
Chapter 19

I glanced in the kitchen, where Lena and Maddie were giving me worried looks. I didn't wait for an explanation. Turning around, I ran after the frightened kitten, and saw her running for the back door, which led to the garden. She rushed outside. I slowed to a walk and followed her.

Squinting at the bright sunlight, I found Alina sitting on the top of the hill, huddling under a tree.I gave her a few minutes by herself and then made my way toward her. She hugged her knees to her chest, her arms wrapped around them tightly, her face buried between them.When I got closer, she tensed. Rolling my eyes with a sigh, I sat down on the grass beside her shaking body. She was slowly coming down from her attack.

I didn't know why I followed her, and I sure as hell didn't know why I sat down beside her. For some strange reasons, my heart ached at her pain. I wanted to offer comfort.

I rubbed my face tiredly. This girl. I closed my eyes tightly and pinched the tip of my nose in frustration. She was messing with my head.

I heard her sobbing quietly, but eventually she quieted down. "Why did you follow me?" she asked, her voice scratchy.

"You're crying." My voice came out hard, so I quickly cleared my throat and attempted to soften my tone. "Why are you crying?" I tried to sound gentle, but I sounded demanding instead.

Way to go, Alex Great way to get her to open up.

"That wasn't an answer," she replied, her voice barely audible. I was sure she didn't mean for me to hear it, but I did.

I bristled slightly at her tone but took a deep breath, not wanting to sound harsh. This wasn't the time to scare her.

"Well, that's the only answer you're getting," I said, turning to my side to face her. I didn't have any other answer for her.

Alina lifted her head slightly and placed her chin on her arms, looking me straight in the eyes. "Lena told me about your mother."

I was taken aback—shocked. Alina noticed, and bit on her lip nervously.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, tears forming in her eyes again.

Swallowing hard against the lump in my throat, I shrugged. "Why are you apologizing? It's not your fault."

"I know. But I'm sorry for your loss." A tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

I followed the single drop as it trailed down her rosy cheek. I felt my heart stutter at her admission. She was sorry for me. She was crying for my loss.

I stared at her, filled with confusion. Who was this girl? And what was she doing to me?

"Okay," I replied, my voice gruff. I couldn't say anything else because I didn't know what to say.

Alina being nice to me was a big surprise. I never expected it. She always appeared scared of me, but now she was giving me her condolences for my mother's death.She closed her eyes and sighed loudly, as if a big burden had been taken off her shoulders. I saw her trembling and she huddled tighter into herself.Without thinking, I shrugged off my suit jacket and leaned forward, gently placing it around her.

She instantly stilled.

"It's a little cold today," I said, then shifted away from her.

Why the fuck was I explaining myself to her?

My body rigid, I stood up and brushed the grass from my clothes. I avoided looking at her. I felt annoyed at myself and the way I reacted to her.

Focus, Alex. Focus on your task. Don't lose yourself in her beautiful eyes and gentle soul.

My hands tightened into fists, and without sparing her another glance, I turned around and walked back to the house.


When I told him I was sorry for his loss, I was afraid he would be angry.

He'd been right when he said it wasn't my fault. But my father had killed his mother. And if my father wasn't apologizing for his mistakes and wrongdoings, then I would. It had become my burden to carry.I was living in Alex's home, depending on him, but he had no idea I was his worst enemy. I might be personally innocent, but my blood wasn't.I wished I could have told him the truth, but he wouldn't understand. Nobody would, not even Lena or Maddie. They saw my family as an enemy, but what they didn't know and wouldn't understand was that I had become a victim and I suffered too.I didn't want to suffer anymore.

I wanted to be happy.

So, I couldn't tell them the truth—not ever.

I understood what it felt like to lose someone, because I had lost my mother. I didn't remember her, but I still mourned.

Alex confused me. One minute he was kind, and the next he was cold and angry. I pulled his suit jacket tighter around my body. It still felt warm from his body heat.

The smell of his cologne touched my nose and I let out a sigh.

I stayed on the hill that overlooked the large back garden, beginning to relax. From where I sat, the view was stunning. The garden bloomed with various colors, each flower part of a scene that reminded me of a painting.A huge water fountain, bigger than the one out front, dominated the landscape. It looked so serene. As I stared at the majestic beauty, a sense of peacefulness encompassed my body and I felt light.

I waited for a few more minutes, basking in the blissful surroundings, and then I stood up, feeling stronger than before. Holding Alex's jacket tight to my body, I made my way back to the house.

My steps were light and unhurried. I touched the soft petals of the flowers as I walked by, and smiled.When I reached the kitchen, I walked in to find Lena and Maddie sitting by the bar, their expressions downcast. Lena looked up when I came in and quickly jumped off her stool.

I pulled her into my arms and gave her a tight hug, then stepped back and smiled nervously. "I'm sorry about your loss. And I am sorry for reacting the way I did. I had a panic attack, I…" I licked my suddenly dry lips and swallowed past the heavy lump in my throat. "I…I lost my mother too. It…makes me anxious. It was pretty emotional hearing about Alessio's mother, and I was mourning for his loss too."

Lena smiled sweetly, her eyes kind as she stroked my cheek. "It's okay, honey. You must be pretty emotional after everything that's happened. Why don't you have lunch and then go rest, all right?"

When I nodded, she stepped away and turned to Maddie, who gave me a pitiful look.

"Maddie, call in the other maids," Lena said. "It's time to serve lunch. Alex and the others will be coming down soon."

Maddie took her phone out and quickly typed a message before putting it back in her pocket. She linked her arm through mine, pulling me toward the stool. "Are you okay?" she asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry about that sudden meltdown."

"No, it's okay. Totally understandable," she replied.

Soon, the other maids arrived in the kitchen, and each of them took something to serve on the dining room table.

It took them some time, but when they were done, the kitchen was quiet again. Lena had left, and Maddie and I were alone.

"Hungry?" she asked.

I shook my head and leaned against the stool. "Not really. Maybe I'll eat later."

"Okay," she said in an adorable, childish tone, before serving a plate of food for herself. She sat down across from me and dug in. I let out a laugh when I heard her moan at the first bite.

"So good," she said. "Damn, I didn't know I was this hungry."

Shaking my head, I snatched her towel from the table and threw it at her face. "Close your mouth when you eat."

She started to chew loudly with a teasing expression on her face, then gave me a wink and stuffed another spoonful in her mouth. And then she moaned out loud.

I crossed my arms over my chest and rolled my eyes. Behind me, someone cleared their throat. My back straightened and I turned toward the sound only to find Artur leaning against the doorway.

He didn't even spare me a look. He was only staring at Maddie, whose eyes widened when she saw him and her cheeks turned red.

She blushed and averted her eyes. I looked back at him and saw his lips tilt upward in a confident smirk.

When I saw him adjusting his pants, I looked away, embarrassed.

Artur cleared his throat and said, "Is Lena here? Alex is looking for her."

Maddie shook her head and continued to stare down at her plate. Her hair fell over her face, hiding her from Artur's view, but I saw the tiny smile creeping up on her face.

"Okay then," he said, and he left the room. Maddie looked up, her expression softening, and I heard her sigh. A dreamy sigh.

"Maddie?" I asked, my tone filled with questions. She turned toward me and bit down on her lips before letting out a small giggle. She stared at me for a few seconds before nodding, confirming my suspicions.

"You and Artur? Oh my God, Maddie. Since when?" I asked, leaning forward in anticipation.

"About six months now. I couldn't resist him any longer, Ayla. I mean, just look at him! He's so sexy. And God, so dreamy. He's perfect. I just…I don't know. I couldn't stop myself." She shrugged nervously. "I'm swooning, aren't I?"

"You are," I replied, laughing. She was so cute.

"He's so hot, Alina!"

Well, I couldn't deny that. He was indeed good looking.

"And he's good in bed. Like really good," Maddie added, leaning closer so she could whisper. "He is a beast."

"Maddie! I didn't need to know that."

"I was just telling you," she mumbled.

We stared at each other, then smiled before bursting into a fit of giggles.

It felt good to laugh. I couldn't remember the last time I felt so free. Looking into Maddie's smiling eyes, my laughter died down and my nose started stinging. I could feel the tears at the backs of my eyes but I didn't let them fall.