
Mafia Man's Lover

Akira Houston, A sharp and intelligent girl who grew up in one of New York trenches met with a man called Steve who saved her from bullying. Seeing how smart she is, He introduced her into a tactical world of stealing but not before warning her of the danger that lies within the job. Akira joined out of desperation to make both her life and her family's better. Years letter she became an expert in stealing from the upperclassmen, And was living a good life. But things started heading southwards after a heist she and her gang pulled off in an international bank where they stole treasures worth millions. Turns out the treasure was owned by a mafia Lord who was known to be ruthless and unforgiving. The mafia lord went on a rampage and spared nobody during the search for his diamonds. He killed every member of the gang except for Akira who narrowly escaped but ended up getting caught and imprisoned by him. Instead of Killing her off, The mafia Lord fell in love with her and decided to marry her. Akira then decides to use his love for her against him and find an escape for herself.

GENIE · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Simply impossible

"What??" Jason said almost choking.

"Man, you can't be serious." Biggie chuckled disapprovingly.

"That's simply impossible Boss." Micheal sarcastically added.

"Joke of the year." Shirley said sighing.

"I mean that shit cost a million dollars we can't just let that go!" Simon added.

"I know it sounds crazy but that's the only option we've got, though any other options are welcomed." Mr Steve said to his 'Not ready to believe' Partners.

I just sat and listened carefully to what they were all saying. And from the looks of it, It seems they all didn't want to return the jewelry they stole.

"But how do we even do that? When?" Simon curiously asked.

"I will think of something, I will come up with a plan by tommorow and we execute it by night." He said to the team.

They all suddenly looked exhausted with the whole issue. It's understandable though, having to go through the same stress again all over again but this time to return the costly jewelry, Anyone would be frustrated as well.

Though, I still don't get nor understand why they are doing this, Why they steal. What for?

"Both of you come with me." Mr Steve said referring to both Jason and Simon. They both nodded and follow him, Jason being the most nervous. They were going to get a private earful.

"What about the kid Ed?" Biggie asked after Mr Steve. They all turned to look at me at once, I swallowed nervously as they stared wonderingly at me.

Truth be told, I hoped they would release me now because I wanted to go back to the station to see my mom and assure her she's going to get out.

"Let her go home." Mr Steve said, luckily for me. "But-" Shirley wanted to protest but Mr Steve didn't allow her to.

"She won't tell anyone anything, You were all here when she promised me." Mr Steve told her before she could continue.

"Still Ed, who knows what she will do as soon as she goes out there!" Shirley said still.

"She won't. Not when we are doing her a favour. If she does, Then she should be ready to keep seeing her mom in jail." He said looking at me as he did.

"I won't tell anyone, Kill me if I do." I told him with a meaning tone.

"Shirley would be the gladdest." Mr Steve said and walked away.

They walked through a door which I think leads to another part of the basement.

Shirley walked up to me after he was gone, And started to untie me. "I don't know how he got involved with you, Or how he found you, But I must say you are one lucky girl because he seems to have a soft spot for ya." She told me when she finished untying my hands.

She signaled Micheal to take me out before going to stand beside the big man by the table side.

"C'mon, get up, let's get you outside." He said before covering my head with the black hood again.

"Do you need to cover my head? I know about you guys now." I told him as he walked me away.

"Of course you know about us now, but you do not know everything, Which includes the entrance to this place." Micheal told me in a "Matter of fact" tone.

"Ohh, You are still doubting the promise I made uh?" I questioned him. "You tried to break it once, And you might do that again so yeah I am doubting your promise." He said.

I didn't say anything afterwards, He has every reason not to trust me, they all do. But what they do not know is that, As long as they help get my mom out of jail, their secret couldn't be more safer with me.

I wasn't able to keep up with the directions as he walked me out, It was as if we were going all circles before we finally got to an elevator.

I heard something like a door opening and not long after that I began to hear noises from everywhere, The familiar random street noises from here and there. I knew we had got out even before he took off the hood from my head.

He left immediately he took the hood and it took me seconds to process where I was. I was standing in front of the building. The building which I couldn't figure a way to get in.

I wonder where we had come out from.

The rain had subsided and the whole streets were crowded as it usually was. It was getting late already so I decided to go to the station to see my mom, but later changed my mind on the way there because I feel grandma might be expecting me already.

Grandma had given me some food to give my mom when I told her I wanted to go see her. I was on my way back from the station when I approached this place.

So I doubt if I would be scolded by grandma for coming back home late. I felt at ease for the first time in three days since my mom got arrested. She was going to be sentenced to a year in prison if we are not able to pay for the missing jewelry.

Dad had not even completed the payment of the loans and debts and he earns so little now, So it just wasn't possible to gather an amount as huge as that in a week.

There was no other way, Even chef Chris that my mom had sought after for help refused to bear witness to my mom's innocence. It was all heartbreaking and frustrating.

I hope what Mr Steve and his team have in mind works out because I am not ready to live without my mom for a whole year.

I walked back home as fast as I could and arrived in no time. Thankfully grandma didn't scold me, instead she told me I was just right on time to join the Bible study and prayers.

I groaned inwardly but I couldn't deny this one again. Maybe prayers would help too. I went inside to change my clothes into a dry one and joined the prayer.

I inwardly prayed for Mr Steve, His team and my mom also. I prayed none of this should ever happen again.

Both me and Drew went back to our room after the prayers while grandma stayed awake to call my dad.

"Do you think Mom will come home?" Drew asked me as soon as we got set to sleep. "Yes, She will." I told him with assurance.

"How are you so sure about that?" He curiously asked me. I bet he was wondering why I sound so confident. Little did he know that I wouldn't be a little confident if Mr Steve hadn't promise to help me.

"I don't know Andy, I just feel so," I told him.

"But if she doesn't?" He continued, I could sense fear in his voice. He was scared mom might not come home and to be frank, I am too.

I sat up on my bed and stared at him. "She will come home drew...Soon," I told him with a smile. He nodded at my reply and turned to sleep.

I didn't lie down for a while as I kept thinking of Mr Steve and his team. Will it be possible for them to return the jewelry? What if they get caught? Will they released my mom after they successfully return the jewelry?

Those were the questions I kept asking myself before I drifted off to sleep at last.


Meanwhile at Edward's apartment, The whole team were gathered around the table and deliberating on their next mission.

There on the table was a house plan but looks much more complicated than a normal house plan.

It was the whole mapping of the Jones mansion which they were studying. Edward was the one doing the talking and markings while the others listened and nodded.

"I know we are all familiar with this plan before, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful," He said and they all nodded in agreement.

"We are doing this the exact same way as last time, The only difference is that we are returning and not taking." He told them.

"Yep boss." Micheal said smiling.

"Let's do what have to do and be over with it." Shirley said sighing.