
Magdalene, The Sinner.

Does the sins in the past will continue to hunt no matter how you do good in the future? They said, I was a product of a sin so no wonder why I commit sins. I'm Magdalene and Am I sinner? Behind every sins indicate wrong doings but I know that I did right, Will they believe me? I never felt love ever since I was child so when someone was ready to give his heart for me, I runaway. Now, that I'm ready to love him back, will he choose me? Or it's my turn to be left alone without explanation? When my sins come out and known by others, will they still accept me Or they feel disgust and fear? Does the emptiness I feel will remain that way because I don't deserve to love and be love? I just want simple life but why chaos become my fate?

YourWriterWannaBe · Urban
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10 Chs

Marry me!

Magdalene's POV

Tonight my debts will be solved, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing but this is the only way I know. It will be hard for me but I know that I'm strong so I'll overcome it.

I drive myself from foundation to abandoned warehouse. My secretary said, they already got him and they're waiting for me.

After an hour I arrived.

"Where is he?" I asked and they point the room. When I enter, he is sitting comfortably and when he saw me, he smiled sweetly.

"My dear, what is this all about?" He asked.

"I've tried to contact you but you keep on avoiding me so here we are." I calmly said which make him laugh.

"You never change I guess it's because you never learned." he seriously said.

"You owe me something. Do I need to remind you just in case you forgot?" I need his help, if this is the only way then I'll do it. I won't mind crossing any line.

"Ah-huh, I'm no debts with anyone Ms." playing forgetful ah.

"O-oh, I need your help, please save her, I'll do everything that you want. Just save her, I'm begging you." I copied his voice before and he looks disgust.

"I don't remember anything that you said." he resonate with snobbish look.

"You don't remember because? Hmm she left you after you help her?" I laugh loudly to tease him and he really looked horrible. He remained silent for awhile.

"Alright, You're wasting my time, how much do you need? I heard you're company is in huge debt, you're not wise when it choosing your investors." wow, look who's talking.

"I didn't know that you're interested with me that despite with your busy schedule, you still manage to check me. How sweet of you. I don't need your money, I want your influence." its true it's not his money that I want but his influence will help me more.

"What do you need then?" He sounds bored.

"Marry me." I said without blinking my eyes and he bluntly laugh.

"So what made you think that I'll agree with you? You're not even qualified to my standards. You have your boyfriend right, go ahead and marry him." Tss as if he's my type also, I just need something on him.

"We're done very long time ago. Wait, I prepared something that I know will make you marry me." I get my phone and put it on video that I get from California.

"Here, watch this, you will enjoy this!" I smiled sweetly.

When he was done watching it, he looked disbelief.

"Shall we get the revenge for you? You'll need me if you want to?" I said and give him my big smile

"Alright. I didn't expect that you'll go this far, I'm very entertained. " he laughed.

"Magdalene, Let's marry" he added.


"1, 2, 3, pose. Okay closer 1, 2, 3, smile. Let's try another pose, so Groom carry your bride, look at each other and smile brightly. 1, 2, 3 smile!"

It's a tiring day, we have our prenup pictorial now at the top of the hills.

It's sunset theme, I'm wearing white long dress while he's wearing black tuxedo. The hills was transformed into a magical land, it's really really beautiful.

If I'm truly in love with him, I'll appreciate the scenery but since it's all an act, I'm faking my smile.

"I guess Let's call it a day. My bride seems tired and I don't want it." He sweetly said which make the team giggles.

"Let's go my bride, do you wanna eat on restaurant?" He loudly asked so they can hear it..

"Anywhere honey, as long as I'm with you" I replied loudly but sweetly.

We change our clothes and go to the nearest restaurant.

We sat at the crowded place but enough to have our privacy. We need to be seen publicly dating since the wedding is in a week from now.

"Mam/Sir, may I get your order?" The waiter asked.

"Uh hon, what do you want? I'll order pasta and fried chicken for me." He said

"Make it 2 then. Can we add cake hon? I love cake" he smiled and tell it to the waiter. While we are waiting to our food. Someone called to his phone so he was out for awhile to take it.

I make myself busy by reading some messages, I received a lot of messages from Rachelle, my sister, she's asking if it's true that I'm getting married.

I was shocked when someone kissed me from behind, when I looked it was Blemsh my so called soon to be husband.

"I'm sorry hon, I really need to take it because it's urgent. I hope you're not mad" He loudly said. I already get his point that there are paparazzi.

"It's okay hon, I understand. Let's eat then" I smiled to him brightly.

"Talk and act casually" he lowered his voice just enough for me to hear it.

"So do you like cake a lot?" he asked, maybe so that we can talk about something.

"Yes, I also like anything that is sweet. I was born with sweet tooth. How about you?" It's not bad to know re-know him I guess.

"I rarely eat sweet but I loved Ice cream. When I'm at restaurant I prefer eating pasta and chicken." we casually talk about random things.

"All coupes who want to dance, you can have the floor." an orchestra is playing a classical song, I'm not familiar but it sounds so calming. I was shocked when Blemsh stood up and gesture his hand like asking me.

"May I take a dance with you, beautiful lady?" I nodded and we go to the dance floor.

I place my hands his board shoulders and he held me on my waist. We dance slowly and not minding anyone.

I'm taken aback when we're busy dancing and he pulled me closer to give hug.

Now, we are hugging each other while dancing, I saw some flash from the camera so I close my eyes and smile, act like I'm enjoying it.

It's so tiring day, Blemsh sent me home here at my apartment. Tomorrow we will have our press conference to announce formally our wedding. I checked the status of my company, the investment is somehow getting higher for sure in less than a year it will recover, thanks to the influence of Blemsh tho.

Blemsh and their family, are known as business tycoons, they have several businesses, real estate, malls, and fast food chains while my business is crafting and doing furnitures.

(During the conference)

"So we are proudly and glad to confirm that yes, we're getting married. The details about where and when will be private. We decided to make it intimate where close friends and families are only invited" he said to the media.

"Why it was so sudden sir? You and Ms. Magdalene aren't seen dating before." A reporter ask.

"We're very private person, I and Mags was already dating before without the knowledge of media people. It's not really a sudden, I'm not getting younger and I'm already stable so It's a perfect timing to get married." he said casually.

"Sir, how did you propose to Ms. Magdalene? We're just curious if you're romantic person." another reporter ask.

"It was actually Mags who proposed to me, I guess she realized that she can't live without a charming person like me." He tease me.

"Hon! They might believe you. It was actually him who's head over heals, he actually blackmailed me, saying I'll forever be single if you say no to me." I tease him back.

"Hon, you're so cute! " he pinched me cheek and kiss it which make everyone giggles and I laughed. He will be a good actor if he try to enter showbiz.

"Uh sir, what's your stand in terms of those people said that you're only marrying her to help with her sinking business." a persistent reporter ask.

"I actually offered financial assistance to her but she said no. I like to share with you that the Mags I know is very kind and selfless that's why I'm hurt everytime they throw bad comments she never deserve." he said while looking on me intently so I can't stop myself from hugging him.

I can't stop myself from hugging him because he was always like this, even before.


"5 millions for lady Magdelene." an old man bid for me. I'm here at Fashion show as one of the model but I wasn't aware that there's an auction bidding of model. I'm trying to escape awhile ago but they're armed men telling that they will kill me if I run away.

"8 millions for lovely Magdelene." another old man bidding. Once the bid is done I'm required to stay with him 24 hours. I don't know why this is happening to me, I'm working hard. Why unjust things always happened to me?

"10 millions." a man said, I couldn't recognize his face because he's far.

"Is there anyone who'll bid higher than 10 millions?" The emcee asked but no one dared to talked.

"I guess none, so sir, Magdalene is yours." I was pushed back to go on the backstage.

"Sir, I'm begging you let me go. I was only asked to model this gown not to sell my body." I pleaded to the armed man but he didn't listened.

" Go to the room assigned to you. Perform well!" he said instead.

" No. No please sir, let me go." I asked while crying.

" I don't act like you're clean person. I know you're not virgin anymore." he said and pointed his gun on me so I stood up and run to the room assigned to me. I checked the room but there's no way to out so I locked myself in the bathroom.

I shout when I heard knock.

"Ahhhhh. Please, please I'm begging you. Don't to this to me!" I begged.

"Calm down, I won't harmed you." he calmly said.

"How can I trust you, How will I know that you won't harmed me? I never learn, I always trust and get betrayed." I hysterically said.

"I won't force you to come out, just calm yourself." he reminded me.

We we're quiet for an hours so I decided to come out to check him. He was busy on his phone and when he saw me, he smiled.

"You looked awful." he commented when he saw me. I bow my head and sit on the floor.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Doing what?" He acted like he didn't know what I mean.

"Why did you bid and not doing anything now?" I clarify.

"Do you want me to do something now?" He seriously asked that make me nervous so I continuesly shake my head that make him chuckles.

"You're too young to be here. I won't asked you why but next time think better and don't be involved any of these events." he said.

"I was asked to become model, I need to earn money because I'm supporting something. Don't worry I'll pay you when I'm stable." I explained.

"You don't need to. During the bidding I sense that you're good person, I helped you because you don't deserve the unjust happenings in this world." he sincerely said.

(End of Flashback)

The press conference was done smoothly, we're on our way to parking and we will go on Blemsh house to formally meet his parents.

"You did well!" he praised me so to teased him,

"I know hon that's why you love me right?" then we laughed.

I'm about to enter on his car but I heard multiple shoots and then his guard are suddenly cover us, it only means that we are their target.

"Where's Mags? Cover her!" Blemsh said and when he see me he immediately go towards me.

I've seen that he's holding a gun. The shoots continue and that's the last thing I remember.