

I pay the cab fare and rush towards my house, I push open the door and see my brothers and father eat at the table, I broke out crying as I ran to my father and hugged him, taking in his old cologne.

"Aria, what happen?" he said in a worried tone making me cry even harder.

I just held him I began to have a flash back of how he died me on the road running to his car as it was on fire and hearing Jason's cold voice as he told me to dare to run away after that one by one my brothers died for every punishment I made or every misunderstanding take he took into because of Shin. after a while I stop crying as I just had hiccups coming out my older brother Donnie left me up and sat me on the couch.

"Aria tell us what happened?" he said

How do I tell them I came back from the dead and the babies to Jason and all that stuff that I know he was in the Mafia as well, I'm not close with Donnie since way older then me about twenty years older, I look around at my other brother as I grab Donnie's hand tight, I have to be careful with my words one wrong move and it would all come crashing down.

"Guys give us some privacy" Donnie says

Once everybody was gone Donnie hugged me, I thought about what to say and the best thing I could do was lie but then I'd have to also think on how Donnie well act, after a few minutes I had my lie well half truth.

"Mandy she drugged me and threw me in a room with a guy name Jason Li, I was so scared when I woke up Donnie the way that man looked how cold his gaze was" I say shaking a little.

I hand him the documents and disk as proof.

"He says he has proof and he'll come back for me as revenge, I don't know what to do Donnie what if he does comes and and takes me from you guys" I say as I fake my tears.

"Don't worry Aria, well hide you. I know a safe place that you can go. You can't take Davis with you, just leave this with me, you go upstairs shower get some rest I'll arrange everything for you tomorrow the faster you leave the better" he says.

I nod my head and hug him.

"Thank you Donnie" I say

I get up and go back upstairs as I wipe my fake tears, I'll leave Donnie to deal with Mandy but for now I need to leave it was a mistake with Jason, after my shower I sat in bed thinking where this safe place Donnie was talking about I never heard about it in the last life hours past as my brothers came into the room asking how I was doing and I'd give them the same answer I'm fine and tired that's all by dinner my father and Donnie told me to pack everything I had right down to my old homework papers they didn't want any sign I lived here. they then explain if Jason was to ever come here they can just say they never heard of me Donnie already took care of my records of me of living, we ate all together as a family before my departure tomorrow I know I barely got my family back and in order for me to let them have a long life I have to leave.