
Mage's Travel

Dying and fiding himself in front of God, gaining wishes he start his travels to get power I only own My OC My second fanfic i nuked my other one. If you like you can read this

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Waking up and looking outside i could see that is pretty early the sun is yet to come out, i sat in my pillow outside of the cave looking at the sky. I get a coffee and a breakfast with the system.

Finishing my food i get up to start my training, i plan to enter in the fairy tail guild in the next four to five years that will be the time Erza and Mirajane turn into S-Rank Mages so if i take the test with them i have a chance to turn into one too. But for that i need to train myself, but i need to take a bath first.

After taking a bath and buying some clothes from the system, a simple shorts and a plain shirt i decided to make the most classical training routine i can think, 100 Pushups, 100 Sit Ups, 100 Squats and a 10KM Run, Saitama bless me.

With this i start the training and was hard than look, even with a better body than any being still is hard for a ten years old child do this, mainly the run i don't have space to run in the clearing nor in the cave so i had to run in the forest while dodging the trees and maintaining my speed.

After Two hours i finally finished my training, i fall in the ground exhausted, go to a anime world they said, it will be fun they said yeah it's fun but only when you are OP but now i have to train, all for the cool powers i can get

After some minutes of resting and a Gatorade Bottle i get up and prepare myself to the next part and coolest part of my training, Magic Training. First i will train my Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic

I start to concentrate myself to feel the shadows and gravity around me, after some minutes without any progress suddenly my body start to be covered in shadows, my senses are heightened my vision is like i could see from above, i look at my cave and then with a swiftly move that looks close to a teleportation i appear in the shadow inside of the cave.

My body is starting to become more heavy and i get out of the shadows, i could feel my Mana nearly exhausted, looks like i will need more train in this departament. Sitting cross legged i start to medidate and absorb more Ethernano inside of my body even after full i still tried to absorb more, this work a bit but it's too much time required and inefficient

I continued this Routine during some months, after i adjust myself to the Saitama Training i start doing some weight lifting, the first thing of the Monkey King Template was unlocked, Renewal Taekwondo and with this my training involve now martial arts beside of magic and physical training. I get all techniques of Renewal Taekwondo but i don't have experience nor have practice to use effectively.

With this more Months passed now alredy have been nine months since i came to this wolrd, Yesterday i unlocked the second thing with the template, i alredy mastered the Renewal Taekwondo, i unlocked the Yeoui, supreme bonk, and with this i added a new part of training, my magic training is going pretty good i think in one week i could master Shadow Dragon Slayer and start Lightning God Slayer.

One more week passed and like i have predicted i finally mastered Shadow Dragon Slayer, now i start my other magic, Taking a breath i concentrate in my hand and black lightining with a yellow border start to crackling around my hands putting my hands together then separating them i create a net made of black lightning in the middle of my hands, and with this i continued my training

In this time i didn't neglected Chastiefol, like Monkey King Template her forms are unlocked when i are get stronger but i always practice with my beloved pill- Spear.

After more two months i unlocked Yongpyo, the clothes of Monkey King they are pretty confortable and with everything that comes with, i didn't undertand how to use the forms yet but i will work with it. I walk in the direction to the lake to see my appearence i am using the Yongpyo over a White shirt and wearing blue pants, Chastiefol is in pillow form floating around me and Yeoui is in my back, My hair is longer in these months i didn't leave the forest so i never pass by a barbershop

I Continued with my training routine during some more months, it has been one year and three months since i came to this world, for the first time i decided to come out of the forest and found a barbershop because my hair is starting to get annoying.

"Status" I said while getting some things in Chastiefol pillow form serving like a sack and tying in the Yeoui, now i really look like a traveler


Name: Levi Tomiyama

Age: 11

Mana: 5000/5000 {Peak Mid Level Mage}

Template: Jin Mori Monkey King(Renewal Taekwondo, Yeoui, Yongpyo)

Bloodlines: None

Skills: Renewal Taekwondo(SSS)

Charyeok: Longinus (Spear Creation max: 25, Summon Hand), God's Blade(Blade Manipulation max: 25, Summon Heanvely Creatures max 5)

Magic: Lightning God-Slayer(C), Shadow Dragon Slayer(SSS)

Weapon: Chastiefol (Forms: Pillow, Form One: Chastiefol, Bumblebee, Form Two: Guardian, Form Three: Fossilization), Yeoui, Yongpyo

Inventory: Charyeok Contract x2]

Nodding satisfied with my progess in this past year i start to walk in some random direction (Author: Random *wink* *wink*). After some hours walking, areally where the fuck i was living??? I finally found a dirty road, i start to follow the road hoping to find some city before i go crazy with all the search.

After nearly one hour walking and finding nothing i finally see other people and thanks God, i stoped them and ask for some directions, receiving the directions i need, i start running towards the city is a small city but have a barbershop after getting my haircut as he was before i get out of the city and try to found my clearing again


Some terms may be unknown for some so i will teach

Ethernano: Magical energy in the world of fairy tail

Charyeok "Borrowing Power") literally means the act of borrowing strength from a "god" (can also refer to demons and human ghosts, not just literal gods). Charyeok is when someone makes a contract with a supernatural entity in which the contractor is able to borrow their power.

That's all folks, good night for you