
Chapter 10- Aiden's Confession

Edmon Zenith

I push Aiden inside the first room I find and yet he still manages to down another drink on the way up here, but I won't let him anymore. We can't possibly have a conversation right now with him being this shitfaced and there is no chance in hell that I am leaving him down there alone. Getting into the room I wasn't expecting the force that suddenly bumps into me and pushes me against the door. His soft plump lips are now on mine again and I can't help but kiss him back. One hand goes around my neck while his other rests on my pecs. My arms go around his waist till there is no space left between us and we kiss feverishly, stealing each other's breath away. I pull at his bottom lip and tug it away from his mouth evoking a moan so loud and delicious that it makes me come back to my senses.

This cannot happen. At least not now. Fighting every single urge in my body, I push him away from me, creating a safe distance between us but he doesn't relent. He keeps pecking my lips, planting kisses from my jaw to my mouth.


Is this how Aiden gets when he gets drunk? It's hard to control myself when he is so wasted, I wonder if he will still behave the same when sober. With a whole lot of courage and power, I successfully detach the doctor from my mouth. He looks like an angry bunny who is denied his favorite snack when he realizes I am the one who pushed him away. I want to kiss those pouty lips but that will escalate way too quickly for my liking or the situation's, so I just hold him by his shoulders at a fair distance to avoid the contact of the magnets that is our lips.

"Why would you do that? I-I was kissing you." Aiden slurs through his words.

"Aiden you are drunk. Is there someone who can come and pick you up? " I ask this ungodly wasted man.

"You are not Edmon, are you?" He pouts and stomps his foot. I have to hold in my chuckle because what the hell! What is he talking about?

"I am him. Why do you think I am someone else, Aiden? " I ask, getting closer and reducing my voice to a husky whisper at the end. He visibly shudders which just makes my smirk grow.

"Good lord! I kissed the wrong person again. Argh!" He whines softly.

Now that has my undivided attention. He pulls at his hair and groans in frustration. But I can't let that statement slide. What does he mean he kissed the wrong person and again? Was he not supposed to kiss me but someone else? That thought alone makes me want to pull the trigger on someone's head.

"Then who is the right person, Aiden?" I ask darkly. I lean down and stare him right in the eyes. He gulps down and I watch his adam's apple bob.

"Why should I tell you? You are a stranger." He says sternly but he just looks like a cute bunny.

"Well, you forcefully kissed a stranger. So don't you think you owe me an explanation? " I ask, raising my brows, and looking at him intently.

"W-Well it's just that-"

"That what?"

"I thought I was k-kissing him."

"Him who?"

"Just a guy I have had a crush on for a while, nothing huge."

"Tell me his name."

"Why should I?"

"Tell me his name, Aiden."

"His name's Edmon okay. Happy now?"

"Yeah. I am. I am happy now." I reply, a satisfactory grin on my face. He pulls away from me and goes to the mini fridge in the corner of the room. He yanks it open and grabs a bottle of whiskey from it. He chugs down a quarter of the liquor before moving to sit on the couch nearest to the wall. I watch as he reaches for his hair and rakes his fingers through them. Some of those strands fall on his eyes, giving him an overall look of a mental breakdown. My curiosity to know more about him is getting the best of me because maybe deep within, I know that even tomorrow I won't be able to chat with him properly. So this might be my only chance to see and know what's going on inside his head. This may be a violation of privacy but I am the mafia for God's sake, I think I can handle another breach in my manners. I make my way toward him and sit down beside him keeping only inches of space between us.

"What?" He asks like he can't believe I had the audacity to sit next to him.

"So tell me more about this Edmon guy that you like." I tread carefully.

"Why? Why do you want to know? It's just a crush and he probably doesn't and won't even like me. Nobody does. " He says with a voice laced with sadness. I would have believed that this conversation was just about me if it wasn't for the last statement. Who else is he talking about, I mean who won't like him? He's adorable. I have to choose my words very carefully here. It's like walking on thin ice and if I want to get some intel, I might have to use some tricks.

"That's not true. I am sure this Edmon likes you too, you know. You are too cute to resist." I say flirtatiously. He blushes a bright pink and turns his head sideways to hide it. But his expression fades quickly before he answers in a gloomy voice.

"You are saying these things because you haven't seen him the way I did. He is so fucking handsome. I mean I have seen a fair share of men in my life but him, he's walking sex on a stick. His dark eyes, chiseled jaw, the dark aura that surrounds him, and the perfect height difference between us. He's like my fantasy man." I stay a little dumbstruck as I listen to this man gush about every single detail of my body and my face. If I didn't know him I would assume he is a stalker. Those red eyes that were dull a few moments ago are now as bright as a ruby. He perfectly describes every little feature of my face, how my nose is a little crooked, how brown my eyes are, he even mentions how cute Belle is and how he finds the sight of us endearing. I take in every word coming out of his mouth and realize that this guy does have a crush on me, I wasn't mistaken.

But can this go further than this? Can it be something else? That is the question.