

[CURRENTLY ON HOLD] The De Luca family isn't the one to truffle with. The Russian Mafia. They are united, strong, loyal to each other, no one could break them. The De Luca brothers Ezekiel, Xander, Zachery, Mason and Axel. They are the most eligible bachelor of Russia. The brothers never loved anyone. Everyone they met in their whole lives were either after their money, power or looks. As they were on the verge of giving up on true love, they met someone. A girl to be exact. But what will happen if they all have their eyes on the same person? Will thry fight each other for her? Or will they share her? Is this girl even their love? Or just some Obsession? To find out more read MAFIA FAMILY'S POSSESSION

Sugar_05 · Urban
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10 Chs


''Beauty Isn't About

Having A Pretty

Face. It's About

Having A Pretty

Mind, A Pretty

Heart, And A

Pretty Soul.''



I was returning home from the convineint store after buying some snacks. You see, it sucks to live alone, it sucks even more when you get your damn periods at 10 flicking pm and you don't have any snacks home. And if you are wondering why I live alone, so let me tell you. My family lives in India, I am Indian too. It's just that I got the bright chance to study abroad. Lucky? Nope. I had to study almost 24/7 without eating or sleeping, then only I got this chance. So I won't call it luck, it's my hard work.

I am Diya Sinha. My name means ''love; lamp; heavenly''. I'm 21 years old. 5'6 in height. Long brunnet hairs, black eyes, cute face, nice figure. My family can be considered a normal middle class one. My father owns a security agency, my mother is a sweet house wife and the last but not the least my elder sister works in a company. I am an software engineer. I mean I am doing software engineering. But because of it now I have to live alone in another country. So. Annoying. Oh by the way I'm in Harvard University of United States.

I didn't disappoint my parents or my previous principal, who gave me this precious opportunity to study abroad. Even after the struggle to adjust in another country and the climate and all, I still managed to get amongst the top 3 in my branch. I got numerous scholarships and extra points too. I am proud of myself. (Wiping my fake tears)

So, as I was saying. I was very cozy in my soft bed inside my fluffy blanket to even think of getting out in such a chilly night. But I guess the nature had another plans. Just as I thought I could comfortably read my favorite online books, I felt the hammering in my lower abdomen and the not so unfamiliar wetness. ughhh. The rest is history.

Now after buying my favorite snacks late at night, I am going back to my appointment. I live in a nice, cozy appartment. The owner lives just next door and is a sweet lady in her 50's. Mrs. Martha. She is a sweetheart. Whenever she bakes something, she never forgets to make me a share. I, too bring small gifts or snacks for her.

My apartment is neither too huge nor too small. It's just perfect for me. Two master bedroom, a guest room, with separate washrooms. A living room along with a kitchen. A balcony with a gorgeous view. Sigh. What else do I need?

It's getting lateee. I'm tired already, I should just take the shortcut. But it's so dark and silent there. What to do? What to do? Dang it! I will just take the shortcut. Nothing will happen. If anything do happen I will just usey nonexistent karate skills. Hayya hu. Haha haha. OK let's go babe.

I enter the dead silent allay, after taking a deep breath.... It's not that bad or scary thought. It's just a little dark, nothing else. I sigh in relief and and relax a little, continuing walking. A little ahead upon hearing a sudden groan, I froze. I-is is the-re a-a gh_ghost? OH MY DOG-I MEAN, OH MY GOD!!!

What should I do? If I just sprint from here, will the ghost chase me? Just as I was planning my ghost escape plan no.21, I heard another groan this time a little louder. Huh? I think it's a man? Oh. It's not a ghost.? I gained some courage and took some ed steps ahead, peeping at the direction the groan came from. It Is A Man. Thank God. I thought Im a gonner now. Phew.

Just as I was doing a little happy dance in my mind, this mysterious person groaned again. Oh, sorry I almost forgot him. He seems to be injured. But to be at a place like this, he must be a danger himself. Should I help him? Maybe I should, Afterall we shouldn't leave someone to die like this.

I took some slow steps towards him, to make sure he do Attack me. He seems to know about my presence, cause even in his injured self he straightens up a little in a sitting position, holding onto his abdomen and looks straight at me. (Sharl inhale) God. His gaze gave me chills down my spine, almost making me regret my decision of helping, making running away. But I didn't, instead I said in a soft voice.

''Hey there. I'm not going to hurt you OK. Don't worry. I just want to help.'' After a second, making sure that he isn't going to do anything to me. I head closer to him. I squatted down next to him. In the dark I can't see him clearly, I can just see his figure. He's big. No. I mean giant. Big muscles, height even though he's sitting. I can feel his intence gaze on me. But I try ignoring it.

I gently remive his hand from his abdomen to analyze his wound. I could see a lot of blood, but I can't make out the reason behind it. Not wanting to get more headache I straight up ask him.

''Why is it bleeding?'' I asked still not looking at him, knowing very well if I did I would definitely faint.

''Nothing much, just a gun shot.'' My eyes widened. Ju-just? Just a g-gun shot? Did he loose some screws or what? He is talking about gun shot as so nonchalantly as if it's something normal.

''What? Why are you making a face as if I have grown two heads?'' He asked.  How did he even see my expression in  the dark? And why do I sense amusement in his tone? Anyways.

''Look Mr. You are bleeding very profoundly. I don't even have a medical kit with me. We have to get you to a hospital immediately.'' I said worried that he will die. So much blood. I flinched when a rough hands suddenly touched my cheek.

''Don't worry baby girl. I won't die because of a little bullet. What I need right now is for your help. Won't you help a poor, injured man? Hmm?'' Why do I have a feeling that I'm getting seduced? But it's very much working. Without me knowing I nodded my head.

''OK then baby. Let's go.'' While supporting him towards my apartment the only thing going on in my head was.

What in the world did just happen?


Who do you think this was is? How did he end up getting shot? What was he doing in that allay? Keep reading to find out.