
Mafia Man's Lover

Akira Houston, A sharp and intelligent girl who grew up in one of New York trenches met with a man called Steve who saved her from bullying. Seeing how smart she is, He introduced her into a tactical world of stealing but not before warning her of the danger that lies within the job. Akira joined out of desperation to make both her life and her family's better. Years letter she became an expert in stealing from the upperclassmen, And was living a good life. But things started heading southwards after a heist she and her gang pulled off in an international bank where they stole treasures worth millions. Turns out the treasure was owned by a mafia Lord who was known to be ruthless and unforgiving. The mafia lord went on a rampage and spared nobody during the search for his diamonds. He killed every member of the gang except for Akira who narrowly escaped but ended up getting caught and imprisoned by him. Instead of Killing her off, The mafia Lord fell in love with her and decided to marry her. Akira then decides to use his love for her against him and find an escape for herself.

GENIE · Urban
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35 Chs


We all watched as Mr Steve said goodbye and Left, Even though I don't know what was going to happen next I still couldn't thank him enough in my heart for his help again this night.

"I've noticed you hadn't say anything for a while now Aki." my mom didn't hesitate to interrogate immediately he was gone.

"That's what happened Mom." I said staring at my feet with my hands folded at my back. She was about to continue when my Dad quickly interrupted and told her to let it go, He said what matters now is that I was home safe and sound.

"Yes Sarah, Nathan is right, We should let this go and be happy she's home safely, Now let us all go inside it's cold out here." My grandma said agreeing with my dad, And my dad nodded in return.

But my mom as stubborn as she is only agreed for us to go in but she has no plans of letting go without hearing from me, She could be dramatic sometimes.

"So Akira, jumping over the window? Since when Aki? When!!" she resumed immediately we got inside.

"I mean you could have told us what you wanted to do, Or where you were going, It's not like we were going to hold you back, I get that you were trying to help but sneaking out of the house like a criminal doesn't justify that Kira." My Mom cried out in frustration and facepalmed herself.

"If you knew what we went through looking for you almost everywhere around this City, This. Whole. Place, Aki." she continued her voice starting to shake, I was so sorry I put them through that stress.

The room was silent until my Dad spoke up, "Sarah it's okay, we shouldn't have to do this after all what happened this evening, We are all tired and I think what's best now is to pray, eat and go to bed, We have work to do tommorow."

"Of course you are right honey, We've got work tomorrow but am still worried she's going to sneak out on Mom while we are away." My mom said.

"No she won't." My Dad said and I wondered why he isn't mad at me. "We can't say honey, She's done it before, Did it again, How are you so sure she won't do it again?" my mom replied him.

"You know it's time Aki be Free now, I get that we live in a dangerous neighborhood, You are being protective, One has to keep an eye on the children but you know we can't keep doing that forever." He told my mom.

"And also Aki, What you did was wrong, And I need you to promise me, Your mom and Grandma that this won't happen again, If you feel like going out you are always welcome to tell us darling." My Dad said with a warm smile.

"I promise Dad, Am so sorry Mom, Grandma." I apologized and we all paused to see my mom's reaction, "Okay." she finally said and we all sighed in relief.

"Now since it's all settled let's go make dinner, poor Andy is starving already." My grandma said and we all dispersed to carry out our usual activities in preparation for tonight's dinner.

"Tommorow is dad's birthday." Andrew suddenly announced while we were all having dinner. "Yeah right." I thought as my face brightened. We were all so caught up in my drama we had almost forgot, Am sure even Dad did not remember too.

"Thanks for reminding everyone Andy." my mom told him, I plan to write him the sweetest letter ever and surprise him with it alongside Drew's sketch tommorow morning.

We all retired to our rooms after dinner but I couldn't sleep, I was busy racking my brain for words to use for my Dad's letter present, I slept off by three but not after completing the letter with utmost perfection and lots of hearts.

It was around five a.m in the morning when my mom and grandma came in to wake us up for dad's birthday surprise. Everyone looked ready except me, I couldn't get enough sleep.

Mom got Dad a new tie for his present, She had been saving money for it, Grandma wanted to give him a Bible. Dad was still sleeping when we entered the room so mom use the harmonica to wake him up and when he did, we all screamed a happy birthday to him and began to sing the birthday song.

Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you Nathan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!

My dad was so happy, The joy was so obvious in his eyes, We all gave him a big hug and presented our small gifts to him.

"Happy birthday Dad." Both Andy and I chorused. "Happy birthday honey." My mom said with tears in her eyes. "Happy birthday Son, May the Lord always be with you in all you do dear." my grandma complimented happily.

And typically of my Dad, He started crying saying how extremely happy he was that his Joy of seeing us together as one happy family knew no bounds.

"C'mon son why are you crying like a ten years old in front of the kids, Man up would ya." My grandma said mocking my dad and changing the mood entirely, We all laughed at the joke including my Dad.

I went to bed immediately we ended all compliments and jokes, While the rest of the family got ready for the day. Grandma has a Bible meeting with her friends from church so she's taking Drew Along with her, she asked if I was interested in going but I declined.

I wanted to stay home and sleep through out the day because I was so tired and I had no where to go anyway.

Seven a.m, It was already Dawn infact everywhere had lit up and everyone awake but I was still sleeping, My mom came to wake me up for breakfast, I quickly head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and bath, I came out of the room after I had gotten dressed.

The table has been set, We were having stir fried pasta with veggies, We all said our prayers and began to dig in.

I was almost done with my food when my Mom dropped a bombshell. "Akira, You'll be going with me to the Jones mansion." she suddenly said, And I almost choked on my food, Even Grandma was surprised.

"But why mom? Why would I follow you there....To your place of work!" I questioned nervously. "Now no need to panic, I just thought you might need Free time and you can get to go see outside more okay, And I will be at peace because you are with me so I can watch over you." She explained.

"But I don't want to go Mom, And am okay here, you do not need to worry about me again, You know I promised I won't sneak out anymore." I cried out looking at my dad for support, But I think he agrees with my mom this time.

"Kira there's no way you can be here all alone darling, Trust me you're gonna love it when you come with me, it's a really big place and you will see and learn alot of things, Believe me it's way better than staying home alone." she told me.

"But they're rich people mom, Will they even like me there, And won't I be a liability to your job mom." I lamented.

"Kira, I called Mrs Jones this morning and she agreed to it as long as you would behave, If I hadn't been so sure I wouldn't tell you this, it's no problem at all but I need you to promise me you'll behave yourself when you get there and don't wander off like a lost child okay?" she replied me.

"And what if I can't promise a nice behavior Mom? What if!?" I asked her.

"Would you not take me then?" I added to the question.