
Chapter 16 - Crazy Ex

Edmon Zenith

"Johnny, why would you tell me this now? Why in the world didn't you tell me this earlier? And why in the world is he doing it? Again." I ask, already exhausted from this conversation.

"For the same reason, he's done it the other times. He wants to be the only person you ever date. Every time you go out and find someone or you try to go on a date, he does something as ridiculous as capture our men or steal our shipment. He's a total nutjob. I don't even know what you saw in him. The guy was a walking red flag." I don't understand if Johnny is reasoning with me or nagging me. He sometimes acts like a mother who is fed up with her son's poor choices of partners. But maybe that's reasonable. He has every right to. Hell even I agree that I dated some very questionable personalities.