
1 Start of a mage king/ Beast of the beginning

And everything went silent.

Let's go back a few moments, before our main character here decided to die. Vondra di Dara, odd name right? He had average size for an 18 year old, almost average looks ( a bit more than average) and was not so an average mage. To be more precise, he was the mage king. Yup, you read it right, the mage king. How he got the title was just how kakashi became 6 hokage in naruto. He was talented, yes, but not the best. One day when he got bored, he had the crazy idea of getting himself summoned.

Let's talk more about him. He was a warbeast. Well, the only warbeast that can use magic. Greaaat, who cares! That's what you're thinking right (praise me more!) Well I agree and really you'll figure out what kind of person he is soon enough.

He kept on thinking about it all night, if he gets summoned he would go away from this annoying world of his. There is no fighting, I mean everyone is busy working and they don't have time for war. The world got too advanced, there is barely any mage left. There is only a few and lets say they are too weak for his taste. There is only him and his best friend, The god mage, The only person stronger than him.

He lived through those wondrous times when everyone was happy just to get a new magic spell. But now everyone was happy just to get another dollar. For god sake! You don't need to buy a car if you can fly! Warbeast or the necos called nowadays went extinct. The demons went into hiding, the angels wouldn't bother to show up. The stupid elf killed themselves! The fairy lost their magic ( and with that their wings). They obviously could not survive. The dumb pixies got cauph and now dead. Can you believe them?! That what exactly what Vondra thought in that moment. And really he was just pissed.

He decided he will get himself summoned to another world.

He first drew a very complicated magic circle, the reverse of the beast summoning one. When he was done he started to chant and a white glow came from the weird shapes:

By the moon to the sun

I stand by my master to the,

Perishes or end is his fate,

I, Vondra di Dara

Shall be cursed with a master

If I shall be blessed than I shall pray

To the gods of mana.

It was the exact opposite than:

By the Sun to the moon

Your fall by my summon to the,

Beginning and victory is my fate,

I, (name of the summoner)

Shall be blessed with a summon

If I shall be cursed than I shall swear

To the demon of empty core

And then silence, We just went back to the beginning of this story.

The glow started to fade, but just as he was about to sigh for his falliure, The glow got brighter than ever before. He did IT! He did a miniature dance in his mind. He unconsciously closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again he saw a girl at the age of 15 and another guy at the age of 19.

Aria p.o.v.

When me and brother finished saying the chant. We waited and suddenly a man came out of the circle. He had short white hair, a pair of cat ears sat on his head. When he opened his eyes he had a pair of really pretty yellow eyes. Even if he looked ordinary, well except his animal ears, I know hes really strong you could just tell! Hes going to help me so much!! And then he opened his mouth...

Vondra p.o.v.

I inspected the man, he was calm but excited. That is to be expected, I mean he did manage a summon. He had messy black hair and purple eyes. He was definitely taller than me. Had a mature vibe to him. He had pointed ears.. Wait is he an elf? So in this world elf could look different. Good to know. I then looked at the girl she had long black hair and the same colored eyes. So maybe siblings? She may be pretty but she is definitely a brat! Her whole aura screams 'love me, serve me!'. And I will do neither!!!

I guess I should introduce myself. Talking summons should be normal... right? Ill just take my chances..

"Hi! My name is Vondra di Dara. What's yours?"

The man was about to speak but Miss 'annoying pants' interrupted him.

"Beast don't talk" Huh? What does she mean? Did I mess up??! I looked at the man and he started talking.

"Sorry about that, she's... difficult." Only difficult? Yeah right, huh he dosen't seem to be finished... "Hi Vondra. Our names are Jake and Aria Dwen." Finally Introductions "By the way, Vondra is a weird name don't you think? Maybe its the beast naming sense at odd here..."

Great, a spoiled beauty and her insulting brother...

It couldn't get any worse.... Wait

Did I Jinxs myself?!

Lesson of the day: Don't try kids! The mage king is just a dummy.

Author Note: Sorry if its short!!! I tried my best tho. Hope you like it!!