
Mafia's enemy lover (18+)

Ashley_Acetan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

chapter 2

He was stunned by seeing the amount inside the card .

It was approximately 50,568$ .

He bring out his father's cell phone. There was a notification from 9 minutes earlier that" 50,000$ was transferred to you by agust d " .

He was shocked, who could it be ?..

Is someone's helping us ? Or there's someone who have to pay my father's debt?

He thanked God and tried to hurry back to hospital. When he reached hospital, doctor came out of the O.R . It's about 4 and a half hours .

"Mr. Park ?" . Doctor asked.

"Yes ! Here I am Doctor ."He hurriedly reply.

"Now patient is under anesthesia but we have to isolate him for next 24 hours , his response is necessary. If he didn't respond, either he will be in coma or either his heart will not be suitable for him so it can lead to death . Please beware of any circumstances." Doctor was gone leaving him in a situation of shock !.

He sat on the couch inside the room and saw his father . Such a pity ..... He was too tired from past 2 nights so he didn't realize when he dozed off. He didn't even notice when someone entered the room, stare him, put a bouquet of peony flowers and a bag of food on beside table and standing there looking at him

but Jimin didn't awake at all.

The sound of the door closing opened his eyes.He stared towards the door .

"Is someone's there ?"

He said in a sleepy voice. No one replied!.

Then he look at his father.

His eyes fell on the flowers lying nearby.

Who was that ?.. he just thought. Then he speedily went to the door and opened it. He saw a shadow drifting towards the hallway. Who was that ?

Jimin can only think.

Then he saw a bag of kimchi jjigae stew and Japanese meat inside the bag with a cold drink. Jimin was not in the mood of having dinner but he thought it would be a waste if he didn't eat his favorite food !...

So he just had dinner. Then he hold the bouquet .Now those peony flowers had withered. He was smelling those flowers when he realized that his father was still. It made his heart aches so much .

He prayed with the cores of his heart while looking at his father sadly.

Around 5 in the morning, his eyes opened. He tried to focus in front of him .

His father was still laying . He freshed up himself. And then get back to his father.

He hold his father's hand, and start talking to him about various stuff so his father's bady may respond.

Around 7 , Doctor came into room and checked on Mr. Pil. He asked Jimin about his father response but Jimin said No, there was no any physical response. He spent the whole day with his father. Aroud 6 in the evening, Jimin was laying his head on his father's hand,he suddenly feel a twitching. In a thousandth of a second, his mind worked. He call the Doctor. Doctor came and had a proper check up . Then he congratulate Jimin , which mentally relaxed him.

"Congratulations.Mr.park , we made it ! Your father is out of danger. Now pray that heart must suit him. Otherwise it must be troublesome. Here's the prescription, please bring that medicine.

Jimin sit beside his dad and gave him a kiss on forehead then smile politely while seeing his father. Mr. Pil slightly opened his eyes, and saw an angelic face in front of him." Oh___ m__my lit_tle prince !... " A broken voice reached his ears.

"Dad !"Jimin almost cried.

"No __my dear Jiminaah.. __ don't you __try to cr_cry .ok ." He smile at Jimin.

"Definitely Dad . How can I cry when you are finally fine . Please dad don't let me alone again !."Jimin requested.

" Hey! My chimmy __ come over here. Let me hug you. " "Dad , but Doctor forbid it . Please , if You want to hug me , you should must've to be fully recovered. Ok ?" He smiled politely.

"Father I'll be right back with your medicines . So you should take more rest ! Now get back to sleep !." Jimin put sheet onto his father . And move a step towards the door. He look at his father again to make sure that he is fine . His father was laying down with his eyes closed. . Jimin went to the pharmacy and purchase medicines.