
Mafia Man's Lover

Akira Houston, A sharp and intelligent girl who grew up in one of New York trenches met with a man called Steve who saved her from bullying. Seeing how smart she is, He introduced her into a tactical world of stealing but not before warning her of the danger that lies within the job. Akira joined out of desperation to make both her life and her family's better. Years letter she became an expert in stealing from the upperclassmen, And was living a good life. But things started heading southwards after a heist she and her gang pulled off in an international bank where they stole treasures worth millions. Turns out the treasure was owned by a mafia Lord who was known to be ruthless and unforgiving. The mafia lord went on a rampage and spared nobody during the search for his diamonds. He killed every member of the gang except for Akira who narrowly escaped but ended up getting caught and imprisoned by him. Instead of Killing her off, The mafia Lord fell in love with her and decided to marry her. Akira then decides to use his love for her against him and find an escape for herself.

GENIE · Urban
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

Back home

"Welcome to my workshop Aki!" he exclaimed Happily. "It's really cool...Wow" I exclaimed in admiration, "Yes it is" he replied smiling too, "And it's so large, do you work here all by yourself?" I asked wondering how he could manage all the machines and stuffs all by himself.

Certainly he would need some assistance. "Actually no" he replied, "I've got some of my friends and workers who assists me all the time." he continued.

"So where are they?, it's Monday morning... shouldn't your workshop be opened?" I asked him.

"Um.. one of them just left, he was the one who did the siren sound, We were together before I spotted you getting beaten up." he said.

"Ooh....I see" I trailed off. I strolled towards a Very beautiful red car, that has it's bonnet opened and exclaimed, "This car looks very cool!".

"Actually that's a Mercedes", he replied, "Really, My uncle once told me they're very expensive cars, And are used only for car racing" I said.

"Yes he is right, but it can also be driven normally and yes they're pretty expensive" He told me.

"Is it yours?" I asked him, "No it's not" he told me, "It's for my friend." he concluded, "Your friend must be really rich then" I said nodding my head, "You could say that." he told me smiling.

"Was your late wife a mechanic too?" I asked him, "Nahh, my wife was a computer scientist, A very good one actually" he said and chuckled "Wow, that's pretty cool" I commended.

I noticed there were other cars like this one, Even more classier than this one. And I can't help but wonder if only rich people bring their cars here to get it fixed, This place somehow looked like a small company too, there were a lot of things in it.

"I should be heading home now, thanks for everything Mr Steve" I said appreciatively after satisfying myself with the view of the garage.

"You are very much welcome, Next time don't sneak out of home again y'hear me" he said, "Yes I hear you, thanks so much sir, I'll come visit your workshop again I promise." I said happily, "Hahaha, ok very well then." he replied smiling.

When I finally bade him bye and was on my way home, I sighed happily. I know Mom and Dad would scold me for sneaking out of the house.

Grandma would be so Angry with me, but I don't care right now because the only thing on my mind right now Is how happy my Family would be while eating the food I brought for home.

And how relieved my mom would be to see my brother's smile, And how relieved I would be see to them all smiling, that alone is enough to make me happy and go on without a care in the world.

I began to think of an explanation on how I got the food on my way back because I knew they were definitely going to question it.

It was Twelve pm already, The sun's out finally, And there were people going and coming about the street. Some were walking their dogs, Restaurants fully opened, Kids playing music and practicing dance steps, Smokers and gamblers around the corners of the streets, Some naked ladies shamelessly throwing themselves at them, The sight of all that makes me wanna get home ASAP!

When I finally got home, I rang the doorbell and knocked at the door.

"Coming!" I heard my Grandma say from inside, and I smiled and wondered it was grandma answering the door, "Who is it?" she asked as she got closer, "It's me Granny, Aki!" I said. "AKI!!, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!??" She screamed as she opened the door for me.

I hugged her immediately I got inside, which made her surprised, "We have been looking all over for you, my dear." She said, her voice slightly stern and Happy at the same time as she hugged me back too.

"I haven't been to anywhere grandma, And I am okay I just went to get some fresh rain breeze." I lied.

"And you went for that long?" she asked, "Both your Mom and Dad are out looking all over for you right now." she told me, "Reall-" I was about to say when I heard Drew running towards me and screaming my name "KIRAA!!" He yelled and that took me by surprise.

"Where have you been sis?"" he asked me, His face clearly showing how worried he was about me.

I must have had them so worried to the extent mom and dad are out there right now looking for me.

"Don't worry about me Drew, I didn't go anywhere...Look what I brought ya." I told him happily.

"What's that?" Grandma questioned me, "It's food, I brought for us." I said somehow nervously.

And I could see Andrew's face lighten up when he heard that.

He quickly collected the bag from me to check if I was saying the truth, "And Where'd you get that from?" Grandma asked me as we headed to the dining.

"A kind man gave it to me when I offered to assist him with packing." I lied again.

"Are you sure you are not lying to me?" she interrogated, "Hmm hmm." I nodded.

"Well that's good, As you know it's good to always offer help to someone in need of it, hmm." Yes Granny, I replied her. "It's Chips!!, I love chips" Andrew screamed, already starting to eat, And I laughed.

Let me call your parents to inform them you're back, Grandma said as she stood up to make a call. "Easy there." she told Drew, who's just eating on without a care in the world.

"She's back." I heard her say over the phone and I can't help but feel bad for making my parents worry.

"Don't you worry, Everything's alright, she's safe you can come home now okay, Alright then." she concluded and disconnected the call.

"They're on their way back." she told me. "Grandma come eat, you haven't had anything since morning, How are you feeling now?" I asked her.

"Oh my dear I am feeling very much better my dear, I was just worried." she said as she adjusted her glasses.

"Well am back now" I said smiling, I stood to serve her a plate of sandwich and chips I bought, "I hope you thanked the person who gave this to you?" she asked me, "Yes I did." I replied her.

We heard the doorbell Ring not long we started eating and I went to open the door, And immediately i did so, Both my Mom and Dad threw themselves at me, Scolding and hugging me at the same time, telling me how worried they were, That i shouldn't do such a thing again.

Both my Grandma and I tried to convince my mom that nothing bad had happened to me, I told them what I told Grandma and I am so glad they believed me.

"But I need you to promise you won't go off like that again, Things might be tough for us but we still got each other, so we should never let go Ok." My Dad said holding my hand tightly.

"I promise Dad" I told him smiling. "Honey, you said you had some good news for us when you came back, before we went to look for Kira." My Mom reminded Dad of something.

"Oh yes, I do have a good news to share!" He exclaimed happily, "What is it Nathan?" My Grandma asked as we were all eager to know.

"I finally got a job!" He exclaimed loudly, "REALLY!!!" We all screamed in unison.

"Oh that's really good news my son" my Grandma said happily, "Am so happy for you Dad!" I said hugging him.

We all got into a one Big Happy family hug. "Am so glad today happened like this, I couldn't be more happier for us." I thought to myself.

Back at Eddy's place....

His phone rung as soon as he watched her leave the Garage.

He picked it up "What's up." he said to the Caller, "You let her in there??" The caller questioned him surprise evident in his voice.

"That was risky Man!" he continued, "Don't worry Simon, she's just a kid, And she also didn't notice anything, she's just curious that's all, you don't need to worry about her okay." he told Simon.

"Ok but you know we still gotta be careful Ed." The caller on the phone told him. "Yeah I know....So what's our game plan now." He said to the caller on the phone, Walking out of the garage.