
Xavier Knew It!

{Author's pov}

While everything was happening, Gianna was busy munching her dinner. The dish was her favorite, she couldn't control her hunger looking at the dish. Nails.

Yes, she was biting her nails as her dinner in worry and tension. Charlie barked, looking at her pacing here and there in worry. Charlie followed her every step and paced here and there with her while waging his furry tail.

"Charlie, why're you following me? Sit." Gianna said, which made Charlie bark loudly as if saying no. Charlie placed both his paws on Gianna's stomach and stood up in standing position while waging his tail.

"Aww, you want me to spend time with you? Come, let me first give you some treats and then let's play." Gianna exclaimed and Charlie continuously barked excitedly as if there was no tomorrow.

Gianna and Charlie played for some while with Charlie's toys and then both went to sleep. Gianna was tired to even move to her bed to sleep, and she didn't even have her dinner, as Amelia had not yet arrived, as she always eats her dinner with Amelia. Gianna hugged her fluffy cloud-like dog Charlie and drifted to deep sleep on Charlie's small bed.

Amelia arrived late at night around 1 am after getting treated from hospital, she tried to be as silent as possible and chuckled silently seeing her sister hugging and sleeping with Charlie on his precious bed which he never lets anyone touch except Gianna, yes, not even Amelia, his closest second friend after Gianna. Amelia went to wash up and change into her nightwear. She decided to not disturb Gianna and went to sleep alone in their room.

~At Moretti Mansion~

*Sniff*"No..." Brinley said when her parents and brothers asked if those thugs touched her inappropriately or if they teased her in any manner.

"They just hit me few times because I was trying to free myself from them many times. They thought Amelia was my mother because I had talked to her this morning, so they called her and blackmailed her." Brinley said while tears were streaming down her cheeks. Her father and mother both hugged her tightly, whereas Xavier clenched his fist in anger, trying to control his temper. He glared at Adam, who was silently standing looking at the floor, feeling very guilty.

"Brinley... whatever the reason was, you shouldn't have left Adam's side even if it made you feel upset. You know the reason we kept you in our home, not allowing you to go outside these many days, right? Then if you do this kind of things... how are we supposed to protect you?" Grace said softly, trying to make things understood for Brinley. Lorenzo silently nodded at his wife's words, agreeing to what she said.

(A/N: Lorenzo and Grace are Mr. and Mrs. Moretti. Just reminding, it has been a long time since I uploaded, so just a reminder.)

Derek sighed and went in his room, he had his own worries... Amelia reached safely or not? Did she get her wound treated properly or not, how to plan his next move to gain Amelia's attention, and Amelia this and that. Amelia planet was revolving around his mind and heart.

Xavier again moved his attention from Brinley to Adam. He was not going to blame him completely, as he knew it was Brinley who ran away from him. Brinley told him and their parents whatever happened after she ran away from him, but what happened before her running away was still unknown to him.

"Let's go Adam. I suppose you already know we have a 'lot' of work piled up." Xavier exclaimed in a stern voice and went away from there, not even giving Adam a chance to utter a single word. Mr. and Mrs. Moretti left from there too because they sensed the tension between the kids and decided to give them space. Brinley and Adam were left alone in silence. Brinley stared at Adam's wet clothes and hair... she had also got a little wet while getting kidnapped, but Adam got more wet due to rain than anyone.

Adam started walking away from the living room when Brinley stood up instantly and held his hand, stopping him from moving further.

"I'm really sorry for running away from your side, I know shouldn't have done that... You should take a shower and change your clothes, you'll get sick. Please?" Brinley said in a soft, guilty and sad voice.

"I know. Thank you." Adam said without looking at her. He wanted to touch her slightly swollen cheeks and other wounds, caress and treat them back to normal, but he stopped himself from doing anything stupid. He removed her hold from his hand and went away without changing his clothes or taking a shower. Brinley stood in her place, sadness overcoming her. She ran towards her room as fast as possible.

Xavier was waiting for Adam near his Mercedes car with his assistant holding an umbrella above him, preventing him from rain.

"Get in." Xavier said in a scary voice as soon as Adam reached his side. Adam responded with a simple yes and sat inside the car.

There was pin-drop-silence inside the car, when they reached 'Le Fiamma Del Mondo' main branch, Xavier got out slamming his car door as loudly as a monster would to express his anger. Adam flinched at the sound and got out of the car.

Xavier went to his big office-like chamber, where his assistant was already present. Adam followed behind him at a good enough distance to save himself from being swallowed by the fuming devil.

"Parlare!" Xavier ordered his assistant and sat on his big comfy-bossy chair, looking exactly like a Devil would. Adam took his seat on a sofa nearby, waiting for the assistant to report. (Trans: Speak!)

"Those thugs were men of BJ, Benjamin Julio. He's in action again. Apparently BJ has spread his words around his men to capture any girl who looks like Ms. Moretti. He doesn't have any picture of Ms. Moretti, but he knows her hair color and facial features. The leader of those thugs kidnapped two girls before he kidnapped Ms. Moretti. He was going to sell all three girls to BJ. È tutto." Xavier's assistant reported everything what his men investigated and interrogated from the leader of those thugs. (Trans: That's all.)

The assistant went out. Adam sighed in annoyance and clenched his hands together.

"Why do you seem angry?" Xavier asked a short indirect question.

"What do you mean?" Adam said in confusion.

"The one who should be angry with BJ is me and Brinley's family. Why do you seem like you care for her?" Xavier said in a calm and slightly stern voice.

"What do you mean! Don't you know!? I also care for Brinley! She's like my family!" Adam exclaimed in shock, defending himself.

"I know... but I never felt the brotherly look from you whenever you are near Brinley. Or are you planning to take advantage." Xavier again indirectly pinched him where it hurt his feelings a lot. Xavier stood up from his seat and moved near Adam to overwhelm him into confessing what had happened between them, he knew Adam would never hide anything from his closest brother.

"What... what has happened to you, Xavier. I will never do anything... no, I might never even think about taking advantage of your family! I know it was my fault that I didn't reply when she confessed her feelings, but you should understand my position! I have treated her like my sister since ages!!" Unknowingly, Adam confessed everything as he got so overwhelmed by the allegations. Adam placed his hand on his mouth as soon as he realized what he said. Xavier sighed and sat beside Adam on the sofa. He patted his back as he knew Adam's tears were about to spill out.

"I felt... disgusted with myself for having feelings for a woman I considered my sister since so long. Do you even know how I felt when she was confessing her feelings, but I couldn't even utter a single word!?" Adam held his head with both of his hands and slumped.

To his surprise, Xavier chuckled in reply.

"Who do you think I am? Don't you know I have been in this mafia business since a very long time? I was a kid back then when I started to learn everything about mafia world with my dad's help. I know all the feelings and emotions you show when Brinley is near. I knew you are in love with her." Xavier said and patted his back again, encouraging him.

"Then... why didn't you say anything about it before?" Adam asked him. Xavier smirked in response.

"Ask this question to yourself. Have you ever tried to talk about this with me or my family? Think about it, how am I supposed to talk about your feelings when you were running around with a tag of brother in our family?" Xavier exclaimed, Adam stared at him with wide eyes in shock, as if he got a tight slap in the face.

"But I must say, now I am skeptical if your relationship might work out or not... seeing how less trust and honesty you have about your feelings." Xavier said while folding his hands on his chest and smirked. Adam's eyes got even more wide, as if he was punched in his stomach.

"I don't know... I'm not sure if I should get involved in this stuff. Anyway, can I take a small vacation from work? Like a few days off? I am not feeling like working these days." Adam said and sighed.

"Heh the all-rounder employee is asking for a break, isn't this a joke of the year?" Xavier said, and both laughed, making the tensed mood lighter than before. Xavier gave him a 15-days holiday pack for Dubai. Xavier smiled slightly after Adam left from his office chamber. Xavier went to the underground prison to kill the leader and thug.

Adam started packing and left his home for his night flight to Dubai. Whereas Brinley was worrying about Adam as she was thinking her Fratello might blame him for her kidnapping. She paced back and forth in her room and refused to have even a drop of water. Xavier came back home after handling those thugs in his own way.

Brinley rushed towards her brother as soon as he came home.

"Where is Adam? Did he reach home safely? Fratello I'm telling you it was my fault!! Adam has nothing to do with me getting kidnapped." Brinley held his suit and exclaimed worriedly.

"Does it even matter if he was or was not involved in your kidnapping? You were in danger because of his stupidity, he was supposed to be by your side all the time." Xavier exclaimed in a stern voice.

"What!? Fratello did you do something to him!!" Brinley screamed loudly. Derek and their parents came out of their rooms to see what the commotion was about. Xavier said no and shook his head negative.

"I just fired him from work that's all." Xavier said with an expressionless face and stared in Brinley's eyes which were full of tears.

"How... how could you do this Fratello... I am telling you it was my fault... punish me okay? Give him his job back, he is a human not some... robot! Humans make mistakes! It was never his intention to let me go away from his side!" Brinley wailed while crying loudly.

"Hmm... that's true and he has been our great support for so many years in our work and family." Xavier said while acting like he was thinking something. Brinley bounced her head up and down agreeing with what her brother said. "But now it's too late." Xavier added with a sigh.

"What... do you mean?*sniff* *sniff*" Brinley looked confused and surprised at the same time.

"He already left from here." Xavier shrugged and simply exclaimed.

"Left from here? Where!" Brinley clenched her fist on her brother's suit.

"Dubai." As soon as he said that Brinley ran upstair to her room. Her mother got worried about her injuries while watching her so hyper-emotional and running here and there like that.

Brinley started packing her clothes, make-up set, jewellery, few extra supplies for travelling and her medical kit to treat her injuries. She texted Brinley and Gianna about her travelling out and not being available for few days.

She ran downstairs with two large suitcases, everyone's eyes bulged out looking at her things and herself ready to travel right at that moment.

Such a daring, adventurous and smart our Brinley is! Hehe now all the readers get ready for destination travelling! We're going to Dubai to cheer for our first unofficial-official couple of this novel, I suppose, LOL.

But who knows what future holds for them.

Are readers happy with slight long chapters? I tried my best to make chapters long enough for the readers to enjoy and imagine these chapters like episodes of series!

Next chapter this week, hopefully.

StellaCrystal23creators' thoughts
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