
Can You Tell Me More About It?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Bard always had the feeling that the Golden Sons would do something big.

His feelings had proven correct. Those guys had already done something huge by killing two mayors inside less than three months, but because they abided by some sort of rules, they did not garner the attention of all the nobles in Hollevin even though they caused some impact.

Bard had talked to his father about this before, but his father was not interested at all and laughed at him for overthinking it.

But was he really overthinking?

Looking at the official mages, Bard began to feel that he was wrong and that his father had lost his keenness of mind due to senility.

The Mage players observed Bard while Bard observed them.

They gazed at each other for a long time, until Roland came downstairs.

When he saw Bard and the team of around twenty people behind him, he walked to Bard with a smile. "It's been a while, Mr. Bard."