

(NOTE: This is an introduction to MLBB basics. If you already know all of this, I better suggest to skip it off. If not, feel free to read it! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧)

The Land of Dawn is a surrounding space of exploits for numerous warriors.

From its fields lies a series of sceneries intended for battle, whether that might be from creep to creep, minion to minion, and hero to hero.

Heroes are the leading commandants of their respective army, in which their objective is to take initiation by swooping around enemies with their flashy skills in combat.

Heroes are classified accordingly based on their skills as well as their role in battle.

Damage dealers, damage takers, and healers are some of the common roles heroes use to take part of the battle.

In the Land of Dawn, there were six classifications of heroes: Tanks, fighters, marksmen, assassins, supports and mages.

Tanks were responsible in taking damage from the enemy. Also, they are positioned in the frontlines, serving as a major defensive unit for protecting squishy enemies such as marksmen and support.

Fighters are almost the same as a tank- they have their defensive stance, but not as tough as them.

What differs about these fighters is their attack power, and also on the weapons they use.

Marksmen are squishy, yet insane damage dealers.

They might look weak, but once powered up, it only took a shot of a projectile to put down multiple enemies at once!

Assassins, like marksmen, are the same. They're squishy, yet fast. Also, they deal strong damage. What makes impressive into them is their jungling ability.

By hunting for gold, assassins are usually called an " early bird " for their fast leveling capability, fast equipment build, and bounty hunting.

Supports are called assistors- they take part in healing their fellow comrades in battles. They are not usually part of the offensive line-up, but they could be a great owe for the damage dealers to survive in longer combat.

And lastly, the mages.

Mages, like marksmen and assassins, are squishy too, but never underestimate their high magic damage output. Mages have their respective elements, and each element deals their own damage as well as generating its additional effect, perfect enough to take down enemies in a blast!

Hero classification finished.

But as what I've said earlier, in this story defines a tale commonly focusing on mages as a dominant character among other.

What are you gonna waiting for? Let's move on!


( • ̀ω•́ )✧