
Magic Concept Academy

Morgan Du Pryce is the sole son of the Marquis Pryce, on the eastern border of the country of Athelaya. Soon the attend the largest academy in the country, Morgan prepares as much as he can, but will it be enough? Suddenly thrust into a mess of socially inept noble children and magical mishaps, Morgan realizes his preparations would never have been enough for his new environment. He will need to navigate the figurative (and possibly literal) war-zone of the academy, while maintaining his grades and hopefully making friends along the way. All while getting stronger so that he can go home with enough strength to defend it from a coming storm. ======================================= Hi I'm Clam, and I'm new here. Please bear with me while I figure everything out. Hope you enjoy and stick around.

Claiomh · Fantasy
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26 Chs


Departing the study, I make for the backyard. On the way I pass Mom as she mills about, and Karla doing housework. After a brief greeting, I continue on my way.

I have just about an hour before we must depart for what will no doubt end up being a three day venture. Even with the best horses, the journey to the capital will take a day, and I doubt Mom will want to leave immediately after the tour ends.

Despite the huge size of the mansion, it doesn't take long to go anywhere inside it, likely due to the influence of Father's magic. I don't know exactly how that would be, but I don't have any other explanation. Thus I arrive at the back door, and step out onto the grass.

The breeze feels nice, and the shade of the massive sugar maple towering overhead is more than enough to block any harsh sunlight. I stick under it and move closer to the base of the trunk, sitting down and facing out into the distance.

Beyond the rolling hills, and stretching across the horizon as far as the eye can see, is the largest fortress wall in Athelaya. It doesn't have a name, but that doesn't take away from its majesty. Built by the first king shortly after the royal family settled the capital, it has stood for hundreds of years now. It outlines the outermost border of the country, and has defended against every invader that has attempted to breach it.

Father participated in two of such defenses. While it's unsettling to think that just beyond that wall are creatures and other humans that would destroy us without hesitation, I'm comforted by the promise of protection from the wall that has never fallen.


I sigh and close my eyes. Maybe a nap before we go is alright, the wind and shade feel nice.

* * * * * * *

Falling through a pitch black void.






Can't feel anything, can't see anything, can't hear anything but a beating heart.

It smells of iron and soot.

The darkness undulates and folds like tar.

Can't help but reach out to it.

Nothing to reach with.

It responds.

The tar cracks, silver beneath.

The beating is louder.

The silver seems to beckon.

It reaches out.

It swallows.

All around, the silver.

In the distance, a heart beats.

With each beat, a crack of thunder.

Closer with each moment.

Can feel it, can see it, can hear it clearly.

I feel a body that did not exist.

I reach out my hands to the heart.

I pull it closer, with a creeping familiarity.

I feel the silver shrink.

I pull it to my chest.

I feel the silver flood.

I see only silver.

I see nothing.

I do not hear beating.

Can't feel, can't see, can't hear.

Falling down.






* * * * * * *

I wake up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. What the hell was that? I take a moment to check my surroundings.

"Are you okay sweetheart?"

Before I can process anything, I hear Mom across from me, looking at me with worry.

"Yes I think so..."

I give her a positive response to ease her worries, but I'm still shaken.

"Where are we?

"We're in the carriage, on the road to the capital."


Sitting up, I look toward the window. Rolling hills stretch far into the distance and I can faintly see the wall. We probably haven't been on the road for long.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Mom is still worried.

"Yes I'm fine, thank you for being concerned."

She frowns, but lets it go.

"Did you move me to the carriage? I remember falling asleep under the maple, but nothing more."

Mom laughs.

"No, I got your Father to do it."

"I guess that makes more sense."

We sit in silence for a moment.

"Morgan, do you think you're ready?"

"For the academy?

"Yes, for the academy. Your Father told me about your conversation earlier."

Am I ready? I'm not sure. I don't know what to expect, but at the same time I've been told exactly what to expect. I think I'm probably ready, just nervous since it's new. Yeah, I'll go with that.

"Probably. Just nervous I suppose."

"That's good at least. Nerves are natural, so don't get so wrapped up in them that you make a mistake, okay?"

"I will try, thank you Mom."

"For what, I'm just doing my job as your mother."

She smiles, reaching up to ruffle my hair.

"I love you Morgan, more than you know. I may not be your actual mother, but I sure as hell love you like I am."

"I love you too Mom."

For the next several hours we talk about nothing in particular, just passing the time.

* * * * * * *

On a train headed to Shancross, the capital of Athelaya.

"Young Miss, we will be arriving soon."

"Thank you Arthur, you may go."

Arthur exits the compartment, closing the door behind him. The Young Miss, Celeria Von Grandell, stares out the window wistfully.

"Is this really necessary..." She sighs.

Her mother, the Duchess Grandell, sent her off for a tour of the academy that she would be attending soon, along with her butler Arthur. Though the term doesn't begin until 6 months later, Celeria knows that her mother doesn't expect her return. Celeria's older brother is set to inherit the family title, and thus all of her other siblings have been sent away from the main house in one way or another.

Watching out the window, just as the train is nearing the wall surrounding Shancross, she spots several ornate horse-drawn carriages entering through a massive gate.

'Those will likely be the other nobles attending the tour.'

"Young Miss, we have arrived."

Arthur appears in the doorway again, startling Celeria.

"Yes Arthur, I know. And you know I don't like it when you come out of nowhere."

"My apologies Young Miss, I will keep that in mind."

Celeria sighs and stands.

"Lead the way."

"With pleasure."

* * * * * * *

"Wake up Morgan, it seems that we've arrived."

Seven Asterisks will always mean a dream or POV change.

I think context can be used to figure out which is which.

Morgan's POV will always be in first person, and other characters will always be in third.

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