
Magic Chronicles : Fallen Race

-Warning: This story contains graphic scenes of violence and bloodshed. No one under 18 is allowed- Have you ever pondered the mechanisms behind the Demon King's power system? Wondered how they attain such formidable strength at the game's outset, or why they seem to advance in levels more swiftly and efficiently than the heroes? Look no further, for this narrative delves into those very mysteries. ... "Magic Chronicles" is a game that retells the story of a war between humans and demons. To his annoyance, Reji is given credit for the last accomplishment after finishing successfully. The reason for his annoyance was because of the title of the achievement...[Unforgivable] Was it because he stole a passerby's vehicle and quickly got there? Or that he broke into other people's houses so as to break unlocked treasure boxes? Or that he infiltrated the cult in order to "borrow" their precious relic? "Without my careful endeavors as the savior, how would your world stand upon the invasion of the demonic race from the rift? What will you employ to cast out and seal the desolate chasms of disorder the demons summoned and are now threatening your realm?" [Beep...The summoning ritual of the Demon King has been detected. Soon thou as well shall be chosen and descend into that chaotic rift] Reji: ".?" ---------- -The evil tag is there for a reason; please don't decide if he is evil or not from the first arc- --------------- every 500+ power stones = 1+ chapter every 50+ golden ticket = 1+ chapter

Hail_The_loli · Fantasy
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297 Chs

Chapter 217: The Demon Army of Stillwater Prison


"Squeak! Foolish human! So easily tricked by the great Skaven! Squeak squeak! Skaven is the Tenth Apostle of the Demon Race. You really think I would be afraid of you, a running dog of the Second Prince? Ridiculous!"

The rat-man who had been leading the way for Reji in a humble manner, seeing that Reji had successfully fallen into the trap and all escape routes were locked, with the situation settled, immediately jumped out and changed his face.

His narrow rat eyes were now looking at Reji with satisfaction, his arrogant tone fully displaying his haughty attitude of being arrogant before and servile after.

"So...this is your demon army?" Reji looked around. There were at least a dozen different races of non-humans that he could see.