
Chapter 15- A word of advice

Edmon Zenith

Getting back home, I felt nice. Like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I finally got the chance to be alone with him and so close to him after yesterday. He smelt different. Yesterday he smelt like alcohol and sweat but today he smelt fresh and nice. He smelt like the freshest of flowers, like lavender and I honestly wanted to purr in that proximity at just how good he smelt. How he managed to look shocked, surprised, embarrassed, and beautiful all at once is beyond me. My initial plan was to directly ask him out on a date. But after doing some calculations I concluded that he will say no if I will ask him this early. That's why I had to plan a simple dinner night first and then we can proceed to everything that is dating. Now my nerves are a lot less than they were before. My initial anxiety and fear have now vanished. They say the first steps are always the hardest to take, and that is a hundred percent true in my case.