
Mafia Man's Lover

Akira Houston, A sharp and intelligent girl who grew up in one of New York trenches met with a man called Steve who saved her from bullying. Seeing how smart she is, He introduced her into a tactical world of stealing but not before warning her of the danger that lies within the job. Akira joined out of desperation to make both her life and her family's better. Years letter she became an expert in stealing from the upperclassmen, And was living a good life. But things started heading southwards after a heist she and her gang pulled off in an international bank where they stole treasures worth millions. Turns out the treasure was owned by a mafia Lord who was known to be ruthless and unforgiving. The mafia lord went on a rampage and spared nobody during the search for his diamonds. He killed every member of the gang except for Akira who narrowly escaped but ended up getting caught and imprisoned by him. Instead of Killing her off, The mafia Lord fell in love with her and decided to marry her. Akira then decides to use his love for her against him and find an escape for herself.

GENIE · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Thieves or not

"Do something Aki! Do something." I screamed within as my mom kept tugging me behind her while still talking to Dad on the phone. I thought about all kinds of things to tell my mom in order to excuse myself but I wasn't able to think of something reasonable.

"Or should I just tell her?" I suggested inwardly but I quickly discarded the idea thinking of how she was going to react when I tell her what I saw. It will definitely distract her from what she wants to do.

An Idea suddenly dawned on and I waited till she was done talking with Dad before I tell her what I wanted to and lucky for me she ended the call not quite long.

"Mom I want to go pee I'll be right back." I said as we got to the elevator hoping she would buy the excuse. "I think there's a restroom upstairs that you could use." She replied.

"No mom I think those are for the guests, I saw one downstairs when I got lost I'll go there instead." I told her praying inwardly she would let me go.

She finally agreed but not after telling me I had less than ten minutes to excuse myself and that she will be waiting for me at the entrance of the Grand Hall.

"Thanks Mom, I love you." I told her happily as I hurriedly walk away from her smiling and clenching my fist at the same time.

I went back to the entrance of the room where those two guys had entered previously and looked around if there was anyone heading towards the direction i was, When i was certain that no one is i leaned against the door and place the left side of my face against it to check if I could hear anything.

"Maybe they escaped." I thought to myself when I had strained my ear and couldn't hear anything. It would be bad if they got away with whatever they had stolen, Mrs Jones would be disturbed too. A part of me started to tell me that maybe they aren't thieves after all that they might be workers but a more sensible part of me quickly discarded that opinion, I don't think they are workers because a worker wouldn't sneak into a room like that.

I was still standing there Wondering if they got out or are still in there when an idea suddenly popped up in my head, "Every room in this Mansion has a window, So I think this room would definitely have one for sure, I have to get to the other side of the Mansion to the window and check if they're still in there." I thought.

I ran out of the hallway quickly and got downstairs in a rush, I didn't bump into anybody thankfully, The auction had long started and still ongoing as those rich people were still bidding.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars!, I have got two hundred and fif-, Ohh! now to three hundred, three hundred thousand dollars!!, it's going!, going!, And sold!!" I heard the auctioneer screaming when I got outside as the people yelled and cheered.

"Wow that's a lot of money." I said to myself as I listened to the live auction as well as running past the garden at the same time to the window which I had calculated to be at the extreme end of the mansion.

When I finally arrived at my destination Which I hope am not wrong, I looked up at the many windows on the wall of the manor and I noticed that one window out of all has it's light turned off.

"Definitely gonna be that window." I said, but I wondered how I was going to get up there, Even though there were concretes one could climb one I was still scared of falling, I had sworn I wouldn't jump or climb over a window anymore after my first time experience with my bedroom window.

I thought maybe I should call the securities about my suspicion and let them handle this. I was about to go do as I had thought when I saw the window open slightly and one of those guys from earlier snuck his head out and scanned everywhere before signalling to his partner, I think they were about to escape.

I quickly hid myself between the Rose bushes to avoid being seen by them, "Oh my God what do I do." I thought, It was too late to alert the securities now and even if I confronted them that would be the most I can do because there's no way i could do anything against them, Who knows maybe they are with guns too.

I held my breath and stayed still as they leaped from the window and landed onto the ground silently one by one directly in front of where I was hiding in the rose bush, I wanted to moved further backwards into the bush but I was poked in three different places on my body by the rose thorns, I let out a yelp as they were about to leave and quickly covered my mouth with my palms and screwed my eyes shut.

They halted when they heard my cry and glanced at each other before one of them cautiously approached the bush and squatted to check who or what was hiding behind it. I knew I had been caught, There was no escape as I could only anticipate what was to happen.

He found out I was there in an instant and about to pull me out when i quickly gathered some soil in my hand and rubbed it on his face which distracted him momentarily and i stood up trying to get away when I was held back by the other guy.

"What the hell!." The first guy exclaimed as he rubbed off the soil from his face. "She's just a kid." Said the one who held me by my shoulders.

"But why is she hiding here." the former asked, "Beats me." Said the latter. I couldn't see their faces clearly but i felt their voices sounds familiar.

"Let her go man we are out of time already let's get out of here." the first guy said and the other did as he was told and they both got away.

I wasn't able to say anything because i was still processing their voices in my head and when i finally did i knew who they were in an instant because it hasn't been that long i heard those voices.

I realized that I had totally wasted my time and had missed the auction, I was so disappointed in myself.

I stood there for a while before heading back into the mansion. I went back to the Grand hall and when my mom saw me she gave me an earful which i truly deserved.

It wasn't long before the guests at the auction started coming into mansion to the Grand hall which had already been perfectly set up for the party.

I stood besides my mom as the party had started and the guests were wining, dining, dancing, exchanging pleasantries and congratulating each other.

"What a day." I sighed inwardly.