
Magi : The True King

Update Schedule is Every other day in weeks says and everyday in weekends The old king Solomon after his death has now been Reborn in the world he once had created. With his new life he swore to rebuild his kingdom and find all of his past friends and loved ones as he was Now the true king Alibaba.

LazySatanixDevil · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 18 Sahbmad

After hearing these words from Alibaba, Hakuyuu just nodded. He hugged Alibaba in a brotherly way since he didn't expect to get a magic tool that's seemed to be a revolutionary item because, like most people, in this world, know that. Ordinary humans who have no talent in magic have almost no way to talk with a person far away from other than sending letters or visiting therm, which, people who are like him who has a high position in a kingdom rarely ever get to visit their associates unless for a political meeting.

Then after receiving the magic tool. Hakuyuu finally boarded their ship and leaving King Rashid said to Alibaba, who was beside him, "Son, are you ok about this? I know his a foreign prince of another kingdom, but I saw that you got close to him extremely fast. But you should know that he is a foreign prince, so as a prince, you can't get too close to him as although I know your smart, sometimes emotions make us humans do dumb decisions no matter if you're a genius."

Alibaba then just replied, "Of course, father, I know that although sometimes I think wouldn't it be better if all the kingdoms get along and don't have to worry about politics and live in harmony. And I know that may sound stupid as I know that can never truly happen as war will inventively happen even if we managed to that. But I still think that even for a little we can"

When King Rashid heard this, he just patted Alibaba's head as he said while sighing, "I hope so too, son, I truly do.

Timeskip 1 year

A year after the day when Hakuyuu and General Kojin, many events had happened in Balbadd. In the last year, the Kou Empire now had fully announced to the citizens living in the Former Kouga Empire's borderlands that Balbadd was now their ruler. When the people living in these areas heard this, they at first didn't like the idea of suddenly being controlled now by another nation, but after seeing the interactions of Nobles and Generals of Balbadd who were mostly king and the people seeing that some of the Nobles and Generals were previously commoners or members from the slums and due to the opportunity given by the decree made a year and a half ago, by the Balbadd Royal Family.

When the people who lived in the borderland area were mostly scattered members of the previous Kouga Empire and some current Kou Empire members and members of the scattered cities in the central desert regions, although not fully following the Balbadd rulers, they still felt that the Balbadd Kingdom was at least much better in their citizens' treatment than the Kou Empire.

In this last year, the merchants and including the second prince and Alibaba's elder brother Sabhmad Saluja have gained many benefits due to the now right of Balbadd Merchants to use the Kou Empire's Trading Routes. This last year, Sabhmad was finally finished in his apprenticeship from the merchant he studied for under 2 years. And in this time, Sabhmad became a cunning and smart merchant and also in merchant. The world became known as the "Prince of Trading."

So after finishing his apprenticeship as a merchant, Sabhmad had also returned to Balbadd and spent time with his brothers and Alibaba. When Sabhmad tried to become closer to Ahmad, he quickly saw his brother's true personality as he realized that his brother was a bad person and wasn't fit to be king.

When he tried to talk to him back, then Abhmad said to Sabhmad angrily." Get away from me, are you here to rub it in my face that you and that, the prodigy of ours is already rubbing it in my face ever since he was born our father had less time to take a look at me the first prince, the person who should be the next Balbadd Royal King."

When Sabhmad heard this, he then replied with a calm tone; if Sabhmad were him before he left to study under his merchant master, he would already have silent due to his Older brother's outburst. Still, now due to his newfound confidence, he then replied

" Brother I know that your very spitefully due to me and Alibaba's achievements but, I have to say brother your just wasting most of your time, the reason was achieving greater thing s than you are because we try and use our talents for the greater good our Kingdom, Back then brother although your not that bright and good at trading or even like brother Alibaba's talent in magic however when we were young father once told me you had immense talent in combat back then however due to your constant eating and partying your body er... is not well maintained for It so brother I also know that you aren't that good at politics either so I don't think any of the citizens of Balbadd or Nobles would support you in becoming king anyway."

"So brother, if you really want to become successful like me in my trading company now, and brother Alibaba in becoming a political figure and future magician. I think you should fit yourself up and use your talent in combat and maybe become a general of our growing Balbadd kingdom, and maybe the people would also support you by then."

As Sabhmad said this as he started walking out of the room, Abhmad, who heard this, became enraged and started shouting at Sabhmad to come back to the room, however, to no avail. Once Sabhmad had finally left the room, Sabhmad knelt as he thought in his mind as he reviewed what his brother said to him, 'Can I really become like my brothers and be successful.'

So after this event in the Royal palace of Balbadd, King Rashid noticed his first son's change in attitude, unlike before when Abhmad thought as everyone below him was trash, now it seems that Abhmad was slowly trying to not think of that and started to think as everyone as an equal. However, not at the level where he can think that his equal to a commoner just yet. Sabhmad also stopped going to various parties, the young prodigal Noble heir, which made King Rashid seem proud to his son due to his attitude change.

Ahbmad also started to work out slowly after a few months of working out, unlike his old appearance of being fat and short. Looks, now Abhmad looked very similar to King Rashid when he was young and much more handsome than his old fat self having a lean physique with fairly average abs.

When the servants and other nobles who were once very spiteful and often ridiculed the first prince due to this incomp[etence as the Imperial Prince, seeing him changing although still unsure of the change, they at least tried not to ridicule him anymore and see his change.

And the most surprising thing of all from Abhmad's change was when he told King Rashid that he wished to hand over his title as Imperial Prince to Alibaba, which shocked most people in the council. Then King Rashid heard this; he said: "Why I thought my son that you wanted to be the future king of Balbadd when you told me you back then that you wanted to become the king back when you were younger."

Then Abhmad replied to King Rashid back then, "Father after talking with my younger brother Sahbmad back when he arrived back here after finishing his apprenticeship to his master back then; he made me realize back then that I was wrong and very dumb, I became spiteful due to my arrogance as the Imperial prince and also due to my jealousy with my two younger brothers I became even more spiteful, so now that. I finally saw my wrongs and seeing that I am not fit to become the king in the future, so I'd rather hand over the title of Imperial Prince to my younger brother, who has more qualifications to become the future king."

When King Rashid saw this, he smiled as he said to his son, "Well then son, I accept your decision and will give your younger brother the title of Imperial Prince, and seeing your change this last few months, I will grant one of your wishes whatever it maybe unless it's it can cause some problems to our current growing kingdom."

And After this, Ahbmad then just asked King Rashid for permission to bring a few guards with him and Ahbmad to travel through the land for a while and to see the world. While traveling. When king Rashid and the council members heard this request, they consulted about it for a few days before deciding the answer because they thought even if the first prince changed, just letting out the former Imperial Prince to roam the continents would be dangerous, but thankfully for Alibaba being in the meeting back then and also surprised due to his older brother handing off the title to him he just said:

"Father and Council members, I think we should just let older brother go as I think that If older brother travels the world and sees new experiences maybe once he returns we will see a new him and maybe he can even show us something at that time that can astound our kingdom, and also I think older brother really needs it to find his true self similar to what I heard about certain warriors from Reim Empire do to find their true purpose and get in touch of their inner selves."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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