
Mage Underneath The Moonlight

Magic works in mysterious ways, right Luthius?

Auire · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The World Is Against Me

Oh, it's this dream again.

"MOTHER, FATHER! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I yell from the bottom of the burning villa.

Not too long a distant voice yells at me "YOUNG MASTER, TAKE YOUR SISTER AND RUN AWAY, THE LORD AND TH-"the voice disappears into nothing but a crisp crackle. I start to run towards the forest to get help from the nearby village with my sister hung over my shoulder. I yell at the top of my lungs but nothing can be heard from where I was. As i started to sprint over to the village faster

the fire starts to catch up. I fall over but then a-

"LUTH! WAKE UP WE HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL SOON," Leon yells at me again. What did I do for this to happen to me? Either way, I get up to get dressed while Leon already went to the school. As I walk into the gates every step I take to walk feels like an eternity. It always feels like people are constantly looking at me while muttering and laughing. I want to get out of this place as soon as possible.

"HEY EMO BITCH!" The distant boy yells at me, he rushes towards me while holding a desk. The desk broke on impact with my head. My head hurts, it's bleeding a lot; the whole hallway starts to feel like everyone's yelling loudly. Eventually after what seems like a decade someone takes me to the nurse, as I walk in the nurse glances towards me with disgust.

I head back to classes after leaving the nurses office and stumble into a teacher, "Luthius how come your sister is rank number 2 in the whole school yet you're such a disappointment, I would at least expect the once dignified raeyon dukedoms eldest son to be somewhat exceptional." I don't even know what I did to be told off with such a tone for doing nothing other than existing. I drag myself across the school to the rooftop. The rooftop is the single place only I know how to access. After sleeping, I wake up to a blood red sky with a setting sun. As I stand up to leave, I notice something strange in the distant deep forest in the corner of my eye.

"I still have time until it gets dark, I might as well check it out," I mutter to myself. Slowly, I head towards the strange stone area in the deep forest, "Hahhh, is there nothing here after all? I might just head ba-" I fell onto a stone plane where a stone staircase was pointing downwards into a home with a farm on the outskirts. The farm has no water yet the soil seems moist from just looking from afar, drippings fell onto the grains from the ceiling, and the walls were glowing a pale luminescent light blue. The whole scenery felt like it was straight out of the fairytales I used to read. It resembles a dragon's cavern that was made into a home.

"BOO!" a tall muscular woman shows up behind me.

"AHH FUCK," I yell from being spooked, the echo pushes me down the stairs. Luckily I never fell off somehow; I end up at the mysterious shed in the center of the cave. The whole house felt like it was an ogre's house the way it towers above me. "Hey little kid! Do you believe fairy tales exist?"


My first time writing so I am very sorry if the writing doesnt make sense at times.

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