
mafia poisonous obsession

Mafia obsession

The man in his early 30s obsession over a innocent childish girl he entered in her life and make her life a nightmare.

A man in his early thirties sitting like he owns a world with spread legs with his goons surrounded him smoking and a man in front of him is crying and begging for his life but man the most dangerous ruthless undercover cold mafia king the beiber smith don't give a fuck about it and smirking like a maniac.

Please let me go master please I'm begging next time I'll catch him for sure but he replied "you lose you die" i never forgive or show mercy 'mark':master I'm beggg..... Beiber didn't let him speak and shooted him cut his body into the peices and through it to my animals said beiber"

Let the room ready i don't want anyone to disturb he ordered his one of his trusted man leo with that he left the basement with more than eighteen bodyguard's surrounding him

With that he left for his mansion which is not less but more than castle him being the most richest man in the world every one feared him like their life is in his hands

As he entered everyone heads was lowered down like he was the god

He ordered one of his men let my meal ready for today's night he was not talking about eating he was talking about his stress relief's things some whore he don't let any one any of his night things entered in the mansion of him

He don't even fuck a same women twice

With that he left for the club owned by him

A women knock the door as beiber replied "come in" as she entered and started stripping she only wants Money it's her profession he blindfolded her and handcuffed her as he always do with every single women he never let anybody touch him nor see him as he was done he order the whore fuck get out as she come in his direction and try to touch his face maybe her life was written by his hands he shooted her and go out he didn't even give a fuck to her.

need cgeYour gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! need chapter 2

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