
A calm before my storm

There are wonderful things in this world as it turns out, but at the same time there is pollution and filth under the pristine surface.

I always thought I was special… then reality, I joined what others would call society and curse as hell, to me it was just grey, no colour or vibrancy and then it hit, the cataclysm, the end of our lives and the start of a new age.

The new age as I shall explain is a heaven for those who can fight and a hell for those like myself, the hunted.

Now some of you may be wondering why I this great and amazing person is talking to myself, well that is a tale of self discovery and also perhaps tragedy, but I feel that is a story for later, perhaps never if I don't feel like it so hahaha. Bye for now.

This story begins in a little flat, in a small town, in a small country. In this little space there is a bed, fridge and a chair, strangely however there is no cooking equipment no bedding and no table almost as if the room was designed by a madman with no knowledge of how to live without a caregiver.

In this strange space there's a young man just sitting in the sole chair looking out a small window without a view, what he