
Chapter 9- Somebody's Grinding on Aiden

Edmon Zenith

Getting ready for the club took longer than expected. Belle had a little tantrum earlier at my parent's house and I had to calm her down over the phone. It took me half an hour and a box of her favourite chocolates to calm down. After successfully handling her temper, I start to get ready. I wear a navy blue shirt with black pants, sleeves half fold and a nice pair of loafers. I style my hair here and there till I like the way I look. I wear an old swiss wristwatch and spritz some cologne on my pulse points. I stand in front of the full-length mirror and check myself out. I look good and I feel good for some reason. It's a good thing I think.

As expected Johnny arrives right on time. He gives me a once-over and then wolf whistles which earns him a smack on the back of his head.

"I was complimenting you to make you feel good."

"I don't need your wolf whistle to make me feel good, Johnny."

"You just don't admit it but you love it."

"You wish."

"So where are you taking me? " I ask Johnny as we make our way to his car.

"La Fontaine. It's a cool place and the reviews were great. I was thinking of trying it out for a while now so I thought what better day than today when you are coming with me?"

"I hate you. You are taking me to a place you've never been before. What if it sucks?" I ask this dumbass.

"It won't. When have I ever taken you to someplace like that before? I'll tell you the truth, I was just there and it was amazing so don't worry about it. And I am sure you'll quite enjoy it there." He says with a mischievous smile that tells me he knows something that I don't. And before I can comment on it, he all but shoves me in the direction of the car. We reach the club in about half an hour and once there, Johnny leads us straight to the VIP entrance.

I have to say this place does feel nice. Somehow it feels less sweaty and more fun. I don't know how but I can see myself having fun at a club for once. I look to my right and see that Johnny has already started to enjoy himself with a blonde. He's gone for the night I think as I move a little further inside the club. I don't plan on getting drunk now so I avoid the bar area. Out of habit, I scan the whole place to count the number of exits and entries. As I do so I spot a perfect location on the balcony which gives me a better picture of the whole place. From up here, I can see everyone and everything. My eyes wander all over the place, searching for what I don't know, maybe for someone to grind on or a hookup. I don't know. I am not completely aware of my intentions regarding the idea. But I am not entirely opposed to it. It's been a while since I last did it and I guess it would be good to finally be able to scratch the itch. And just as I was about to let myself go, and turn a little horny I saw it. I saw him, strutting to the dance floor, body all swaying and drunk. Looking very different from the sweet and shy doctor I remember. I probably don't even bat an eyelash with how intensely I am watching him. For some time he just dances alone, jumping, swaying, and rocking the floor like he owns it. His body grooves to the music like it were made just for it, looking so sexy that I am inexplicably turned on right now. He throws his head back and rakes his hand through his hair giving me the perfect view of his adam's apple. The clear and sweaty skin of his neck that I want to mark right now. Want my hand wrapped around his neck and my teeth sunk into his flesh for everybody to know who he belongs...

Fuck. Shit. Dumbass. This itch isn't helping my urges toward the doctor. Not one bit. But he's also making it so hard for me to not just ravish him in the middle of the club.

Dammit, Johnny!

I wanted to find a fuck here somewhere but now after seeing him, looking like sin in those jeans I don't think I can touch anybody else. I'm gonna be thinking about him the whole time. My eyes land on him again but this time I don't find the sight quite appealing. It makes my gut twist, my stomach turn, and my insides boil. I am a loose canon right now as I see the view from up here. Some. Whore. Is. Grinding. On. Aiden. And he is letting him. I don't think I have ever been this angry. The soon-to-be-dead guy starts to roam his hands around my doctor's body and reaches for his hips and it's like I could hear my last string snap. Before I think twice I stride toward the dance floor. I'm livid and it must have started to show on my face as people make way for me automatically, probably sensing the threat and danger that is now oozing out of every cell of my body. The music begins to slow down and as I reach closer and closer I could hear it. Hear him. The moans my doctor is letting out and I am seeing red as I am not the one who is making him moan, the one he's moaning for. I grab the guy by his collar and yank him away from Aiden so hard that I rip his shirt a little. His expression turns from angry to shocked to scared in a moment and I couldn't like it better. The music is now completely ceased and the murmurs have started to grow. I grab the guy in a chokehold and lift him off the ground. He gasps for air and tries to swat my hand away but I just hold him there. I know if I grab him for a bit longer he'll die from choked airways and then I would have to face a whole lot of repercussions but I just don't care right now. I yank him closer to me and growl in his face so that he never forgets,

"Don't touch him again. He's mine." He shakes with fear, his eyes blown wide and skin pale, and with one last tug, I release him. My focus averts from the man who is flying for his life to the man who made me like this, who made me lose my temper, my control. Who made me all giddy from the inside like a fucking teenager, gave me anxiety, and made me feel a plethora of feelings. The intense jealousy that I felt today was so new and so scary and I never want to experience it again, this man has affected me way more than any man ever did. I was never the jealous and possessive type. It is unhealthy how steadily my obsession with this man is growing.

The crowd has started to dissipate and go back to normalcy. I almost feel bad for creating a scene but all thoughts about rationality or right and wrong flow out of the window when Aiden sees me with such lust-hooded eyes, assessing me from top to bottom and like he can't believe that I am here. And that is the last straw for me. I walk towards him in large strides and wrap an arm around his middle pulling him close, so close that our breaths are ghosting over each other's lips and with one hand cupping his jaw I kiss him.

Stars. Sparks. Pleasure. Moan.

That's how I feel as I kiss him. Not a soft brush of lips against each other but hard and passionate and bruising. His lips are soft and taste like cherry, probably from the drink he had earlier. I tug on his bottom lip and he releases such a delicious moan that it reminds me of the man who heard it before me. And just like that, everything comes rushing back, so I kiss twice as hard. I lick the seam of his lips and he parts his lips beautifully for my tongue to enter. The first press of our tongues together and I have to suppress a satisfied grunt. He fights for dominance with my tongue but I don't let him win. Soon he becomes a pliant mess in my arms and the kiss turns from passionate and fiery to soft and gentle. We are both gasping for air when we part, he still looks drunk but now has a cute red blush on his face. He just stares at me with so much intent that before I do something again, I grab his hand and pull him away from the dance floor and into a secluded corner on the upper floor. He giggles the whole way up and somehow I can't stop smiling. That's not how I imagined my day would end but I will gladly accept it. Now that I think about it maybe Johnny was up to something. Maybe he knew that what I needed was not a quick fuck but my doctor.
