

Riccardo's POV:

I watched her as she tried to analyze things and I waited for her to talk while keeping my anger in check. I cleared my throat to get her attention as she was sitting like a statue for more than 10 minutes. The sound did bring her to reality and she smiled at me apologetically. I don't know how to feel but seeing her smiling at me did something inside me and I avoided looking at her. At least, I don't want to look at her until she gives me the perfect explanation for her being inside my jet all alone.

"Look, I'm sorry in the first place for being here. I think I boarded the wrong jet. My friend told me to board a G85 and when he dropped me on the runway, I saw this jet and there was no one outside. As I knew the model of the G85 of Boeing, I got inside and started to relax. I'm really unable to find where the mistake happened" She said and her words made me angry not at her but at those stupid securities.

They must have left the place after seeing me boarding the plane. The pilots also must have not noticed her while locking the door as this couch is somewhat hidden from the way to the entrance and hearing the TV sound, they must have ignored it because of their fear of me. Yeah, as I don't want any female species around me, I don't even have the helpers on this flight and all the things are only done by the pilots and I'll cook for myself. I think I made a mistake by not appointing the one but at the same time, I'm thanking myself for appointing the one because of the feelings this girl is giving me.

"You sure that your friend only told you to board the Boeing G85, because there is only one G85 in the world now and you must have known that belongs to…" I was going to say that the only G85 model in Boeing is mine but she stopped me by her blabber.

"I know that this is the only one and I thought this belongs to my friend's friend. And, I'm sure he said ‘Board the Boeing's G85 and that is your punishment today, and also try to talk with my friends there and he also snatched my mobile so that I'll talk to his friend" She said and I looked at her confused. Punishment…

"Punishment..." I questioned looking at her and saw her pouting her lips and I seriously couldn't understand her mood.

She was a brave kitten a few minutes back and now she is here pouting like a scared kitten. Looking at my confused face, she started explaining to me.

"We were playing Truth and Dare and I disagreed to tell the truth and also said no to the dare. So, he told me to come to Italy in his friend's jet without my mobile in my hand and he and my other friends will come on their plane" She explained and I almost didn't get anything except the thing that she was here as the punishment.

If what she said was true, I don't have any problem with her being here but still, I can't believe anyone blindly. She and her dress surely don't speak the rich tone. Then how come she has those rich friends she is talking about? And, more than anything, her accent is Indian and I hardly know rich Indians other than my business partners. Surely I know that many Indians are rich and I'm going to sign a deal with another Indian business partner tomorrow but I still have a hard time believing her as I'm used to the ‘not to trust anyone' code.

"If that's true you won't have any problem and if it's not you won't probably reach Italy in one piece" I warned her while getting up from the couch.

I saw her angry expression but she controlled her anger knowing the situation she was in now was not hers.

Leaving her as it was, I went inside the room again and started to do my work. I know I've been behaving weirdly this time to the level of leaving a girl in my jet alive when she just talked rubbish to me but again I don't wish to waste my time on something that is unnecessary to me. Another reason why I came inside is I can't breathe properly beside her. Yeah, I was holding my breath while I was talking to her.

I didn't have this feeling until I was hovering over her on the couch possibly killing her by choking her and looking deeply into hazel brown orbs. Inhaling her scent made me want to stay like that for a few more minutes but my anger has its best side. Shaking away her thoughts, I sat on the bed and started to go through the deal paper that was going to be signed tomorrow morning with Noah Mathews. I finished going through that file and was going to reach for the other file which contains the information on the Indian interior company and its CEO who was going to sign the deal with me tomorrow morning for my new hotel. Yeah, this hotel is based on the three partnerships. One is me, the other one is Noah Mathews, and this Indian CEO who I don't have any idea about. But, my HR manager and the private detective said that the deal is safe and even if it's not, I'll make it safe for me with my real identity.

As I was about to read the file, I heard a knock on the door. Getting irritated by the continuous and loud knocks, I put that file on the bed and went to open the door while ready to kill that girl. But, to my surprise, that girl was not the one who was knocking on the door but my head pilot and his face looked terrified.

I tilted my head to see behind the pilot and saw that the girl was enjoying the film in headphones without disturbing me. Thankfully, she has this little sense in her brain. She didn't even care about the pilot being here but I know that something is wrong because he won't be disturbing the devil soon. The pilot also caught my glance and looked at her and seeing the no expression change, I knew that he had seen her when he came here. But, I can sense the confusion in his green orbs. He must be confused seeing her here as this is the first time he is seeing a girl with me. I know I must ask him for the reason why he was not checking the premises. But, this is not the right time.

"What happened?" I asked him in a stern voice and he was contemplating to tell me the problem.

"What the hell is your problem?" I yelled at him knowing that he'll only respond to that.

"Sir…the climate in the Pacific Ocean suddenly got worse in between Canada and Italy. So, we can't fly in the normal route, sir. If it's urgent we can turn the direction and the flight will be 24 hours as we need to avoid the Pacific climate in all ways " He said while stammering and this made me freak out.

"Are you freaking kidding me? You're telling me that the 10-hour flight will be 24 hours. Didn't you check anything before?" I yelled and finally, this commotion got her notice and she stood up removing the headset.

"The climate…" He was going to say something but seeing my glare on him, he stopped and looked down.

"What happened?" I heard her voice from behind the pilot and we both looked at her.

"Explain to her…" I said to the pilot irritated and he narrated everything to her, I saw her getting tensed a little.

"Shit, this shouldn't happen. I have to reach Rome before tomorrow morning at 9" She said visibly getting tensed but I could feel that she was tensed about some other thing.

"Why are you standing here? Go and try to reach Rome as soon as possible" I said and retried the pilot.

So, she is also only going to Rome.

I sat on the chair beside the couch and crossed my legs while she walked here and there fidgeting her fingers. Why she is so tense?

"If you walk here, you won't reach Italy" I smirked at her and I gritted my teeth to myself not knowing from when I became sarcastic.

She looked at me but her creased eyebrows told me that she was serious about something. Ignoring me, she came and sat on the same couch right beside me silently thinking about something. I don't know how I'm going to spend these 24 hours with this girl. Shaking my head at that terrible feeling, I took my mobile out to call and inform Noah that the meeting would be postponed to the day after tomorrow. But, then again I heard her loud voice.

"You have the phone" She asked and I sighed at this crazy woman. Who won't have a mobile? Seeing her looking at my phone with eagle eyes, I knew that what she wanted now. Woman….