
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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1026 Chs


"Luo Family Master, the old man and the two of them decided to take half of the masters of Shuanglong Academy, and Ye disciple and other outstanding disciples, to go to Beizhou to rescue, in order to resist the undefeated Jianzun's fierce prestige, and relieve Beizhou's urgent needs!"

He gently stroked his beard, the black beard supremely pondered a little, and there was a faint voice.

Brow flicked, Luo Yunhai thought for a moment, but slowly shook his head, frowning: "Shuanglongyuan is the pillar of Xizhou's combat power, and it takes away half of the masters in one breath. Isn't Xizhou empty? Taking advantage of this to send troops, wouldn't you have caught the other party's plan to move the tiger away from the mountain? "

"Yeah, yeah, please be careful, the two supremes. We can't ignore our nest for the sake of those in Beizhou!" Upon hearing this, an old man hurriedly stood up and clenched his fists.

Looking up, it was actually an elder Mo Yanzong.

But when he heard his words, the two Supreme Masters had not spoken yet. Luo Yunhai was already frowning. He continued: "But if we don't go to the rescue this time, the other party robbed Feng Tianjian of Beizhou and turned his head to deal with us. How long can we persevere? The most important thing is that once we die, the four-state alliance collapses, and there is no trust at all. Would n't we have fallen into each other 's divorce? "


Unable to stagnate, the elder looked at Luo Yunhai, but he was speechless and helpless: "I said Lord Luo, what do you mean, for a long time, what should we do? It is neither salvation nor salvation. Are you not talking nonsense? "

"Neither nor!"

Slowly shook his head, but the impermanence was a chuckle, and said quietly: "This elder Mingjian, our family's remarks are not nonsense, but analysis of the situation. One pros and cons, all in control. Only the situation. You can make a correct judgment only after you have cleared it. Besides, it is up to the two supreme powers to decide how to act. It is the power of two supreme masters.

Without knowing his face, the man was suddenly speechless, and finally waved his hand fiercely. He hated and said: "Your Luo family has many famous strategists. Try your best. The old man will not argue with you, hum!"

"Where, we are reasonable, ha ha ha ..." Slightly nodded, nonchalant.

He glanced at them deeply, and the black beard supreme was also blooming in his eyes, and he set out: "Yeah, there are many Luo family counselors. How can the old man forget this stubble. Now when I encounter this difficult thing, I really want to think about it. Everyone has asked for advice. Presumably the two are the two of the three wise stars of Luomeng, Mr. Leng Wuchang Leng, and Zhuge Changfeng, Zhuge steward, disrespect and disrespect! "

"The two supremes are polite!" The two stood up together and bowed to the two supremes with a smile on their faces.

Nodding slightly, Bai Mei Zhi continued: "So according to the meaning of the two gentlemen, how should we act this time?"

Looking at each other, both of them couldn't help but smile indifferently. Finally, Zhuge Changfeng looked up and said: "The two Supreme Masters Qi Qi have actually said very clearly just now that my house owner has said this. It 's just a moment 's peace, but it will ruin the thousand-year creed. If you help Beizhou, there may be a danger of ruining your home. Xizhou is in great trouble, but it is still tied to the river, and it is stable. The Supreme is at his discretion! "

Zhuge Changfeng is worthy of being a prime minister and has a set of diplomatic rhetoric.

The meaning of his sentence is obvious. We are only making a suggestion. It is your business to adopt it or not. Anyway, no matter what kind of action there is a risk.

But if something goes wrong, don't call me, you decide it yourself. Our Luo family had reminded you early in the morning that you didn't listen.

"It's a steward of Zhuge, really deserved of its name, and the old is taught, hehehe ..."

He glanced at him deeply, and the two Supreme Masters didn't know what he meant, and couldn't help but looked at each other, and both laughed out loud. This is really meritorious. He has a share. Have we both carried it on my back? Who made us the decision maker?

Even if something goes wrong at that time, the Luo family will clear the relationship and will not be a scapegoat for the Ssangyong Academy. Ha ha ha ... No wonder this small family is developing so fast, the gatekeeper is really not easy!

After a moment of admiration, the question fell into the hands of both of them, but at this moment, they had already sorted out their clues. Although the aid to Beizhou will make Xizhou empty and provide opportunities for people to take advantage of, this may result in great losses. But this is nothing more than an immediate loss, and the overall situation of the four-state alliance remains unchanged.

However, if you give up Beizhou but it is a short-sighted move, the immediate interests may not be preserved, and the trust of the four-state alliance will be lost, which is not conducive to future confrontation with Zhongzhou.

Thinking about it, the glance in the eyes of the two Supreme Masters had already been decided, and they all drank together: "Just do it and give aid to Beizhou. Then the stability of Xizhou will depend on everyone here. Especially It is Luomeng, who is adept at military affairs and guards against Zhongzhou, and he must assume full responsibility! "

"The two supremes are at ease, I will!" Luo Yunhai decided to hold his respectfully.

At this point, the Ssangyong Academy has already made up its mind, or that they have already made up their minds, just to hold a meeting and unify their thinking. Lest when it's critical, some people will be in trouble if they break the chain.

However, we still have to wait for the two Supreme Masters to wave and let everyone back down, but some of the old hands were immediately raised again, and quickly hurriedly said: "Two Supreme Masters, there is one more thing, the old one wants to report!"

"What's the matter?"

His brow flickered, and the black beard supreme looked away, and said lightly: "You are the elder Xu of the Qing dynasty, are the things you gather important?"

Slightly nodded his head, and the old man stood up slowly, actually the person he met when Zhuo Fan rushed to Taiqing Sect a few days ago. Can't help but hesitate, the old man frowned deeply and muttered: "Qiyun, two Supreme Masters, there is something old that must tell the two adults and everyone, please make a preparation, when you go out, highlight the tricks, Do n't be irritating at will, or something serious will happen! "

"What are you old guys talking about, what the **** is going on, hurry up!" However, the two supremes had not spoken yet, and the people underneath were noisy again.

Helpless and distant, the old man couldn't help but sighed, his lips light, but he spit out ten words that made everyone present look pale again: "Disciples of Heavenly Demon Mountain ... came out again!"


He could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, everyone present was dumbfounded, his hands and feet were cold, even more terrified than when he heard the names of the undefeated Jianzun and the Nine Sword King.

Two years ago, the entire Xizhou, who did not know the masters of each case, the power of the Nine Nine Overlords. This time, Tianmo Mountain is moving, and still at such a knot, what are you doing?

For a time, everyone present was stunned and could not stop swallowing, even the two supremes were no exception. They don't want to see that old monster that is more terrible than the undefeated Jianzun.

"Old man, are you talking about the truth, don't scare us!"

Constantly touching the cold sweat on his head, some of the people in the scene were already fidgeting, their lips were shaking, and they looked at them, but they were all troublesome guys.

They are all lawless guys on weekdays, but during this time they have to be good babies, and they have converged, otherwise they will cause some troubles that should not be caused, and cause the same kind of destruction as the five cases, then just Suffocated!

They are never good people, and they are never afraid of good people, but they are afraid of being worse than them. Obviously, Tianmo Mountain is such a evil cave of evil, let some demons come out and punish them these evil people.

The last time Zhuo Fan disturbed the Ssangyong Association's restlessness, and then pulled out the big devil, and the Nine Nine Overlords directly fell to five cases. Another disciple came out this time, what else would they do?

Everyone was confused, but trembling with fear, the Black Beard Supreme couldn't help but shouted to the old man: "What's going on, I'll give you details!"

With a grunt, he swallowed, and the man nodded lightly, and then reported everything he saw.

After hearing everything, a group of people were all dumbfounded!

Your sister, still riding the ninth-level spirit beast ... That's right, it's indeed a person from Tianmo Mountain. Only in that strange place, such a pervert. And it is clear that the Nine Nine Overlord has learned the lesson of the tragic death of the last disciple, and also sent such a perverted spirit beast as a bodyguard.

After glancing at each other, everyone was indifferent, and the Black Beard Supreme coughed and murmured: "The old man and the white eyebrow are about to set off, please take care of yourself, take care!"

You sister, you slipped fast, and the people who know that Tianmo Mountain is dispatched again, can't wait to go to Beizhou to fight with the undefeated Jianzun! At least this undefeated sword respect you still have to fight, but the Nine Nether Overlord is not even qualified to fight.

Two old guys, it's a good deal!

Lifting his eyes and glancing at the two Supreme Masters, everyone felt a sullen heart!

"Also, this time bringing Allure into the core, as a core disciple, this is also considered an experience, huh, huh ..." Suddenly, the Baimei Supreme seemed to sound something, and he shouted and laughed again and again.

Damn, you two old guys, even with the amulet beside you, what should you do?

The cheeks couldn't help but choked, and everyone was even more speechless, because everyone knew that the entire Xizhou could have a relationship with Tianmo Mountain. There were only sympathizers, and only Zhuofan's undead, Chu Qingcheng.

With her by her side, even if you accidentally offended the Tianmo Mountain, you can beg for love and expose the matter, but such an umbrella was also taken away by these two old guys, and everyone immediately felt a sudden Resentment spontaneously ...

At the same time, a volcanic crater in Nanzhou, a woman slowly took a jade jade and looked a little, but it was Murong Xue who was no doubt.

Then she handed the jade jade to a side bearded big sweat, said lightly: "Brother, Beizhou for help!"

"Take me to burn the sky sword!"

"Why, don't you ask anything?"

"Four-state alliance, one promises a lot of money, no need to ask!" Suddenly turned his head, the old Han Jingjing waved, left leisurely. Looking at the back of the big man, Murong Xue couldn't help but smile lightly, and then looked like a star in the north, looking far away.

"Just came back from there, and will go again ..."

On the other hand, amidst the blizzard, a crimson long sword fluttered in the strong wind, three old men surrounded it in a circle, the tactics in his hand slammed and pointed at the sword, but it was the three of Shangguan's family Xeon worship.

At this time, Shangguan Feixiong came to them in a hurry, looking at such a scene, could not help asking: "Why, can't the seal still be unlocked?"

"Yeah, I don't know what seal is under this kid. The three old men can't solve the seal of the sword and spirit!"

"Grandma is a bear, I said why is he so happy to return the sword, leaving the old man with such a hand!"

With a fierce cloak, Shangguan Feixiong said eloquently: "Damn Gu Yifan, you sealed the sword spirit and gave the old man a fart. Seeing that you have to deal with the undefeated Jianzun, how can this be? Is that right? Well, wait, wait for the old man to see you next time, you must tear it apart! "

Shangguan Feixiong gritted his teeth, Shangguan Qingyan saw a lament on the side, his eyes were missing, but he did not know, Zhuo Fan was hurriedly hurriedly rushing to this northern cold place ...