
Mafia Man's Lover

Akira Houston, A sharp and intelligent girl who grew up in one of New York trenches met with a man called Steve who saved her from bullying. Seeing how smart she is, He introduced her into a tactical world of stealing but not before warning her of the danger that lies within the job. Akira joined out of desperation to make both her life and her family's better. Years letter she became an expert in stealing from the upperclassmen, And was living a good life. But things started heading southwards after a heist she and her gang pulled off in an international bank where they stole treasures worth millions. Turns out the treasure was owned by a mafia Lord who was known to be ruthless and unforgiving. The mafia lord went on a rampage and spared nobody during the search for his diamonds. He killed every member of the gang except for Akira who narrowly escaped but ended up getting caught and imprisoned by him. Instead of Killing her off, The mafia Lord fell in love with her and decided to marry her. Akira then decides to use his love for her against him and find an escape for herself.

GENIE · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Broken promise

I had finally stopped struggling to be free and decided to listen carefully to whatever I might hear. Though I was scared but I decided that paying little attention to every details and conversations is still better than doing nothing at all.

"Seems like she's passed out." A male voice commented, He was walking alongside the person carrying me. His voice was also familiar although I am not that sure.

"Maybe." The person carrying me simply said.

I wondered where I was being taken too because they kept on walking without stopping.

They finally halted and I heard the sound of a metal door being opened, My anxiety heightened when they entered through the door and started to descend down some stairs.

I started to hear some voices though faint but as they descended down the stairs the voices became clearer and I could make out what they were saying.

When my capturers finally descended all suddenly became very silent. It was scary and I could feel myself shaking already both because of the long time I spent in the rain and the fact that I had been captured by some unknown people.

"Got her." The person carrying me suddenly said.

"Good, Let her down." A voice replied and I do not need to see the face of the person to know who it was already.

I was let down by the person carrying me, My frozen legs almost gave away if not that I was still held by the person.

I tried hard to see where I was and who were around me but the hood was too dark and I couldn't make out a single view of my surrounding.

I was again led somewhere by the person holding me but it wasn't distant this time.

I wanted to question my whereabouts but before I could say anything I was pulled down to sit on a chair.

Not quite long after I sat down, Someone grabbed the tip of the hood covering my face and yanked it away from my head.

My eyes were blurry for some seconds but as soon as the tape against my mouth got removed harshly by a feminine hand my vision got restored with immediate effect.

There I was surrounded by six people, Five familiar one unknown, In the midst of a familiar big secret underground organization again, All except one staring at me with mean looks.

This is a Crime den, And I am surrounded by criminals, Thieves to be precise. I knew they were up to no good from the start, Did they think they were going to get away with their crimes? Hell no.

I stared back at them with an angry look on my face too, Making them know that I also got some real issues with them too.

Both Mr Steve and i had our eyes locked against each other, My anger directed mostly at him.

His facial expression was blank as he showed no emotions at all at the moment, Just staring at me like he was unable to decide what to do.

"You know I told you Ed, I told and warned you not to let this kid go, Hell knows what you had told her now she knows too much and she's trying to expose us." Simon furiously ranted.

"We all warned you Ed, we all knew this kid was going to try expose us someday but you didn't listen to us and decided to trust her, Look at what happened now." The only lady among them said in an angry tone.

I remember her, Her name was Shirley and she dislikes me the most. She is reacting the exact same way as last time when I was here.

But this time I am going to give back to her the same energy because now I was here on purpose for some clarification about what happened that night.

"Where you really trying to expose the secret I asked you to keep?" He suddenly asked me ignoring those fuming around him.

"Yes I was." I answered indifferently, He looked shocked to hear me say that. "Did he really trusted me to keep their secret?" Maybe he did that's why he's looking so shocked right now.

"You promised me you won't ever tell a soul, We had a deal Aki!" He slightly yelled at me and I suddenly started to feel bad for trying to break the promise I made.

But I quickly recovered from that little feeling of guilt that was trying to overwhelm me.

If what had happened didn't and if my mom was home resting as she should be instead of being held in a cell at a police station because of a crime she knew nothing about, A crime which is most likely to be committed by these people in front of me, I wouldn't even try to break my promise not even one bit.

"Yes, I know we had a deal and I would not had try to break it if not for..." I trailed of almost immediately when I started talking.

"Hmm hmm? Go on, Why'd you stop talking?" Shirley asked impatiently staring at me with eyes full of dislike.

I stared back at her equally with the exact same emotion.

"Well an innocent person is being accused for a crime committed by you people!" I spoke aloud and direct into Shirley's face.

"What crime if I may ask?" She said trying to act all innocent and all but I can see through her facade, Infact I could see through everybody's especially Mr Steve because his facial expression wasn't even trying to deny my accusations.

The rest of the group wore a fake confused look on but that didn't get to me not one bit.

"Theft, You guys are thieves! you go around and steal people's belongings and frame it on others!" I spat in their faces.

Immediately I said that, Some of them bursted into laughter while some others smirked, Shirley was among the laughing ones.

It was all fake! They were making up the laughter. Only Mr Steve remained neutral.

"Listen up kid, We ain't no thieves, Neither do we go round stealing people's stuff okay." One unknown black and chubby guy said smiling.

"Leave her to her delusions, She's only wasting our time, If it were up to me she'd be long gone." Shirley said smirking as she did while partially referring to Mr Steve as she spoke.

What Shirley didn't know was that, As she keeps on speaking she keeps giving me more evidence from her words that they are really criminals and I bet Mr Steve knows that too with the way he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck with his palm.

"You all should just drop the act, I know you're all lying, I can see through everything." I told them confidently.

"Why do you think we are criminals." Micheal asked me, He's the only one who hasn't said anything since.

"Everything says it all! You have guns and you have a secret underground basement too!" I told him.

"That's all?, That's all you got to prove we are criminals?" Simon intervened. "C'mon Simon, You think she's got anything else apart from that?" Shirley added sarcastically.

I became so very angry at her remark, She was acting as if I was a crazy person.

"I also saw two of you guys at the Jones mansion breaking into a room and stealing a piece of jewelry." I said and with that they all kept mute for some seconds and that gave me the full proof I needed.

Shock was registered in Shirley's face for some seconds before she finally laughed it off telling me I was way too delusional for my age.

The voice of the person asking me who I was and why I was hiding in the rose bush the other night was no other than Jason's voice. I remembered it very clearly.

I looked straight at his eyes and he looked back in confusion too. Even though I could not remember the other voice or tell the owner of it, I am most certain that Jason was one of the two burglars I saw that night.

"You can't deny that you didn't speak to a little girl hiding in between rose bushes in the darkness while you were trying to escape can't ya?" I told him asking and answering my question to him at the moment.

"What's she talking about?" Shirley asked confused, Even Mr Steve was as well.

"Yo- You?" Jason asked shakily, "Yes, I was that girl that night." I said aloud and clear finally happy inside that I got the truth from them.

Jason's sudden change in attitude was a big reveal to the secret they were trying so hard to protect.

"My goodness, She was that girl?" Simon spoke and then I knew it was both him and Jason that came to steal the jewelry from the mansion.

"Fuck!" Mr Steve muttered under his breath as he brought his head low.

"Jason! Simon!! What the hell is she talking about?" Shirley asked them overly curious and confused about the whole situation.

"What she is talking about, Is that both Jason and Simon blew up our previous mission by talking to Aki who happens to be there at the time of their escape." Mr Steve said aloud and precise so everyone could digest it. Especially Shirley.

"What!?" Shirley said unable to believe what she just heard right now.