
Chapter 11- Aiden's Confession [2]

Edmon Zenith

"So you truly like him?" I ask.

"Like is a heavy word. I mean I know nothing about him except his name. I would call it a mere infatuation or a crush at most. I don't like him." He says with a faraway look on his face and drinks some more from the bottle in his hand. Shit! I forgot it was here. I try to take it away from him but he fights like his life depends on it.

"I feel sick." He mutters before throwing up all over me. He tries to lean on me for some support but ends up spewing again.

"Yuck." He gags. I am amused and disgusted at the same time. I gently try to rub his back, not wanting to smear the liquid any more than it already is. I nudge him gently when he doesn'tmobe for a while, but no response.