
No Buttering? How About Honeying?

Gianna sat listening to the music, Xavier played for her. She was so lost in the music, that she couldn't realize that they had reached the place where Xavier was taking her.

"Come Gianna, let's go." Xavier said as he took hold of her hand when he opened her door.

"Huh? We reached already? Where are we?" Gianna asked curiously as soon as she came out of the car while holding his hand tightly.

"Hospital." Xavier looked away from her as soon as he said.

"Huh!? Why're we at hospital!? No! Xavier, let's go back! Please!" Gianna started hyperventilating when she thought how she couldn't regain her eyesight even after such long treatment in her young age.

"Gianna… trust me, mio cuore… you have me by your side, I'll always support you in any manner you want. Gianna don't be scared, we're here just for consultation for now. Come, let's go." Xavier said in a stern voice. Gianna dropped her head surrendering to him and went inside the hospital with him.

Xavier got the name and address of the hospital while driving, he had a few words at the reception while Gianna sat in the lobby, clenching her dress and turning her face left and right as she was hearing many voices, some patients, and some visitors were talking and going here and there. Gianna was feeling really nervous, and she silently closed her eyes and prayed to god for good news. The receptionist nurse had a talk with the senior doctor, whom Xavier's assistant had asked for appointment. She told Xavier to go to the second floor and cabin number 8.

Xavier took the prescription booklet given by the nurse and went towards Gianna to see her shaking in nervousness and clenching her dress and wrinkling it. Xavier sighed and softly patted her back. Gianna flinched but sighed in relief when she inhaled his familiar cologne.

"You're back? Is the doctor not available? Let's go back." Gianna said, and she instantly stood up and turned to go out of the hospital, when he caught hold of her wrist. She closed her eyes and pouted.

"My assistant will be sad and suffer consequences, if you don't take consultation of the ophthalmologist we had taken appointment from."

"But... it's not your assistant's fault?"

"Well, that's true, but I can't punish you right? You're my love. Instead of you, he'll face the punishment." Xavier said and shrugged while smiling.

"I know you're teasing me! Stop it, I'll go! Happy?" Xavier chuckled listening to her.

"Very much. Don't worry, he's the best specialist eye doctor and somewhat renowned in the country." Xavier said assuring her and patting her back while they walked towards the elevator.

"Hello doctor." Both of them said as they entered the cabin. The doctor greeted them back. Xavier told all the details he knew about Gianna's problem. The doctor checked her eyes and did some small test.

"Mr. Moretti I'll let you know the reports and details by tomorrow." The doctor gave the test samples and details to the nurse. Gianna and Xavier went out of the hospital.

"See? It was so easy, you were worrying uselessly." Xavier commented and Gianna frowned in frustration, but she kept quiet.

"Let's go now." Gianna tugged his sleeve and urged him to take her back to Moretti mansion. Xavier took her back to Moretti mansion, Gianna was feeling very tired, so she went to sleep whereas he went to his home office to do some work.


Amelia yawned as she sat in front of a weird looking herb plant, writing a report about its characteristics (e.g., morphology, uses, chemical constituents, etc.), while Derek was laying on a nearby bench while playing a game on his phone. Amelia looked at the sun setting outside and then turned to look at Derek. She gritted her teeth and took out an ink pen from her pouch. She opened the lid and threw the pen on his chest so hard that all the ink splashed on his clothes, staining her sky blue sexy shirt he was wearing.

"OWW! What the f*ck Amelia!?" Derek sprang up in pain and winced while holding his chest.

"Pffftt! Ahem! I'm sorry, the pen was not working, so I was trying to fling it so that some ink could reach the tip, but somehow the pen fell in love with you and flung itself towards your chest and splashed its love ink on you." Amelia said in a fast express speed and smiled apologetically.

"You...! Stop making excuses! Go buy me a new shirt right now!" Derek said pointing a finger at her.

"Well... can't you see? I'm busy doing the assignment WE BOTH should be doing together, you should go and buy a shirt yourself!" Amelia exclaimed and huffed.

"What you're doing is completely useless, worthless and a waste of time. We could just stuff up a beautiful looking cheque in professor's mouth, and he'll give us an excellent grade." Derek shrugged and got a book slap on his face in response.

"Idiot! If we don't do this assignment ourselves, we'll not learn anything, now come and help, soon botanical garden is going to close." Amelia shouted at him, and he made faces copying her, but he sighed and gave up. He started helping her, and she looked at him and smiled confidently like she won against him.

"By the way, you look even more handsome in this stained shirt." Amelia commented and cleared her throat. Derek looked at her and marked some ink using pen on her arm's skin. He grinned like a naughty child while Amelia hit his back. Derek laughed till his stomach ached, making her laugh too. Both spent a few hours working on their assignment before they were kicked out of the botanical garden as soon as the time was up.


Brinley sat on her study table, solving some questions and doing her work, she felt a bit hungry. She was about to stand up to go hunt for food when her door was knocked.

"Yes? Who is it?" Brinley said as she stood up from her chair and turned around to see Adam peeking inside her room, staring at her.

"Adam? Weren't you visiting out of the town today? How come you arrived in the evening itself?"

"Well... this is the power of love." He shrugged as he entered the room while holding a food tray. Brinley rolled her eyes and soon her eyes went towards the food he brought.

"Wow! How did you know I was hungry?" She asked as she picked up a burger and started munching on it.

"Slow down or else you'll choke on your food. I was returning and saw Burger station on my way, so yeah I know you like these stuff, I decided to stop by and buy some." Adam said while he also tasted some french fries and sandwich he bought for himself.

"Adam? Will you help me?" Brinley asked him after a while.

"Of course I can help you with anything, tell me what is it?" Adam asked curiously.

"Anything? Really anything?" Brinley asked teasingly and Adam sat confused. Brinley kept her burger back on the food tray and dusted her hands to rub away the food crumbs. Looking at her, Adam also kept his sandwich back, suddenly Brinley pounced on him like a koala and clung on him, she kissed his cheeks and lips and smiled at him.

"Help me, show me this power of love you speak of." Brinley said in a seducing voice.

"B-Brinley, please stop joking around, if someone comes here, it'll be hard for us to explain your teasing play. Also, you're still young to do stuff like this." Adam said convincing her to stop, but she pouted cutely and glared at him.

"No one will come, don't you see I locked the door? We're already engaged, I'm yours, and you're mine so what's the problem in a bit of expressing the power of love?"

"Brinley, my dear, my sweetheart, my honey, please stop--"

"Stop buttering me I don't like butter that much!"

"Oh? Then how about honeying you? My honeybee, my queen bee, please get down from my laps, kids should focus on studies, or else forget we even had something between us, yeah?"

"No, no, no, no! I'm sorry, I'm going, see? I'm going to study! Why do you have to blackmail me like this! Ugh! Such a mood spoiler!" Brinley uttered loudly as she went towards her desk.

"To be honest, I was about to ask help for my work... I am not able to do this calculation, can you help me with this? This time I'm serious." Brinley said and pouted. Adam chuckled and went towards her desk with her remaining food, while she ate her snacks, Adam solved her problem, when he finished, she was checking the solution, that's when he kissed her cheek while staring at her. She looked at him and then at his lips, and she blushed red in embarrassment.

Adam looked at her lips too and moved a little closer, they both moved towards each other, sucked their lips and licked them. Their lips were in sync, Brinley opened her mouth as she gasped, Adam inserted his tongue in her mouth deepening their kiss. Brinley soon took the lead and kissed him more. They both left their lips and took deep breaths and stared at each other. A blush soon climbed up the cheeks of Brinley, and she huffed and hugged Adam making him laugh at her behavior.

Adam and Brinley spent their evening together teasing each other and doing a bit of studies together.


I am about to get even busier in the month of May and starting the week of June, as I will have loads and loads of work so these chapters I'm releasing are pre-written, if the uploads are not regular, please bear with me, I apologize. Regular uploads will begin in the month of June.

StellaCrystal23creators' thoughts
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