, and stab Lao Tzu, Tian Yu's first housekeeper, Lao Tzu also has power Sanctioned you on the spot. "

With that said, Zhuo Fan's fist was already surging with red light, and his monstrous murderous intentions rushed to the sky ...