
Magic Emperor en

Author : Nightingale / Nightowl | Comic : Magic Emperor | Novel : The steward Demonic Emperor / Magic emperor | Zhuo Yifan was the Demon Emperor. He managed to lay his hands on an ancient emperor’s book, the Nine Serenities Secret Records. A book coveted by many, he was targeted by experts and was even betrayed by his student. After his passing, his soul enters another’s body. He had came back to life, in the body of a family servant named Zhuo Fan. Because of the regrets of the boy, which Zhuo Fan inherited, he was forced to serve the boy’s mistress. Just how can he lead this descending family to the pinnacle of this continent?! CR: - https://m.biquge.com.cn/book/52840/ -https://mtlnovel.com/the-steward-demonic-emperor - https://wuxiaworld.site/novel/magic-emperor

Black_flam3 · Eastern
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Ahhhhh ...

The screams were endless!

Roar roar!

Cheers loudly, resounding through the sky!

The fire and ice are twofold, and several are happy and some are sad. After the four old monsters formally joined the battle circle, the hearts of Mozezong's people seemed to fall into the ice cave, and their faces were desperate; everyone in Xuantianzong cheered with enthusiasm!

It was just a matter of time. Morcezong's dozens of masters fell, morale plummeted, and some even reached the point of being timid before the battle. Even if they played against the generalized virtual masters, they did not have the courage to flee on the spot. , No combat power!

It is conceivable that if we continue this way, the defeat will be decided!

"Zhuo Fan, what should we do? If we go on like this, we will lose, and find a way to rush out of the enchantment!" Yangsha rushed to Zhuo Fan's face, reporting his embarrassment: "My The battlefield on the east side has been defeated, and will not last longer! "

At this time, Bai Fengfeng and others also flew from the west, full of sweat on the forehead: "The same is true of the west, where the four old people went on Sunday, there is no grass, and we can't fight anymore!"

"Zhuo Butler, the middle passage is about to be enclosed by them. Let's concentrate all our strength together, or we will be too late!" Qi Fengfeng's face flew solemnly from the middle exit and exhorted loudly.

Squinting his eyes slightly, Zhuo Fan refused to say: "Even if the middle breakout is useless, our secret plan to cross Chen Cang, although bypassing the guardian enemies of the other party, but we also become a turtle in the urn, we can only break the battle and die if we don't win , There is no escape route. "

"Yeah, what if we break through? We can't break the Xuantianzong enclave, we will still be surrounded by them, there is no way to live!" Qi Qifeng also lamented and shook his head helplessly when he heard Zhuo Fan's words.

Blinking fiercely, taking a deep breath, Yangsha let himself wake up, and then looked at Zhuofan solemnly: "So what shall we do next, do we really have to fight for the last soldier?"

"Of course not, the thief catches the king first!" The glance in his eyes flashed, Zhuo Fan raised his eyes and looked at the Sect Sect Master not far away.

Everyone was stunned, and he understood what he meant in an instant, and looked at him with the same intention. Yes, as long as this old man is caught, I am not afraid that his Xuan Tianzong will not fail!

Seeing the naked eyes of these demon heads, Sect Master Xuan had already understood their plans. He could not help but sneer and stepped on his feet. Instead, he stepped back: "Ha ha ha ... I want to use the old man as a shield, it is not so easy!"

"Hey, hey ... It's not easy, I'll know it after I tried it!" A cold smile, Yangsha's mouth crossed a strange arc, and he roared out: "Brothers, come together and take this old guy. Everyone Whether you can go out alive depends on this! "


When everyone heard this, there was still a way to live, and they knew it in seconds, so they all slammed under their feet and flew to Sect Master Xuan. The naked desire in that eye is like a rogue looking at a beautiful woman!

Unconsciously, Xuan Sect Master couldn't help being shocked, and his face became solemn. He never imagined that at this critical moment, he had become the target of the public. Everyone wanted to use him as a shield, so that he was besieged.

Xuan Tianzong masters saw that their own patriarch had become the target of these gangs, and they came to help.

Therefore, the battlefield has once again undergone tremendous changes. It is no longer that the east, west, south, and north are formed in a circle, and the battlefields are separated, but they are gathered together with Xuanzongzhu as the center.

As if he is a famous chef who made the sweets, everyone should rob him ...

"Ji Jie ... Old man Xuan, obediently be our human flesh shield, and send us out!" With a strange laugh, more than thirty masters of Mo Ce Zong appeared in front of Xuan Zong's body, 100 meters away, 30 Many Dao Ling Ding Ling Dang hit him.

The pupils could not help shrinking, Sect Master Xuan swallowed hard, and his head was covered with fine sweat. Even if he turned his false eight-fold practice into practice, he couldn't stop so many masters from besieging!

However, just when the great master was in a difficult predicament and could not extricate himself, the roar of Long Yin was resounded in everyone's ears.

Immediately afterwards, a circle of light caught everyone's eyes, and the overwhelming huge dragon soul rushed into everyone here. It's just a breathing effort, but after listening to the wailing sounds of misery, the thirty masters have collapsed and died out in an instant.

In front of Lord Xuanzong, there was a familiar and terrifying earthy circle. A giant dragon kept turning around the circle, and the four old men sat peacefully in the circle.

Eye pupils couldn't help but shrunk fiercely, and Mo Cezong was shocked, and exclaimed: "Senior Zhou Tian, ​​they came here so soon!"

Saying that, the Mozezong all gathered together beside Zhuo Fan, and looked at the four old monsters with a dreadful face, and all the Xuantianzong people also came to guard around the Xuanzong Lord, all with proud smile , Looked over with disdain.

Suddenly, the two sides are no longer fighting each other, but Jing and Wei have launched a confrontation. But compared to Xuan Tianzong, who is like a rainbow, Mo Cezong is full of fear, fear and shrinking!

Because the other four old monsters of the other party are unstoppable ...

"Hahaha ... Zhuo Fan, the old man now disdains to fight you again. There are four Zhenzong enshrined here by my Xuan Tianzong, and your defeat has been decided. Want to move the old man? Hum, let's pass our four first It 's a dedicated gate! "

With a cold smile, Sect Master Xuan looked at Zhuofan proudly, shouting loudly, arrogant and contemptuous. When Xuan Shaoyu saw it, how could he not humiliate his opponent, and then shouted loudly, "Zhuofan, you are so devilish, and my sister, pig and dog are not as good as this. The son will break you to death for a while Duan, feed the jackals, tigers and leopards from the mountain stream so that you will never be overborn, hahaha ... "

Clenching his teeth fiercely, everyone on Mo Cezong's face was angry and helpless, and finally turned Xi Yi's gaze to Zhuo Fan, all inquiring in his eyes.

What should I do, Butler?

"It seems that there is no way. You forced me to do this, but don't regret it. Lao Tzu is going to use the last trump card!" Unconsciously, Zhuo Fan's eyes flashed finely, turning the ring slightly, grinning. .

Unconsciously, Yang Sha immediately reacted, and then said with a serious face: "Zhuo Fan, are you going to be on your own?"

"What, did you go personally?" Han Qianying was stunned, but she frowned deeply and solemnly said: "The four enshrined powers are the strongest, how could you be their opponent?"

However, just after she said this, Kui Wolf waved her hand and smiled with disapproval: "Qianying, you do n't know Zhuo butler, Zhuo butler still has a geek. You did n't see that, Ssangyong met with Zhuo butler Black Flame shoots out, then all monsters must immediately see the king ... "

Cough cough cough ...

Kui Lang's boasting was not over, but Zhuo Fan had coughed and interrupted him, his face full of embarrassment.

To be honest, he didn't have any solution for these four old men. Originally, with the power of the black thunder flame, it did have the power to destroy the world.

However, since the Ssangyong meeting, he can no longer make it out, because the black flame condensate must be combined with the burning of the golden flame and the blue flame, and it can be refined out by the fusion of the purple thunder.

But he doesn't have the Yanlong Jinyan now. The Jinyan at the Ssangyong meeting is just that he stole the leaf scale to use it, not his own.

Therefore, without that powerful method, he could not deal with such a powerful old monster!

As for the other method, he took out the stolen soldiers stolen from the Ssangyong Court, but in this way, he was not exposed. So less than a last resort, he was unwilling to expose the means that would cause him great trouble!

However, Kui Wolf's words attracted the attention of others. Everyone looked at Zhuofan with a long face, waiting for him to come up with a thorough means of enemy control, even the four old monsters on the opposite side. I even believed it, and I laughed out loud: "Oh, you are the leader of this group, then you want to have something extraordinary. The old man also wants to see, what good tricks can you have with us? The four of us are fighting each other, and we hope that we can open our eyes and see, ha ha ha ... "

"Yeah, Zhuo Fan, if you have the kind, come and challenge the strength of the four enshrinements. Anyway, for you, it is a knife to extend your head and a knife to shrink your head. What's the difference? Hahaha ..." Also laughed endlessly.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, Zhuo Fan looked at everyone's eyes with different expressions, there was a period of wing, there was contempt, there was love, but under his heart he couldn't help but sighed and laughed: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you. ! "

Hearing this, the Mozezong people couldn't help but lose for a while, shaking their heads in lament. Why, even Zhuo Butler has no choice?

However, waiting for them to show their despair, Zhuo Fan turned his words and said: "However, I must give this trump card, and this is what you forced me to do, don't regret it!"

With that, Zhuo Fan 's eyes were fixed, his hands flicked, and a blue light appeared suddenly. Then, a six- or seven-year-old child suddenly appeared in front of everyone, but it was the unstoppable ancient tee. undoubtedly!


After yawning for a long time, Gu Santong stretched his waist and looked at Zhuofan indifferently: "Dad, how come it took me so long to let me out, I'm about to fall asleep!"

"Hehehe ... I'll let you come out now, how can you show up at random when you are our ace? You have to come out at a critical time to have aura, right?" Zhuo Fan's face was full of coax The child looks like a pure smile.

The ancient three links nodded slightly, and gladly accepted the reason.

But the others on the scene looked at this, but they were stunned. Especially those who knew Yang Zhuo, such as Yang Sha, looked at him with a puzzled face, cursing: "What the **** are you doing, you Did n't you say the trump card, how did you release your son? "

"Yes, he is my trump card!"

Nodded clearly, Zhuo Fan raised his face and shouted proudly: "As a father, my son is the biggest trump card of my life. The surname Xuan, and all the Xuan Tianzong, including those four Old monster, you all listened well, if you want to move my son, first pass my son! "

Zhuo Fan's loud voice resounded in everyone's ears, the ancient three-way straightened his chest, and was also proud. Being able to cover the wind and rain for Dad became his reliance, but this little guy had the greatest honor in his life.

However, when other people heard this sentence, they were completely dumbfounded. Not only Xuan Tianzong's people, but also Mo Cezong's face looked at the two fathers and sons with a confused look, and they went back and forth on the two people's face for a long while. Unconsciously, they all scolded, beasts!