
Chapter 8- Troubled Feelings

Aiden Wolf

Just as I plant my lips on him, I stumble forward and crash into the man in front of me. I blink repeatedly like that's gonna cut my embarrassment and draw him out of thin air. I've never felt so stupid before. I quickly apologize to the man before getting off the dance floor. I may have had too many drinks I think as I make my way to my friends. They are still there where I left them, eating each other's mouths. I tap on Gabe's shoulder but he shrugs it away. I already feel embarrassed enough so I leave them and the club and head toward my home. I call for a driver to get me home since I am very much drunk and not taking any chances. I text them on the way that I am not feeling well that's why I left.

Once I reach my home, I quickly discard all my clothing and head into the bathroom to have a long cold shower. I was too turned on thinking it was him in the club. I shake my head in amusement thinking about the whole incident. No one has ever had this kind of effect on me, this kind of power. I don't know whether to like it or not. I am a little disgusted by myself too. Here I am getting hard for a man I don't even know, who by the way is a patient's parent and I don't even know if he's single or not. If he's into men or not. What if that man John or Johnny something is his partner? I am not a homewrecker and I refuse to be one if that's a possibility.

I get in the shower and wait for my boner to go down. Once all is done, I quickly wash and get out of there. I dry myself and snag a pair of boxers from my drawers and put them on. I then go to the kitchen to drink a lot of water so that I can avoid a hangover tomorrow.

Checking all the lights and locks, I head back to my room and get under the covers. Once a little relaxed my mind plays the events of today on repeat. First in the hospital, when Edmon was looking at me that way like I was someone worth looking at, and then at the club, me thinking it was him and then kissing him. Even if he was there, what the hell was I thinking when I attempted to kiss him, or was I at all? Not wanting to get a headache by thinking too much I switch off the bedroom lights and drift into a dreamless slumber.

Waking up the next morning didn't feel all that great. I still have a hangover from last night and my head hurts like a bitch. That is the reason why I don't drink. I get out of bed and drag myself to the bathroom. My eyes look a little swollen with disheveled hair hangs around my forehead, making me look like I haven't slept in days. I quickly do my morning routine and try my best to make myself look alive and not someone who has just risen from the dead. I splash some cold water on my eyes and then leave the room. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie since it's a bit chilly in the morning. I work myself a quick breakfast of eggs, oats, and a smoothie. Once finished I rinse the plates under water and stack them in the dishwasher. Before heading out I grab my wallet, phone, and keys and make my way to Gabe's. After last night I need a nice long pep talk from my best friend.

I ring the bell once I reach theirs. It wasn't a long drive since we live not very far from each other and during times like this I am grateful for that. A few moments later the door swings open and I come face to face with Emily.

"Good morning Em. How are you feeling?" I hug her and walk inside.

"Not so loud and morning to you too."


"Feels like somebody shoved their hand down my throat and stirred my insides."

"That bad? Always told you not to drink so much. Don't you remember the time we were found wasted by a dumpster?"

"Are you here to lecture me about my drinking habit at the ass-crack of dawn, sweetie?"

I slip an audible chuckle past my lips which makes her glare at me for being too loud.

"Come on let's make you some hangover smoothie and breakfast then we can discuss why I am here."

"You are an angel."

"I know," I reply smugly and the punch in the stomach was well deserved.

"Gabe's not awake yet?" I ask once I notice I haven't seen him since I arrived.

"Nope. Sleeping like a log. Why, did something happen?"

"Kind of, I guess. And I just needed his opinion on it." I say while making up two avocado toasts for her. While she devours her breakfast I prepare the smoothie. Once she's done we sit on the couch, facing each other.

"He's gonna be asleep for a while. Do you want to talk about it with me? You know I would listen." She says while rubbing her hand on my knee, relaxing my tensed muscles.

"I know Em and I appreciate that." I smile to show her that I mean it.

"So you're gonna tell me what happened?"

"Yeah. So it started a week ago ok. I met this little girl at the hospital, she was lost and accidentally came into my office. It was nothing new so I just helped her find her sister and that's when I met him. Her uncle." And just like that, I tell her everything. From meeting him last week to kissing his imaginary self last night. Emily on the other hand just listens quietly with a calculating expression on her face. After finishing I look at her expectantly, waiting for a response or an opinion or maybe a scolding, who knows.

"What's his name?"

"Edmon Zenith," I answer at lightning speed, trying to fight the smile that's tugging at the corner of my lips, failing miserably. She smiles knowingly at me and before I can object and tell her not to read too much into this she gives me a look that perfectly states 'don't start shit with me ' so I don't.

"I can't seem to figure out the problem here. Because from the looks of it you like this guy." She states seriously.

"I came to this realization not long ago myself and that's the thing that is scaring me the most. I started liking him when I barely know anything about him. I don't know squat about him. It's not like we discuss him when I talk to Kiara." I let out an exasperated sigh and sink into the soft mattress of the couch.

"You will meet him again so why don't you initiate a conversation this time and not full-on stare at him? How does that sound?" She says with every bit of sarcasm I deserve.

"You little shit." I stare hard at her while trying to hide my embarrassment of getting caught staring.

"In all seriousness though Aiden, I think you should try to talk to him you know. And not anything related to Belle or her health. I mean that's important but after the checkup maybe you can. You used to be so good at this. Remember? Always charming your way into conversations."

I remember what she's talking about but after being in shitty relationships and having partners that don't appreciate you, you lose your confidence. You start looking down at yourself. And the sad part is that I know what I am doing yet I still can't stop it.

"I'll try. Thanks though for listening to me." I say sincerely.

"Just treat me to your homemade cookies and we'll be fine. But seriously, you came here to talk to my husband about relationships? What were you thinking?"

"For someone blaming their husband for their lack of knowledge in that field, you aren't the best choice either you know?"

She grabs the nearest cushion and smacks it right in my face. I laugh loudly while trying to dodge her attacks. That must have woken up Gabe as he sleepwalks into the hall and blinks lazily at us before opening his mouth, "Why the fuck are you so loud?"

And just for the sake of an early morning banter, I say "GOOD MORNING GABE! HOW ARE YA THIS MORNING?" And the next thing I know my face is squished between the mattress and the cushion that is being held down by the full force of Gabe's weight. I laugh hysterically and try to seat him away but this wall of a man doesn't budge.

"Baby you're gonna kill him. Let him at least talk to his crush first. I'm sure he's gonna die from that bliss alone." This time I grab a cushion and throw it right in her face. And that's how it all started. A pillow fight that led to thousands of feathers flying everywhere and us in a fit of laughter. And that's how my day started.

After staying at Gabe's for a while more I head back. We chatted a little more after our little shenanigans and Gabe got to know about me taking a liking to someone and he was more than pleased about it. He also told me that he had met Edmon a while back in the hospital. That made me kinda angry. I wanted to be the first one to meet him. I know it's silly but I can't help how I feel about him. I spend the rest of my day relaxing and lounging in the sun and in the evening I go to visit my sister Jess. I don't tell her about Edmon though. She's just an overprotective mother dragon and I don't need her to worry about it for no reason if there wasn't anything, to begin with.


The thing about life is that you don't know when it will turn better or make you feel sour from the inside. That's how I feel right now as I stare at the caller id on my phone screen. My father. I was enjoying my weekend just fine this morning until my day turned sour. I think of not answering it for a moment before changing my mind and hitting the answer button.

"Hello, Aiden." My father greets curtly.

"Hi, dad," I reply just as curtly.

"How are you?"

"I am good. How are you? Is your health okay?"

"Cut the formality, I know you do not want to have a conversation with me so I'm just gonna come straight to the point..."

I don't know how but after the little chat with my father I find myself drinking my problems away in the same bar as before. But this time I am alone. Gabe's not here to stop me from over drinking neither is Emily who'll encourage me. So I let myself loose and drink to my heart's content.

The scenario from the last time I was here starts to repeat itself. I once again rock the dance floor, swaying here and there, moving my body to the beat then letting a stranger grind on me. And funnily enough, just like last time, I can feel someone staring at me from the top floor. But I don't stop this time though. I mean fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I keep grinding on the stranger when I feel it. He getting peeled off from my behind. I turn around and gasp in shock. Edmon is standing there in all his gloriousness, his hand around the guy's throat who was dancing with me. I didn't notice it before but the music stopped playing and the crowd gathered around to watch. Surely my mind isn't playing a trick on me right now. This possibly couldn't be an illusion. It's too real, too hot. The guy starts to gasp for air when he is finally free and runs like his life is dependent on it. The crowd disappears rather quickly after that once the music blares through the speakers again but I can't move. I am pinned in my spot by his intense gaze. It's dark and alluring and so very sinful.

And before I can register what just happened I feel it. But this time it's he who plants his lips on mine.
