
Mafia Prince beloved wife

As Sabrina Evangeline Catteneo yearns for a life of tranquility away from the shadows of her powerful and wealthy family, she finds herself drawn to the promise of a serene college existence. Little does she know, her desire for normalcy will collide head on with enigmatic Magnus William Christensen, known to the world as Prince Magnus and to the underworld as a force to be reckoned with. Despite their vastly different backgrounds, Sabrina and Magnus are bound by a shared desire for freedom from the burdens of their respective legacies. Sabrina, with her intelligence, wit, talent, and beauty, embodies the epitome of grace and poise, while Magnus, heir to the wealthiest family in Europe, carries the weight of his family's reputation as both are blessing and a curse. As their world's interwine, Sabrina finds herself captivated by Magnus's magnetic presence, drawn to the mystery that surrounds him. Yet, beneath his charming facade lies a darkness that threatens to consume them both.As they navigate the treacherous waters of love and power, Sabrina and Magnus must confront their own demons and the forces that seek to tear them apart. "Mafia Prince's Beloved Wife" is a gripping tale of love, loyalty, and redemption set against the backdrop of opulence and danger. Will Sabrina and Magnus find solace in each other's arms, or will their love be torn apart by the shadows that haunt their pasts? Prepare to be swept away by this thrilling romance that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

sravs_p · Urban
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31 Chs

Lunch Date ll

As the lunch date unfolded, Magnus couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and gratitude for the transparency that marked his interactions with Sabrina. Her openness about the complexities of her life and the trust she placed in him created a foundation for their burgeoning bond.

"Sabrina," Magnus said, a warm smile gracing his features, "I appreciate your honesty and the trust you've shown. It means a lot to me. Let's continue building something real between us."

Sabrina, touched by Magnus's words, returned the smile. "I believe in authenticity, Magnus. I want our connection to be genuine and built on trust and understanding. No hidden agendas."

Magnus raised his glass in a silent toast. "To genuine connections and the unexpected paths that lead us to them."

As they clinked their glasses, the shared understanding between Magnus and Sabrina deepened. The complexities surrounding Sabrina's mysterious background seemed to fade away, leaving room for the simplicity of two individuals connecting over a meal, building a bond that went beyond the ordinary.

As Sabrina and Magnus engaged in lively conversation, the waiter approached their table with an artful presentation of their chosen dishes. The plates, adorned with carefully arranged culinary creations, were placed before them, emanating enticing aromas that heightened the anticipation of the meal.

"Here are your dishes, madam, and sir," the waiter announced with a courteous smile.

Sabrina and Magnus exchanged appreciative glances, acknowledging the visual appeal of the presented dishes. The culinary artistry before them set the stage for a memorable dining experience.

"Thank you," Magnus expressed with a nod, and the waiter retreated, leaving the couple to indulge in the feast laid out before them.

As Sabrina took the first bites of the carefully prepared French delicacies, her eyes lit up with delight. She couldn't help but express her appreciation for the culinary delights before her.

"Magnus, these dishes are incredible," Sabrina exclaimed, savoring the flavors. "The Coq au Vin is so rich and flavorful, and the Bouillabaisse is a seafood lover's dream. The chef truly knows how to create a culinary masterpiece."

Magnus, pleased to see Sabrina enjoying the meal, smiled in agreement. "I'm thrilled that you like it. The chef here never disappoints. And wait until you try the Tarte Tatin for dessert—it's the perfect sweet ending."

Sabrina continued to explore the array of flavors, from the adventurous Escargot to the indulgent Tarte Tatin. Each dish seemed to captivate her taste buds, creating a culinary journey that mirrored the blossoming connection between her and Magnus.

As they shared compliments about the dishes, the restaurant's intimate atmosphere became filled with the joy of discovery and the simple pleasure of enjoying good food in good company. The lunch date, marked by genuine appreciation and shared moments, unfolded into a delightful experience for both Sabrina and Magnus.

As Magnus observed Sabrina savoring each bite with genuine enjoyment, a sense of satisfaction washed over him. Her appreciation for the culinary experience mirrored his own, and he couldn't help but feel that choosing this particular restaurant was a worthy decision.

Magnus, taking a moment to appreciate the ambiance and the connection they were building, thought to himself, "I'm glad I chose this place. Sabrina's enjoyment makes it all worthwhile."

The intimate setting, the exquisite dishes, and the shared moments created a backdrop for something more profound—a genuine connection that seemed to be growing between them. Magnus, inspired by Sabrina's transparent and open nature, felt a sense of curiosity about the person behind the mysterious facade.

As Sabrina enjoyed the exquisite dishes and basked in the pleasant atmosphere of the restaurant, she couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness and appreciation for Magnus's thoughtful gesture. The careful consideration he had put into choosing the venue and crafting the lunch experience didn't go unnoticed.

As they continued their lunch, Sabrina felt a growing sense of connection with Magnus, grateful for the effort he had invested in making their time together memorable.

As Sabrina and Magnus continued their lunch, Magnus couldn't help but remember the earlier incident involving the three girls who claimed to be his fangirls. Having heard about it from Luca, Magnus felt a responsibility to address the matter with Sabrina.

"Sabrina," Magnus began, his expression sincere, "I want to apologize for what happened earlier today. Those girls – they've been causing trouble before, and I've been trying to handle it. Luca told me about their attempt to threaten you, and I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Sabrina, appreciating Magnus's honesty, nodded. "It's alright, Magnus. I understand that you can't control the actions of others. I don't want it to affect our time together."

As the atmosphere lightened after Magnus's apology, Sabrina sensed the need to reassure him and dispel any lingering concerns. With a confident yet understanding smile, she addressed the situation.

"Hey, Magnus, those girls and their antics? Brainless move. No need for apologies. It's clear they don't represent your intentions," Sabrina said, her tone carrying a mix of amusement and assurance.

Magnus, appreciating Sabrina's straightforwardness, replied, "I'm glad you see it that way. I don't want their actions to create any unnecessary tension between us."

Sabrina chuckled, "Trust me, they won't. I've dealt with worse than a trio of misguided fangirls. Besides, it's not like you summoned them to create chaos."

Magnus couldn't help but smile at Sabrina's resilience and her ability to handle the situation with grace. The exchange, marked by honesty and a shared sense of humor, added another layer to their growing connection.

As they continued their lunch, Sabrina's assurance served as a reminder that their time together was not overshadowed by external disturbances.

The conversation, marked by Magnus's apology and Sabrina's understanding, reinforced the trust and communication between them. Despite the external challenges, they remained focused on building a connection and enjoying their time together.

As Sabrina and Magnus continued their lunch, Sabrina couldn't shake off the curiosity about Magnus waiting for her outside the classroom earlier in the day. Wanting to understand the reason behind his presence, she decided to bring it up.

"Magnus," Sabrina began, a thoughtful expression on her face, "I couldn't help but wonder why you were waiting for me outside the classroom earlier. Is there a particular reason?"

Magnus, realizing the question was inevitable, met Sabrina's gaze with honesty. "I wanted to make sure you were okay after what happened with those girls. Luca informed me about the incident, and I wanted to check in on you."

Sabrina nodded, appreciating Magnus's concern. "That's thoughtful of you, Magnus. I can handle situations like that, but I appreciate your consideration."

Magnus, leaning forward slightly, added, "I also wanted to ensure you didn't feel uncomfortable or threatened. It's not something I take lightly."

Sabrina smiled, sensing the sincerity in Magnus's words. "I understand, and I appreciate you looking out for me. Let's move past it and enjoy the rest of our lunch."

Their conversation, although briefly touching on a more serious matter, allowed them to address concerns and reinforce the open communication that marked their growing connection. Sabrina's understanding and Magnus's consideration laid the foundation for a lunch date that transcended external challenges.

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