
Magi: And The Adventures of Asura

A young adult dies saving his race from extinction , watch as he gets reincarnated into Magi blessed by God. ------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own this cover and I don't own Magi 1 and 2 Or anything else in this Fanfic except my OC

Atlas_Evergreen · Anime & Comics
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Blessed By God

Akira Behemoth, a weird name yes but a strong one people can easily remember.

"I hope people remember my name" A young adult man said slowly losing the feeling in his limbs.

I lead a life of misfortune and misery, no family to speak of, no loyal friends life was a never ending cycle of fighting to survive. I followed orders from people who don't deserve a penny of what they have. I fought to protect my race because even though they are bad everyone deserves a second chance.

I died saving my race from a bomb so toxic it would have slowly corroded the planet to dust in a month. " If there's an afterlife for me I hope to make my own family.." The young hero closes his eyes for the last time… at least on that planet.

"How long have I been here? Weeks? Months? I don't know the concept of time here is fucked up." Says the blood red soul. "I'm starting to think there is no afterlife, maybe it's just this, nothing but darkness." Says the soul

Suddenly the dark plane was lit up like someone turning on a light in a room. The soul feels a holy energy coming from the source of the light.

"Sorry my boy I kept you waiting so long" an old and majestic voice booms across the realm.

"I had to keep you here to cultivate your soul as it was not strong enough to withstand my presence" The old voice says in a sad voice.

"Are you God?" questions the soul. "Yes I am what most humans call God and the Devil my boy Akira Behemoth" The old voice says with an amused tone. "So am I going to Heaven or hell?" Says the now identified Akira.

"There is no heaven I destroyed that realm years ago because even though people say they want to go to heaven that's not what they truly desire so I destroyed the useless realm and gave people with a good amount of good karma a wish and people with 0 karma to be reincarnated again with no memories intact. And people with bad karma… Well I think you know where they go hehehe." The old man says with a evil laugh

Akira (POV)

I Shudder slightly "So what about me?" I say " Well your good karma Score is stupidly high so you're going to get one wish and 5 power spins from the will of power and destiny." He says in a majestic way.

"Alright state your wish as long as it's not to become a God or have unlimited wish it should be fine" he says.

I don't even need to think about this one " I wish to be reincarnated into the world of Magi, it doesn't matter where I reincarnate to as long as i'm not a slave" I say Happily, I always wanted to be in Magi I love the anime even if the manga was a little crap at the end but still I can change that.

" Done" he says " know on to the will" he summons a Huge will. "Spin the will Akira"

"Ok" I spin the will with a hard push