
Mage's Fate [Discontinued]

[Discontinued] Discovering that he is a non-mage, Glin was very devastated. He was a genius and a magic nerd since he was younger, but his dream of becoming a remarkable mage suddenly turned impossible one day. Depressed, he secretly left the clan to escape from shaming himself and his 'father.' However, the clan still learned so his escape became pointless. He was brought back to the clan, as his father's request. After he returned, he soon experienced bullying from his cousin and got angry. But he also soon discovered the biggest secret in the entire world of magic. Because of his discovery, he found hope for his dream and he decided to embark on a journey to the most mysterious and most dangerous Great Woods...

Moon_Eater_Serpent · Fantasy
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22 Chs

"Crap, I almost died!"

A black magic circle under Xanus' feet, an Elite-level Darkness element spell. In the next moment, his entire figure turned ink-dark before he shoot like a bullet towards the approaching Night Wolves. Soft black tendrils were seen on the air behind his illusory figure. When he stopped, his ink figure was already above the neck of one Night Wolf. Holding a double-pointed ink-colored spear, he stabbed it at the neck of the running Night Wolf.

Ron immediately followed after Xanus and barraged the same Night Wolf with an Elite-level fire spell, Fire Burst.

Meanwhile, Gayne and Glin intercepted the other Night Wolf. Glin went vanguard while Gayne continuously casted basic fire spells at the Night Wolf. Gayne planned to disturb it until Xanus and Ron finish off the other one.

Timothy also casted basic Fire Spells farther behind Gayne.

On Xanus side, he was thrown deep into the shrubs after the Night Wolf he stabbed madly reacted. His buffing-type Darkness spell—Shadow Drive—was removed. It was very hard to keep it for a long time as it was draining his mana reserves.

It took Xanus more than 15 seconds to return back to his teammates. Without him, Ron faced the Night Wolf head-on. He also almost drained his mana reserve after using consecutive Elite-level fire spells. The Night Wolf's skin has a certain resistance to fire so it was hard to deal damage with just basic and elite magic spells. Fortunately, they managed to injure it earlier. Otherwise, he would be in greater trouble.

From a distance, Xanus poured his remaining mana into his basic Darkness spell. What used to be dark needles became a solid dark spear. It immediately shoot towards the Night Wolf and pierced between its ribs, damaging the internal organs.

The Night Wolf's legs quickly turned weak and it fell to the ground as a corpse.

After that, Ron moved to help Glin and Gayne with his remaining mana, while Xanus pulled out a short sword, thinking how to assist the others without his magic.

Facing multiple fire spells, the remaining Night Wolf dashed towards Gayne. Before, it has dodged even his fire spells but now, it just pounced towards him, disregarding the fire spells. With its agility, Gayne and Ron wasn't able to hit it fatally.

The Night Wolf jumped towards Gayne. Its mouth was wide open as if planning to swallow Gayne's head. Fortunately, Gayne reacted fast enough and managed to evade towards the side.

At this moment, Glin was about to dash and attack the Night Wolf, but he suddenly noticed when it instantly switched its target to Timothy who was behind Gayne before.

Timothy was caught by surprise. He lacked experience after all.

"Crap!" he exclaimed in horror. But when the Night Wolf's sharp fangs were about to reach him, a hand suddenly pulled him away. It was Glin, helping him escape.

But in the next moment, it was Glin's turn to be in danger. After the Night Wolf failed to bite Timothy, it quickly switch its attention to Glin. Glin startled when the Night Wolf sprang towards him. His bottoms hit the ground when the Night Wolf's claws struck him. At this moment, his heart was beating fast, feeling very nervous. It was going to bite him and he can no longer ran or escape!

The Night Wolf's fangs grew in his sight. But out of instincts, he moved his hand that held his sword to stab into the Night Wolf's mouth. At exactly the same time, Ron and Gayne simultaneously released a fireball that struck the Night Wolf's head. It immediately groaned out of pain, moving backwards a little.

Seeing this, Glin quickly acted. He forcefully pulled his arm from the gripping claws of the Night Wolf. But as a result, his hand was raptured near his shoulder. However, he disregarded anything else and rolled away with his sword.

Panting heavily, Glin kneeled on one knee from five meters away from the Night Wolf. No one noticed, but his eyes turned reddish out of hatred as he glared at the Night Wolf at this moment. He clenched the hilt of his sword. A second later, he was already dashing towards the Night Wolf. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!"

"No!" Xanus, Gayne, and Ron yelled at the same time. But it was too late already.

The Night Wolf hasn't yet recovered from the pain of its burnt face, but it tried to bite Glin madly out of instincts. However, Glin easily dodged it then stabbed its neck. Glin was actually not aiming accurately at this time; he was only after wounding it as much as possible because he was angry at it. So, he didn't just stab the blade but also brutally pushed it sideways before pulling it back. In less than 15 seconds, he successfully stabbed the big Night Wolf in four different sides: left and right side of the neck, on the chest, then finally on one eye. The way he fought was very aggressive and violent, going back and forth to attack the Night Wolf.

The battle ended with a spray of blood.

Finally, Glin's emotion calmed down. He was relieved when the enemy fell down. Fresh blood flew away from the blade as he flicked his bloodied sword. He glanced at his sword while panting heavily; it was no longer straight after using it madly. 'Crap, I almost died! I should've used my sword relic!'

The Ice-Fire Sealed Sword was apparently strapped on his waist all this time, yet he didn't use it. He only regretted it now that he almost died.

Meanwhile, the others were completely speechless and dumbfounded. Xanus, Gayne, Ron, and Timothy thought Glin was a lunatic, seeing his previous actions in killing the last Night Wolf brutally.

"This kid doesn't seem to fear death," Xanus muttered and sighed secretly.

"Glin… your wound is severe," behind Glin, Gayne's voice was heard after the brief. He didn't forget to remind Glin when he saw the latter's injury on the left hand.

Looking on his injury, Glin realized that it was worse than he expected. Blood flew down his left arm and dropped from his fingertips. He felt a little weak, the relief has disappeared.

"Here, take this healing potion. You've lost a lot of blood already," Gayne said worriedly. He hurriedly took out a small cylinder bottle of strawberry-red colored potion.

But Glin refused, only shaking his head.

"I have my own."

Glin walked towards his traveler bag which was lying on the ground. He took out a green-colored potion which was a 'Regeneration Potion.' Compared to what Gayne has offered for free, his was way better. It regenerates lost bloods and regenerates the damaged flesh, rather than just closing wounds like a Healing Potion does. The Regeneration Potion was contained in a thick five-inch-long cylindrical bottle.

Knowing that a few milliliters of Regeneration potion is already effective, Gayne could not help but be surprised again. Also, it was not just him who had his eyes widened.

"Re… Regeneration potion?" Ron and Gayne said in unison.

"Em," Glin nodded. He removed the cap of the cylinder and drank a little amount from it.

"You really bought that much? Isn't that very expensive?" Gayne asked.

"No, I made this myself. My father is a Potion Master," smiled Glin casually and kept the bottle of potion. Suddenly, white smokes oozed out of his wounds. The flesh can be seen as it rapidly restored itself back to normal. After only about fifteen seconds, his wounds were gone, leaving not even a single scar. Indeed, the effect was way greater.

They were really surprised hearing Glin. 'Just who is this young guy anyway?'

Just like Glin, the others also recovered themselves. Everyone finally felt relieved.

Shortly, Glin's attention switched to Larvel who was still unconscious and leaned on a tree on the side.

"Is he okay? Why did he suddenly fainted after that strong spell?" he couldn't help but ask. He swept his glance over Gayne and the others.

"Oh, he's fine, don't worry. He just needs to rest," answered Xanus, the others nodded.

"You might be wondering about what he did," Gayne smiled at Glin.

"Em, please enlighten me," nodded Glin with great curiosity in his face.

"Magic energy or Mana is basically described in two things. One is…"

"Property and behavior," Glin inserted, hinting that he no longer has interest in hearing the most basic concepts. His face was serious.

"Ow okay… During the time a mage naturally forms his Mana Core, there are chances to develop unique or rare properties and behavior of mana in his Mana Core. These are called as 'Natural Gifts' by many mages."

"So Larvel has this Natural Gift?"

"Indeed. Rather than having a real mana hardness property like the earth element, Larvel instead has a mana behavior which makes his ice as hard as steel and also faster. But as you can see, this 'Natural Gift' of his is not totally a gift, but a little curse. He must not pour too much mana to his ice spells to strengthen it unless very much needed because it will put him in a certain danger. The bigger problem for him is that it is more difficult increase the level of his spells because he is very likely to faint at every consecutive use of spell, which is a big burden in magic spell training."

Gayne sighed after explaining and glanced at Larvel.

Glin has again learned something new. As he expected, those who went to Mage Schools know a lot better than those like him who only learned from books that lacked more details.

'If I really achieve my goal in this journey, will I be able to enter a Magic School too?' He had it in his mind while being silent.

"Hey, Glin, I just want to ask," Ron suddenly stared at Glin.


"How old are you?"

When Ron asked this, everyone stared at him, wondering why he'd ask such a question all of a sudden.

"Huh? I'm fifteen. I had my birthday almost two months ago. Why?" Glin himself was curious. Is there anything wrong with my age?

"Your body didn't develop a Mana Core before you were fifteen. Pretty sure you know what it means so why… Why are you still so interested about magic? Sorry, I've just noticed it." Ron was very curious, at the same time, a bit confused.

Hearing him, Glin smiled but his eyes contained sorrow.

"I've always been fascinated by magic since I was a little kid. But a few months ago, I found out ahead of time that I don't have magic. It turned out that I inherited a non-mage blood... I feel envious to you people. Before, I always wished I'll have magic when I wake up in the next morning. Unfortunately, things like that are only fantasies."

Gayne and the rest felt sympathy for him. They did not expect that there was such a story of Glin who was a fighting young prodigy in their eyes.

"To be honest with you, I'm taking the risk now just to find a miracle for myself," Glin chuckled at himself, self-deprecatingly.

After the sorrowful talks, Glin hurriedly went to slaughter the Night Wolves' thick flesh to find Demon Beast Crystals. There were several pieces he found which varied in size. Currently, he already has about forty pieces in his bag. But they were heavy, so he already planned to consume them on the way…

'Natural Gift,' Glin chuckled inwardly and wondered, 'If I successfully obtain the secret Potion of Magic Origin, will I also develop such thing?'

After learning about Natural Gifts, Glin was even more excited and determined to finish his quest…

For now, I stick with 1 chapter per day because I'm currently also making updates for my other story. I'm still editing chapter 20 and above, getting rid of my mistakes because I believe I'm getting better.

I think the story is not yet doing good, but I promise the story is going better, and I hope I get some loyal supporters soon. Please keep reading my story, you are my motivation. Thank you...

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