
Mafia Obsession

"Fate brings people together no matter how far apart they may be" Chinese Proverb Regina Westfield never knew her parents. They were dead on the day she was born. Everyone treated her as bad luck. Yet she never let herself down because of what others thought of her - weird, ugly, and skinny. Instead, she determined to become an FBI Agent. Fortunately, with her computer skills, she became a computer specialist in San Diego-FBI at the age of 21. However, falling in love with a criminal wasn't in her do list. When she went in a mission to the Las Vegas. Something unexpected happened. Elijah Romano was a vicious human that ruled London with his bare-fist. He was a mafia leader and a businessman and had money that could last for zillions of years. Even though he had never been in love. Even though he only had one intention. - to keep his heart away from untrustworthy women. As soon as his eyes landed on her, he wasn't able to resist his feelings. "Woman, do not defy me?" I smirked deviously. "What makes you believe that I ever liked you?" She groaned. Her deep green-hazel eyes were like flames of fire. I felt extremely helpless falling for a woman, who only despised me. But I have no say in a matter of my heart. "Do not make me remind you that we belong to the different world. You're a mafia leader for god sake. Be grateful that I am not arresting you right at this moment?" She said, blowing a strand of hair off her forehead. I moved my both hand forward and said. "Handcuff me all you want. I am all yours." Content mature scenes.

neelafey · General
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

My heartbeat quickened, leaving me speechless. I didn't know what to say. I didn't have good practice at approaching this type of situation since I never have one.

"You?" I managed to ask.

"Yes, it's me." His accent was a killer.

"Would you like to sit?" He asked me, kindly as he pointed his finger at the sofa.

Clearing my throat and bringing back my attention. I thanked him and sat on the sofa. Our gaze was still glued to each other. And I had a feeling that this meeting was going to end up being something very interesting to talk about.

"I am Elijah Romano. In case you're wondering who you are dealing with, Miss..."

"I am Regina Westfield."

"Yes, Miss. Westfield. I am sorry to drag you here but I couldn't help wondering about your shoulder."

Disappointment must have written in my face because he quickly averted his gaze. "I am doing fine," I told him.

"I am very grateful to know." Then, he added. "Would you like to drink?"

"I have enough for tonight." I refused him.

"You're not planning on leaving soon, are you not?"

"I am not."

He nodded. As he brought the glass of drink to his lips.

I couldn't help but wonder what if I was that glass. Would he be taking me so gently in his mouth while licking me from top to button?

"You're beautiful." When the words left his mouth. I sucked the air from my lips. No one had ever called me beautiful.

As I was unable to speak, I could only stare at him. His dress shirt was white, and the black suit was looking absolutely gorgeous on him. His blue eyes were like a flame that could burn anyone alive if he stared at them for long enough. And I really liked the way that he was reading me.

My heart was throbbing. My breath was faster and my lips parted to speak on behalf of my heart, my desire but my head held my back, telling me, I shouldn't be the first one to make a move.

"What do you do Miss. Westfield?" There it was. That very question ruined everything. I was transferred back to my high school days, where I had a cover but just not the book to read.

Discarding any dirty - romantic thoughts I had for man, I started making a conversation instead, which did seem perfectly normal to him.

"I am a college student." Of course, that was a lie. I wasn't a college student. I never ever knew what it was like to be a normal kid. My history was just an intriguing story for some other time.

"I see." He slightly nodded.

This man had a share of drink, I could tell. He was drunk, and probably controlling himself as much as I was controlling myself. But I didn't know what was holding him back. And I just found myself incapable of reading him. I mean if he was bits and zeros I would only need seconds before I decipher him. But he was a human and human being was the creature that could be harder to break through than computer code. And this man was a mystery - a dark mystery to be precious.

I blinked at him, flicked my hair to the sides, showing him my bare neck. All to distract him from looking me into my eyes than my lips and my breasts although there weren't much to look at. I was literally trying so hard to get him on the bed and he was just ignoring the fact that he desired me too.