
Chapter 4- Crushing at thirty-three

Edmon Zenith

It's been a week since I met a certain red-eyed, cute doctor and even after all this time, I can't get him out of my head. I nearly succeeded in my attempt to forget him, but one look at the damn wine I was drinking reminded me of him.

Red and gorgeous.

His image is embedded in my brain since that day and I remember every single thing about him.

His shoulder-length hair. They looked so soft and gorgeous that I wanted to run my fingers through them, wrap them around my hand and tug at them.

I feel a twitch in my cock at the sudden thought but I choose to ignore it.

His eyes were as intoxicating as the finest of wines and the colour of them, just crazy. I've never seen someone who has red eyes before. Gotta admit it looked sexy as hell and a little scary.

Wonder why Belle wasn't scared.

His sleek, clean-shaven jaw, which was a total contrast to mine, made me want to graze my jaw against his.

These thoughts only got worse since the night I had a wet dream about him. It's embarrassing how much I am dreaming about him given I have already met him once. It was becoming too much.

After telling Johnny about my dreams- I share everything with him, he's my best friend- he made some solid points on how I may have a not-so-tiny crush on him but I didn't believe it. I refuse to believe it. I am thirty-three for God's sake. People don't do crushes at my age.

But you see Johnny is sly when he wants to be, so to convince me that I do have taken a liking to the doctor he had already prepared the information file on him which included just about everything on him. I couldn't help but look through it. I honestly don't know what I was expecting but it surprised me with how good he is.

A paediatrician, twenty-eight, British-American, single, topper of his university.

It's all good but the thing which is stopping me is that I don't know if I should act on my feelings or not. Johnny advised me to approach him since I never really had a crush on someone before, he thought this just might be what I needed all along.

I just hate when he makes sense like that.

But what's even the point in dating him if he is just going to run for the hills once he knows I am the Mafia King?

I have tried to date different people throughout the years and I can count on one hand how many times I've been in a relationship. It's like nobody wants to date the mafia.

Or is it just me?

Even the relationships I've been in were average, to say the least, and didn't last long. No matter how much they tried to hide it, their intentions with my money always shone through. Or they just dated me out of fear.


But I still have this desire to go meet Aiden and I don't know how I should proceed. It's tiring constantly thinking about him when I can't seem to find a solution.


I am in my office working the next day when the solution to my problem walks right in as a coughing Belle clinging to Kiara's arms. I immediately close my work and make my way to my babies. Once Belle notices me she starts to make grabby hands for me to hold her which I do instantly. We sit on the couch with Belle's little arms around my neck and her head tucked in my neck. I run her back gently and kiss her forehead.

"What happened, baby?"

"Gots hot." I place my palm on her forehead and indeed she has a high temperature. She coughs again making her body tremble and her face scrunch up in discomfort. Her eyes well with tears as she coughs continuously.

"Shh. It's alright. No need to be scared baby. I'm here. You're alright."


"I know bubba, but it will get better as soon as we go see the doctor okay don't worry."

"Docto' Droo?"

"Yes, sweetheart Dr Drew. He's your favourite isn't he?" She nods cutely before starting to doze off in my arms.

"Ki call Andrew and tell him to come over right now."

I start to get flustered when he doesn't pick up. On the third ring when he picks up I don't give him a chance to answer.

"Why the hell weren't you picking up your phone? Belle has a fever, come over right now." I say, more like ordering. He is our mafia doctor and my close friend. He knows how I get when it comes to Belle or Kiara so he usually doesn't mind my tone.

"I am on a vacation right now Edmon. I would have picked up your call if I wasn't busy enjoying it." I grunt in response before hanging up.

I can't just take Belle to any physician I don't know. It's an unnerving thought.

"Why don't we take him to Aiden?"


"Dr Aiden, who found Belle in the hospital the other day. He's a medic like Drew."

"I know who he is. But why are you talking like he is your friend?"

"Cause he is." She replies in a duh tone. "Wait, I'll ask him if he can make a slight adjustment in his appointments for her."

I am at a loss for words at how fast she seems to be chatting with him. "He's free right now. We can bring her."

"Why are you chatting with him? You know what, not the time, but we'll talk about this." I say sternly, getting slightly irritated about the fact that she is the one talking to him.


"Belle sweety, we are going to go see a different doctor now. Do you remember the doctor who tied your hair?" I say, rubbing her back gently, aiming to wake her up. She rubs her eyes with her tiny fists and flutters them open. She clings to me and nuzzles her face in my neck, coughing vigorously. I try to soothe her and then continue. "We are going to see him. But don't be scared of him okay? He's nice." I say not knowing if what I said is true or not. She looks hesitant but nods regardless.

We get into the car and I turn the heat on. I check their seat belts before driving towards the hospital. Kiara messaged him to let him know that we are on our way. Once we arrive at the hospital, we walk toward his office and enter after a knock.

He sees us before motioning us to sit down. I try to calm my nerves over how I wanted to meet him and more importantly, how Belle is sick. He looks more than happy to meet Belle again. His gaze avert to mine a few times making me wonder if he wanted to see me just as I wanted to see him.
