
Chapter 6- Friday Night

Aiden Wolf

I wanted to talk to him so badly, but I couldn't. Belle's health was a tad bit more important than that. I was worried about being all flustered in front of him to do my job properly but I think I did a pretty decent job if I say so myself. After all my appointments are done, I take off to the ER to find my best friends. Emily's shift is about to finish and I'm sure her husband is already there waiting for her. He is a neurologist. Since it's a Friday, we will all hang out together after work. It's been a tradition ever since we first met at uni. And sure enough, Gabe is standing near the reception when I reach the ER. He sees me and signals me to come over.

"How was your day?" I ask.

"I told a patient today to have an open mind about the surgery, boy he did not find the joke funny." That joke cracks me up every single time.

"You do not joke to a person who's about to get his head cut open," I say while trying to muffle my laughter. "That's just rude." I can imagine the patient's face upon hearing that joke. I remember the look of a patient who was once told this joke, he was seconds away from stabbing Gabe with his tools. It was hilarious.

"In my defence, I was just trying to lighten the mood."

"And a stellar job you did at that."

"Drop it. Tell me about yours." Just at the mention of my day, I find myself blushing. I'm sure my cheeks are now the colour of roses and of course, it didn't go unnoticed by Gabe. The fucker has sharp eyes.

"Who the hell is making you blush like that? Who did you meet?" I am grateful when two arms wrap around Gabe's torso from behind, a telltale sign of Emily's presence.

At least I don't have to answer that now. I am not ready for it. But I know I have to.

We leave the hospital together and head towards our houses. We don't live far from each other and it's the best thing. I am there when they need me and they are there when I need them. That's what friends are for right? I met them at our medical institute and we have been friends ever since. We just clicked. And halfway through college Gabe and Emily started dating. Sometimes it kind of made me feel like the third wheel but they are happy so I am happy. They have always been very doubtful of the few people I dated in the past, always making sure that they are treating me right and that I am happy. I can't blame them though. My past relationships were pretty shitty. So I settled on not dating for a while till I find someone worth my time and effort.

We decide to meet at our regular club, La Fontaine. It is one of the most popular clubs in the city and you can see why by just entering the club. It is dark and smoky. It is hip and classy. Everything you can imagine in a club is there.

Once I reach my house, I make my way inside before hanging my coat on the stand. I take a quick shower and dress nicely for the night, with an all-black look. Black shirt with black jeans and a black denim jacket styled with boots. I run my fingers through my hair this way and that way till I like how I look. I spritz some perfume on my neck and pulse points. I take in my appearance in the mirror after getting ready and I look...good.

I take my keys, wallet and phone before heading for the door and locking it behind me. I hop into my car and the first thing I do is connect my phone to the stereo and start my playlist. It's a twenty-minute drive from my house and an extra five minutes if the signals are against me.

Once I reach the club I pass my keys to the valet before heading straight inside from the VIP entrance. We've been here far too many times to not get a VIP card for ourselves. I spot Emily and Gabe inside who are sitting in a corner, chugging down shots. I quickly join them. We inhale shots after shot before even acknowledging each other.

"You know this is the best part of the week." Emily slurs between gulping down shots.

"You mean to say when you drink like there is no tomorrow is the best part of the week," I correct her and chuckle when she agrees.

"No. I mean yes it is but also when we three meet up every week. It's so nice to have friends that you can still hang out with. Half of the doctors in the hospital don't even hang out anymore. It's so sad." She says, pouting in the end.

"It is. I am glad though cause I have you guys with me. And I promise you we'll meet up every week until you guys get tired of me." I say honestly.

"We could never get tired of you. Sure you are annoying sometimes but you're our best friend. And I and Emily wouldn't be together today if it weren't for you." Gabe says seriously making me feel shy all over again.

"No, it's not. You guys loved each other I just happened to push you in the right direction. That's it." I remind him just as seriously. And it is true. They were so far gone for each other and yet, no one made a move to initiate anything. It was tiring surviving in that heavy sexual tension. I just happen to give them a light push towards each other and bang, and the next thing I know I walk in on them having sex in my room.

Brain-scathing memory!

Emily made a sound of disagreement before taking another shot. Gabe wasn't drinking because someone had to handle his wife and it definitely wouldn't be me. The last time I was in charge of Emily, we both ended up puking our insides out and sleeping near the dumpster.

I cringe at the memory before throwing back another shot. I look to my right and see Emily and Gabe eating each other's mouths. And there is that feeling again in my chest, the feeling of being alone. I would love nothing more than to have this with someone. Someone who cares for me, someone I care about. Where every topic of discussion is so simple and natural that you could just talk for hours without feeling overwhelmed, without feeling bored. They have that and I long to have that too.

Not wanting to dwell too much on that feeling, I quickly make my way to the dancefloor. The loud music vibrates through my body, making me forget the lonely feeling. I sway my hips and let my body move on its own accord. With my arms up in the air and my eyes closed, I move to the beat sensually and enjoy the feeling of all the stress dissipating from my body.

I am hugely aware when someone grabs my hips from behind and starts moving with me. I don't mind it, makes me feel kinda wanted. Especially when stuff like this comes out of their mouth.

"I've been watching you for a while now and you've been nothing but a tease, sweetheart." He whispers in my ear huskily, making my head fall back against his shoulder. My eyes open quickly when I feel him grinding his need against my ass. But that's the least of my worries now because here I am staring right into the eyes of the man who has captivated my mind from day one.

Maybe it's a trick my mind is playing on me cause I've been thinking about him way too much. Or maybe because I wish it was him who is rubbing against me right now. Thinking it's just a figment of my imagination, I shake my thoughts away and focus back on the guy who was currently grinding against me.

I couldn't help but look again at where he was standing before only to be hit with disappointment. He isn't there anymore.

He wasn't here, to begin with. Period.

Ignoring my feelings as best as I can, I decided to turn my focus on the man behind me and just when I start to feel a little pleasure build within me, the warmth of the man disappears completely from behind me.

I turn around in question only to find a familiar man looking at me with an expression akin to amusement.

I'm already drunk out of my wits as is and then I see him...again. This time from so up close that I don't think I am imagining it.

I see him talking to the same guy from before. He says something and the guy nods and leaves.

He turns to me and his eyes rake over my body. I don't know why but that action did something to my mind, it made my stomach flip and my insides do a summersault so the next thing I know I am closing the gap between us and planting my lips on his softly.
