
Mafia desire

He's rude He's bossy He's scary If he talk the whole world crumbles, everyone bow their heads down and dare not look at him in the face He's rich and handsome with a blooded lip, his tempting body and abs that make girls to drool over him Alec a cold, inhuman and ruthless billionaire, that's his identity to the world but behind the camera he's a ruthless Mafia His heart is as hard as a rock and cold as an ice, love is impossible for him He likes the sight of women but he treat them like trash, why??? In his own rule and policy "Women are not be treated with care cause if you treat them with care they are definitely gonna bite your nails and betray you" Meet Anita, a beautiful girl who live with her step-mom Lydia, who's bent on making her life miserable Lydia own a club house where she force Anita to satisfy those billionaires with a seductive dance What will happen when she was asked to give the mighty Alec a seductive dance The dance turn to something else, she arouse him innocently, she make him beg for a one night stand No woman can turn Alec on without passing through stress but Anita did it without knowing Now Alec wants her, he can't seem to get her off his mind He only want her to satisfy his pleasure, no string attach Lydia sold her out to Alec How will Anita cope in the hand of Alec, a deadly man Can she melt his icy heart Will he ever fall in love Let's find out.......

Authoressashabi1 · Action
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5 Chs

Chapter five

Anita pov

I was still in thought as I head to my room, what is he talking about is he a mafia?? or we are visiting a mafia friend??, I wondered as I enter my room

I pull my off clothes and enter the bathroom, I took sponge and soap and started scrubbing my body.

Soon I was done bathing and step out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my body and hair.

I removed the towel on my body and use the other towel to dry my hair. I went to the wardrobe and choose a black short gown, I wore the gown and glance around the room to see if I will find a lotion but I found none.

" There is so much thing I need here but I can't ask master for anything" I muttered silently

I use a dryer to dry my hair and soon my hair dry a little, I drop the dryer back inside the wardrobe and step out of the room making sure I close the door before heading to the living room.

Really curious to know where we're heading to, I got to the living room and I met the master there with some maids and guards with their belongings

" I'm here" I said and everyone glance at me, Alec stare at me wildly and I kinda feel uncomfortable

Alec pov

I can't seem to take my eyes off her, she is making my d**k to spank up but I have to control my urge till everyone is out.

" Is there anything you want to take" I asked as I face Anita and she nod

" No..." she replied lowly

My phone rang I checked the caller id seeing it's my driver I picked up

" Boss we're all outside" he said and I cut the call

" Everyone go outside" I said, they are moved outside and Anita was about to follow them when I drag her

" Master do you need anything" she said innocently

" Bend down" I said and she glance at the door

" Master..."

" Bend they are gone" I said and she slowly bend making her pink panties to be visible, the gown she was wearing is pretty short

I pull her closer to me then shift her panties and penetrated into her from behind.

"Stop please" Anita begged as he was fucking her ass faster, He increase his pace making her scream her lungs out.

He finally shot his semen into her and she fell on the floor feeling weak

She was about going upstairs when I stopped her "where are you going" I asked.

" To the washroom" she replied

" I'm only giving you 5 minutes to get here or else you will grow old alone inside this building" I said and she rushed upstairs

Anita rushed to the washroom and washed the sperm off her p**sy

Anita pov


I rushed out of the room to the sitting room and met him sitting on the couch.

" Master I'm here" I said and he stood then walk out, I followed him

We stepped outside and I saw eight lamborghini outside he entered the first one leaving me standing.

"Are you planning on standing there forever" he said and I nod immediately then enter the car

The driver ignited the car engine and drive out.

Soon the car stopped in front of a big mall.

Alec get down and I followed him immediately cause I don't want him to scold me again.

Alec called one of the attendant

" Sir what can I do for you?"

" Take her to the VVIP"

" Please follow me ma'am" the lady said and I followed her till she stopped at a glass door

" Please enter" she said and I enter and picked what I needed

I was about picking a particular cloth when I heard a voice

" Hey drop it" I heard a voice and I ignored it

"Leave that little bitch"

"Can you afford that"

"Do you know who I am"

She bragged and I pay no attention to her

I glance at her sighing and she made an attempt to slap me when I heard Alec voice

" Slap her and your entire family will pay for it"

She immediately drop her hand and turn around

" You!!" Both her and Alec shouted

To be continued