
Mafia Proverbs

"All Power To The Proverb!" "All Hail The Ragnarok Law Mafia!" Asha Exodia is at the beginning of his chosen path since reaching The Law's Maturity. His sights are set on the highest pinnacle that The Family has to offer, and will not let anything or anyone hold him back. However, is there something lurking deep within the psyche of the determined sixteen year old? It is witnessed by his Prodigal Family, but is without answers to the beast's existence. Even still, his apotheostic potential is too great to be halted or denied. Watch as the legend becomes.

QuanieFSpace_XX99 · Urban
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21 Chs

Kill Order: Aim & Ignite

Hanging With Mom

Banging With Guns

They were set up on a random apartment building, waiting patiently close by the destination being scoped out by a Silk Specter appointed by Beloved Mother Shausta. The weather of the Cape Town night was calm, peaceful and cooperative, like it was influenced by Aim N Ignite to make their job easier.

One of their cellphones went off.


"Beloved Mother Aaja, our Shadow Specter informed me that the X just pulled away from his gathering." The Silk Specter, Luja Donaire, relayed to the former GIMP.

"Understood." Aaja responded, peering at the entrance to Club Elsewhere thru a single lens binocular. "Keep your position until you verify the shot."

"Yes, Madame." He responded.

The Grand Authority ended the call and returned her metallic gray attention back to mini-scope.

"Are we set?"

The Beloved Mother looked towards her Prodigal Daughter aiming her zero down a Kahles 6x sight attached to the Steyr SSG 69 sniper rifle kicked up and poking thru the fence wrenched into the edge of the roof.

"Be still, Zza. Patients and concentration are the key to the perfect shot." The Grand Authority preached to the nine year old.

She was about to look back down the binocular again, but noticed thru her peripheral the exotic girl's trigger hand shaking.

"Sit up, Zza."

"What's the matter?" The red skinned girl questioned with slight irritation in her hesitation, staying laid out behind the sniper.

The former GIMP smacked Zza in the back of her brunette locks before commanding, "I SAID SIT UP!"

The nine year old huffed in frustration while she rubbed her throbbing crown, sitting up Indian style. She plopped down on her short jean shorts and and fixed the oversized bomber jacket around her body, her brown leather strap-on sandals scraped against the rubble of the cement ceiling as she brought them together.

Aaja sat up herself, bringing her red D & G Sorrento Melt sneakers in the same position, but holding her knees in her arms to prevent her black lululemon joggers from getting stained.

"Your head isn't clear.... You were going to miss that shot. Do you remember what happens if you failed?" The Grand Authority asked the pouting girl, scratching a little itch on her left arm with her red Valentino Vlogo gloved right hand.

Zza hesitated to answer for a moment, looking in every direction with her indigo oculars that wasn't her Prodigal Mother. "..... I get sent to ODD Camp on my next B'Earth Day."

Omni-Directional Disciplinary Camp. Set up in Brazil, Australia and Japan, these camps were meant to personally teach the disciplines behind the radical purposes and decisions of The Ragnarok Law Mafia, general and psychological based education, the proper etiquette toward your positioned superiors and Grand Authority, and the first fifty Proverbs of The Ragnarok Law. If you so choose, you can enroll o your own free will, and with a graduation rate of ninety-eight percent, more are inclined to submit to ODD Camp than to be submitted.

The only way to complete the program is to memorize each of the fifty Proverbs word for word with the proper understanding judged by the designated personnel.

Zza will be ten years of age on the twenty-eighth of July, the qualified age to be submitted by a Grand Authority, with only The God Authority possess the powers to deny the admission.

The red skinned girl didn't want either of those options.

That would mean being away from Asha, her Ubermensch, and that would be irreversible Krytonite.

"Look at me, Zza." The former GIMP told the sonic youth, the leather covering her right hand taking hold of the red skinned girl's little chin and aligning their attention. "Tell your mojther what the problem is... And I will not ask again."

A lesson her bio-bred son learned the hard way.

Zza's youthful rebellion was being deflated by her Beloved Mother's sharp gaze, her pretty round face softened slowly at the sight of Aaja's sword.

"Well, Asha told me that whe-"

"I didn't ask you about Asha." The former GIMP said in a stern vibrato, cutting off the electric adolescent before she could recite her Fray Tutor's words. "He is in his own skin and you are in yours, and there is never a one for that, baby. Only two. I'm asking about the emotion of Zza Roche Zeppelin-Dycer, not Asha Aidonia Exodia."

That pinched the red skinned girl's little heart, strengthening a logic she never wanted to think into reality. Since they've met, she never had to be away from Asha for no more than three days, and that was a burdening compilation of infinity infinities for her young and universal imagination.

Even now she missed his left arm.

So strong.

So safe.

So comforting.

Looking towards the blue illusion known as the sky, the electric adolescent hoped Dastardly Dusty has taken his medication.

"It just...." She began explaining, holding back tears from the weight of her mature tenderness. her tone was heavy as she said, "I don't know what that person did to deserve to be killed. He could be a husband with a..... beautiful wife like you, or a young daughter my age, or even a...." Tears trickled in a slow succession, the mixture of mature stress and emotion attacking her little frame in ways that would cripple the mind of even the sanest of human, "..... Teen son that could be Asha's age. How do I know he's the bad guy, how do I know the things he's done is worth dying for?"

The Grand Authority looked into the the little girl's sadness before she huffed a soft sigh, removing her red gloves and taking hold of Zza's puffy cheeks before saying, "You don't need to know, baby. Whoever for why ever whenever is marked for execution has went against the ethics of The Family and the morals of The Proverb. Our lives are too long, in a society that's too vast, in a world that's too big, in a universe that's too wide for anyone of us who make it to a reasoning age possess the fate ti do or be bad in some instinctual circumstance. In some manner of sensible opinion, we commit bad deeds, some for the purpose of survival, and some for the purpose of greed. Therefore, darling , we are ALL the bad guy. The difference is there is the bad..... and than there is the evil. Do you think me evil? She asked, the tears from the heavy hearted child's indigo eyes flowing down the chocolate lady's fingers.

Zza thought for a moment about the she have deducted from experiencing her Prodigal Mother.

She shook her head no in Aaja's loving grasp.

"Okay. Do you think Asha is evil?"

There was no hesitation. Zza shook her head so hard, the band holding her brunette locks i a ponytail almost flew off.

Aaja let out an adorable giggle from the adorable reaction made by the adorable child.

"Do you think you are evil?"

The red skinned girl wondered about that, thinking deeper than she has ever had to before.

"I.... I don't know." She responded in a soft tone, looking down at her folded legs in shame of her naivety.

The Sics Six Six madame brought Zza's indigo back up to her silver.

"That's okay, darling." The former GIMP assured the crying nine year old, wiping away the tears with her thumb. "You have the mental cultivation of those three maybe four times your present age, and you still possess the decades they've had to experience more growth and wisdom. You are no fool, and you are no follower. Asha and I, even those in The Family, are prepared to accept any bad that you will do, but the evil is an unpredictability you'll have to encounter thru your own trials, tribulations and resolution manifest by your will and intuition. Do you understand? We will always love you unless it is by your actions that you give us a reason not to. Plus, there is no doubt in my mind, heart, soul and energy that Asha, the Ubermensch of all personalities, will keep that emotion until he is on the other side of the ground, pushing up daisies."

Zza used the sleeves of her jacket to wipe the rain from her mental windows, smiling cheerfully and nodding valiantly to the rational tenderness. Just knowing what kind of emotion, not only Asha, but also her Prodigal Mother and the rest of The Family holds for her hollowed out the heaviness grasping at her little heart.

She couldn't help herself, throwing her dainty arms around the back of The Grand Authority's neck and squeezing as tight as her happiness allowed her, "I love you, Mommy."

The attack hug surprised the typically consciously steel former GIMP, forcing her mechanism to mimic the blanketing affection. Holding back compassionate tears of her own, "I love you too, baby. I really do."

It wasn't until Aaja's phone began to chime again did she release her grip, Zza continued to bask in the warmth for a moment longer while her Prodigal Mother answered the ringing.


"Madame, the X is paying his tab. He'll be leaving any moment now." The Silk Specter informed his Beloved Mother.

"Understood...." Aaja paused for a moment before hanging up, looking towards the sprite child hugging her neck with her eyes closed, "..... We're ready." She responded confidently before ending the call.

"Zza?" She called to her Prodigal Daughter softly.

"Yes, Mom?" The red skinned girl answered with her eyes still shut and her latch still tight.

"It's time. Get in position."

"Yes, Ma'am.

She finally released her Beloved Mother's neck, their eyes meeting once more before the nine year old flattened out behind the long rifle.

Before looking down the field glasses again, Aaja thought it her imagination that the sonic youth's indigo windows looked of a tone that was a baron pitch black.

Her cellphone rang once more, straightening her attention to the task.


"Madame, the X is approaching the door. twenty feet until he exits."

"Understood." She responded, keeping the phone up to her ear.

"Five hundred yards, wind minimal. Blowing northeastern in direction." Aaja, the aim informed her Prodigal Daughter, peering towards the Club entrance thru the binocular. "Set your sights."

Zza, the Ignite, recited her Fray Tutor's lessons in proper sequence, turning the dial on the scope of the sniper. "Sights set." Go for the brain was the name of the game.

"Ten feet until he exits." The Specter told The Grand Authority."

"Tunnel your concentration." She said to the sniper.

"Vision zeroed." The nine year old assured.

"Five feet."

"Steady your breathing."

"Vibrations calm."

"Target reaching the exit."



"Target exiting."



...... !Bang!

As the X made his way out of Club Elsewhere, Zza fired off a round of the Steyr SSG 69 sniper rifle while Aaja watched it's trajectory's ending.

Aim and Ignite looked at one another, the active call relaying the sound of The Silk Specter leaving the scene, as he had been ordered to do after confirming the kill.